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Winter 2014 Anime |OT2| Waiting for Sakamoto

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I think the "plot" is really just a metaphor about runaways. If you think about it, every character in the organization is a kid except for the general. And they're all runaways of sorts. If we remove all the fantasy elements from the show, it seems like a statement about a lonely old guy who opened his home to runaway kids after his wife died. Kate is the one who has the strongest ambition among them all, so he tries to enable her hopes and dreams, and all the other children follow in her footsteps because children are attracted by those with strong visions.

If it's a metaphor then it's a strong one at that, considering the opening scene of the first episode.


Kuroko no Basket S2 21

Who would of guess
that Kuroko would be the first to score on the defense of Rakuzan

First half finished very quickly.
2nd half is where the power of Rakuzan will be revealed.


I think there's clearly a vaaaaaague intention. Not that the director is caught up in these small details. The important thing is probably to just be as random and crazy every week as possible in a 20 minute runtime. Lol.

The fact that the leader of White Light is the old guy's sister-in-law, and the governor is the main character's father, also seems to imply that the entire conflict on the show is just an extended multi-family squabble. Lol.
Yeah the crazy/silliness seems to be the focus.
On the spoilered part, that was what I was getting at on my first post! It really is quite hilarious. Especially when put in the context of the destruction in episode 1.


[Nisekoi] - 8

The faces this week. So good. I mean, far, far inferior to Doremi obviously, but still pretty good. Also plenty of best girl am i rite?


"Good tsundere character"

"Bad tsundere character"

Are these two classifications meaninglessly interchangeable, or are there actually sufficiently distinct examples for each? Is the whole thing just too subjective to evaluate? Do people even care about the tsundere trait anymore?

Just something I was thinking about last night.
"Good tsundere character"

"Bad tsundere character"

Are these two classifications meaninglessly interchangeable, or are there actually sufficiently distinct examples for each? Is the whole thing just too subjective to evaluate? Do people even care about the tsundere trait anymore?

Just something I was thinking about last night.

People still care about the trait, much to my chagrin. Usually the good/bad tsundere character is more easy to spot when you have two tsunderes in a work, because one is distinctly made to be shittier than the other (See Yui and Nana in TLRD)

Obviously the good tsunderes are the ones who are more dere.
Log horizon - 22

Krusty café ? looooool
One thing with romcoms is that i usualy take my side quickly but in this arc i don't know whose the best ...akatsuki ? minori ?

Both are great

"i require fashion !"

Ahem both girls have a very nice list of solid points thankfully the issue at hand is quite big to be solved for this arc alone ..so ....

Anyway , great episode , a giant playground of gifs ... i hope a S2 exist ....but right now i'm more worried about ep 24 & 25, so far so good , but they really need to nail the ending of this season..
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! - Episode 5

More Hana doing Onpu related things again (abeit with only her becoming Onpu now) and looking incredibly cute while doing it! Those messed up tennis shots were the best.


"Good tsundere character"

"Bad tsundere character"

Are these two classificatoins meaninglessly interchangeable, or are there actually sufficient distinct examples for each?

"Tsundere" is a character descriptor, not necessarily an intrinsic value of judgment, so it's indeed possible to have a 'good' tsundere and a 'bad' tsundere. The question you should be asking instead is whether the distinction between a good or bad tsundere is primarily a function of how the tsundere trait manifests or a function of how the character's ancillary traits marry with their tsundereness.

Is the whole thing just too subjective to evaluate?

Not anymore subjective than evaluating any other character traits I would assume.

Do people even care about the tsundere trait anymore?

Well it's been a mainstay of fiction in many cultures for what seems like forever, so you tell me? Unless you're referring to a specific subset of this character trait in which case you need to be more specific.


Well it's been a mainstay of fiction in many cultures for what seems like forever, so you tell me? Unless you're referring to a specific subset of this character trait in which case you need to be more specific.
Hmm, I guess I sort of asked the wrong question for the last line there... I think what I meant to say was along the lines of, since as you pointed out it's almost a mainstay now, does it seem like almost a required element for at least one character in a cast nowadays, making it less "special" in any sense?


ImoCho 09

"Don't talk with your butt". I just want to say, I love the job the translator's doing on this show. Lots of colloquialisms, but they're all good translations. The cooking battle end reminded me more of InaKoi, in that the rivalry slowly but surely turned into friendship. Hiyori just doesn't know when to stop.

Tesagure! Bukatsumono Encore 08

That was a pretty cool song performance. The moment when Aoi leaped off the drum kit and started playing the cymbals on stage rocked! Now that's how you do a school festival episode.


Hmm, I guess I sort of asked the wrong question for the last line there... I think what I meant to say was along the lines of, since as you pointed out it's almost a mainstay now, does it seem like almost a required element for at least one character in a cast nowadays, making it less "special" in any sense?
Given it has existed as long as fiction has, I don't think it ever was 'special'.


I looked up an image for Sora No Woto.

Sorry No Watchy.

In all seriousness I've never been a big fan of all-girl cast shows for one reason or the other. Hence why I think yuri shows are terrible. Maybe some other time.

SnW is legit great. Its widely loved by animegaf. What image possibly made you instantly decide this?

Kotoura-san 1-5

Wow. The opening scene to this show really gets you hooked. This show can go from serious drama to over-the-top comedy quickly, which can be a bit jarring but it's super interesting. I kind of wish they chose a more serious approach but I really dig this either way. Highly recommend checking out the first ep. The first 10 mins especially tells you so much about Kotoura -- it's really well done.

Kotoura started off really strong but got weaker over time. still good.
It was a bit creepy at times. Kotoura was still super adorable.

For me it goes: "Follow that guy because he sounds cool without reading his TL"
"Oh god it's all pixiv links heeeeeelp" *unfollow*

Yeah that was quite disappointing even when I knew of that fact in advance.

Actually this is where I will mention that Crunchyroll recently started offering motion manga on their site on that note. I don't think anyone posted it here yet.

I kinda wanted to watch Xenoglosia, then I looked at screenshots and they kinda put me off. I think I will wait a while.


I think people follow mine for the hugs and the cute pictures.

No-rin ep 8
Oh my god becky why?! oh god I need to take a shower to wash off this 40 year old hag off me.

But Saito Chiwa is fucking excellent is voicing Becky.

There will always be the one true Becky.
SnW is legit great. Its widely loved by animegaf. What image possibly made you instantly decide this?

I just went to the MAL description. None of the character descriptions, plot premise or images I found grabbed my interest. I'm sure it's well liked among anime fans. But so is Gurls Und Panzer. And I thought that show was Gurls Und Canzer.
aka didn't grab my interest, had to make the joke

Yeah Takao is easily the best girl. I hope she wins but there aint no chance in hell. Poor girl.

She's not going to win because it's clear it's not meant as a romcom. If it was, the show is making it really obvious they consider her best character, considering all the focus she gets.
[Nisekoi] - 8

The faces this week. So good. I mean, far, far inferior to Doremi obviously, but still pretty good. Also plenty of best girl am i rite?

I feel strange with Jexhius name-dropping Doremi while he's doing Nisekoi's review, but yeah it had plenty of best girl.
Still waiting your impressions of ♯ 40.

No-Rin - 08



Tomodachi wa Mahou
She's not going to win because it's clear it's not meant as a romcom. If it was, the show is making it really obvious they consider her best character, considering all the focus she gets.

I mean its definitely there. Theres a fairly well established triangle there with Takao and Roka both seeking MC's attention in their own ways and getting flustered when MC gives the other girl some attention.

And yeah the folks making the show definitely feel the same way about Takao being the best girl by far. I'm glad as the show goes on she gets more and more screen time. I was actually worried she would get less time after what happens in the initial few episodes but the opposite totally happened.
I mean its definitely there. Theres a fairly well established triangle there with Takao and Roka both seeking MC's attention in their own ways and getting flustered when MC gives the other girl some attention.

And yeah the folks making the show definitely feel the same way about Takao being the best girl by far. I'm glad as the show goes on she gets more and more screen time. I was actually worried she would get less time after what happens in the initial few episodes but the opposite totally happened.

Yep. Now if only the son and father side characters got more screen time. Or a whole show based off them.


"Good tsundere character"

"Bad tsundere character"

Are these two classifications meaninglessly interchangeable, or are there actually sufficiently distinct examples for each? Is the whole thing just too subjective to evaluate? Do people even care about the tsundere trait anymore?

Just something I was thinking about last night.

A good tsundere is one who may have some closeness issues or be playing hard to get.

A bad tsundere is an awful bitch who only the author tolerates.


For me the difference between a "good" and "bad" tsundere (not counting other character traits/quality of writing) is whether it feels like a character just has generic tsundere characteristics tacked onto their character for no good reason as opposed to it being an intrinsic element of their personality and character development.

Under this criteria Taiga would be a good tsundere while Shana would be a bad one.


Strike witches ep1

Despite all the hometown being thrown in my face this was a pretty... boring episode over all, the protagonist's pacifism really makes no sense in the context of
an alien invasion that's trying to wipe out the earth, i really hope they don't try to pull the "we just don't understand them!" schtick later on to try to give some kind of moral backing to her stance.
The VA for eyepatch girl is really bad.... there really are just too many areas of this show that are only there to appeal to otaku fetishes like the random tails and ears, the inability of any females to wear pants
the first person who says "but Envelaap they're not panties so it's ok!" will be murdered in their sleep
, sunbathing while on duty... not only is that in and of itself unappealing, the contrast it creates with the "darker" side of the show, finding out who killed her dad etc, really does the show no favors at all. Dissonance can be used to good effect if it's intentionally used to contrast differing ideals or actions and beliefs, but as far as i can tell all the thought that went into this show is "girls in panties are hot lol"

Isnt it glorious?
Its so glorious!

A quick explanation:

DTL- Boys Love
SDBurton- Girls Love
Chet- Tits
Cajun- Diabetes.

These are the only ones we actually use on much of a regular basis. Wonzo is really bad art and Kayos is asking dumb questions, but those aren't really as commonplace as the four above.

I love you Corvy kun.
Kotoura-san 1-5

Wow. The opening scene to this show really gets you hooked. This show can go from serious drama to over-the-top comedy quickly, which can be a bit jarring but it's super interesting. I kind of wish they chose a more serious approach but I really dig this either way. Highly recommend checking out the first ep. The first 10 mins especially tells you so much about Kotoura -- it's really well done.

Yeah, that intro was fantastic and had they kept up that level of seriousness throughout the show it could have been amazing. As is, it was still an enjoyable show though it could have done without creepy pedo-grampa.

The World God Only Knows: Goddesses 06

Yes. I like her much better than in the first season. This time it was funny and I almost got moved enough for tearing up as well. Good episode.

I thought she was better in S1. But either way its irrelevant as
becomes best girl is S3 anyhow.


All this tsundere talk is making me want to check out that one manga where "tsundere" is treated as a serious personality disorder. I can't remember the title right now though.
World conquest -08

What in the zvezda name of the freaking master full telling this anime plot is rying to tell me ?

Best diversion ever
I have no idea ..

Now don't get me wrong this episode was "the shit" with a plot that i can understand , more reveal that i can count , a lot of self jokes about themselves , a excellent fight and a delicious attention to detail so i LIKED IT ..


But i haven't been this confused since a long time watching a show like this...at this level like like the entire set of episode is forshadowing for a future plot twist and i have NO idea where the ship is heading.


A quick explanation:

DTL- Boys Love
SDBurton- Girls Love
Chet- Tits
Cajun- Diabetes.

These are the only ones we actually use on much of a regular basis. Wonzo is really bad art and Kayos is asking dumb questions, but those aren't really as commonplace as the four above.

I associate Theonik with butts for the most part.
Kuroko's Basketball 2 Episode 46

Yosen is still a largely uninteresting team but their vice captain, Kensuke is amazing. He may be the victim of always being tricked, like Sakurai, but he still adds an incredible level of entertainment to their team. I cant get enough.

Great episode overall, Kuroko is stunning and Izuki getting in some good moments. Ready for things to be taken to the next level. Opening Cyclone Pass was the best moment though.


Strike 20-

Asagi is an idiot. What part about staying the fuck away does she not understand? Was he speaking in a different language?


Awww, you're learning!

:Link Man is for nightmare fan art.

There are all manner of sub ones, like :Theonik is butts and :duckroll is CGI Mechapocalypse, and :Hito is purple cat/fox women, but those 4 are the main ones.

I thought :hito was Mahou Shoujo monocles?


Log Horizon Episode 22:

Not going to lie, this was a rather tedious episode to watch, I think Akatsuki said it best in calling her rival a middle schooler, the whole cake segment was just awkward and besides it is known that Henrietta would be the best match for Shiroe. Honestly, I wanted to see much more of the festival instead of watching what amounted to the harem spin-off visual novel episode.


I thought :hito was Mahou Shoujo monocles?

Maybe, but :Hito will always be purple anthro to me.

Oh no, we've come full circle.

That's what circles do, though.

Getter Robo G 3

It's hard to like Benkei when his entire character is "Not Musashi." It's hard to respect the Demon Empire when their entire character is "Not the Dinosaur Empire." I mean, Mad Respect for my main man General Hidler, but the rest of these guys are clowns.
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