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Winter 2014 Anime |OT2| Waiting for Sakamoto

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There are way too many :usernames for me to fucking remember. I'll just put them all under :you

Either ways back to watching anime after beating Guacamelee! Arriba arriba


Tesagure! Bukatsu-mono Encore 8

Anime cultural festivals aren't 100% true to life? My world is crumbling around me! Everything I thought I knew is a lie!
A supposed Spring list.


Even just in a list I can feel the overwhelming awesomeness of Tatsuya from Mahouka. Not sure how people will cope.

I shall be watching

Atelier Escha & Logy ~ Tasogara no Sora no Renkinjutsushi~
Baby Steps
Black Bullet
Cardfight!! Vanguard
Captain Earth
Fairy Tail
JJBA: Stardust Crusaders
Kamigami no Asobi ~Ludere deorum~
Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
Kiniro no Corda: Blue Sky
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
Mekaku City Actors
No Game No Life
Ping Pong: The Animation
Knights of Sidonia
Soul Eater Not!
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
Hitsugi no Chaika
Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin

Top 3 Anime of the Season
Mekaku City Actors

I want to see Monster Retsudon Oreca Battle, Hero Bank, and Dragon Collection...but will any get picked up for english release? :(


Being down about a season with Jojo, Mushishi, and PingPong? C'mon son.

e: so this is how it feels to be ord

will watch:

ping pong

will give a shot:

captain earth
bokura wa minna kawaisou
black bullet
knight of sidonia
isshukan friends
hitsugi no chaika

sports animu i might try watching:

baby steps
abarenbou rikishi
Spring Watching List Time?

For Sure:
- Atelier Escha & Logy ~Tasogare no Sora no Renkinjutsushi~
- Haikyuu!!
- Isshuukan Friends.
- Mekaku City Actors
- Puchimas!!

Willing to Try Out:
- Akuma no Riddle
- Black Bullet
- Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou
- Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka?
- Hero Bank
- Kamigami no Asobi ~Ludere deorum~
- Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara
- Kenzen Robo Daimidaler
- Keroro
- Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei
- Mangaka-san to Assistant-san to
- No Game No Life
- Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin
- Soul Eater Not!
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V

Kinda pleased to see my watchlist to be pretty small this time around.


It validates one's existence. If senpai never noticed you it's as if you never existed in this world. Doomed to fade from existence like an abandoned car rusting away in a forest.

Of all the :'s, I have never actually managed to decipher the exact meaning of firehawk. For a long time I figured :firehawk was the true meaning of :corvo, since :firehawk's reaction to SAO was the OG. Now though I have no real idea.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 7








Ping Pong is the only thing worth getting excited about from the spring shows. Maybe Knights of Sidonia if I want a good laugh at ugly CG or maybe see what Brains Base will do with Isshuukan Friends.
Watchlist until further notice:
Jojo's Part 3
Bokura wa Minna Kawaiso
Black Bullet
Akuma no Riddle
Date a Live S2
No Game No Life (Miyukichi stoooooooooooooop)
Mekaku City Actors
Brown Waifu featuring Captain Earth
Ping Pong
Love Live S2
Atelier Escha and Logy

The usual amount I think.


Spring Watching List Time?

Given my recent history, I'll just say I'll try every first episode that appears on CR unless its visibly 'not for me'.

I wonder what shows from this season are continuing into Spring. I know I had I think 8 shows from last season that continued into this.


Trails in the Sky is a pretty fun game. One of my favorite things is that there's funny little messages after you open a treasure chest like "Nope.Still Empty" and "Once wasn't enough for you? You double dipper!" Haha. Just a bunch of funny little messages like that.


Nafe is either really clever or reads twitter

Are you referring to my post about :madp?

I don't remember which show it was about now but recall him mentioning that it was too bad that more shows didn't have characters with coloured eyelashes as he liked them. I didn't really pay conscious attention to that type of thing before but that comment made me try and note now when I saw it.

I've actually come to like it myself now and madp even made another post at one point as kind of a reminder that if anyone sees it could they give him notice about it. Recently a few times I had and while I wasn't sure if he would like the show or not, I thought I'd post to tell him about it.

As far as liking exposed midriff, I don't remember how much he's posted about it but just remember him saying that he liked Kasumi/Misty's design from Pokemon with the short top and suspenders and that she was his first,or one of his first, anime crushes. When Gargantia was airing someone posted a gif from the scene of Amy dancing in an Arabic type bikini outfit and he posted a response something like "arfgnrf! My weakness.",haha. Regulus the one time posted a picture of a girl with exposed midriff. It actually might have been Rei from Sailor Moon and her outfit where she's got the shorter red top and black pants if you remember that one. Anyway, they both seemed to get a bit :firehawk about it commenting that girls don't seem to wear outfits like that as much and they miss the 90's fashion or something,haha.

I'm betting on a counterpart, possibly named Red.

True, that's another possibility. With the PreCure shows that I've seen that general idea has been done at least twice before.

:Nafe stands for time capsules.

I'm apparently the true final boss of AnimeGaf,haha. This picture now works pretty well.

Is it time to update the list of :madp (primary meaning) anime yet? This is what I can remember:

Bimbougami ga!
Element Hunters
Kamisama Hajimemashita
Mawaru Penguindrum

And I've just been informed on twitter that Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki no Naku also counts.

I'd have to think but Blazblue has it as well, although I think you took a look at that and didn't like it anyway due to it looking pretty low budget oftentimes.

Hattori mentioned Deadman Wonderland if you missed that. Shiro is pretty fun. Kind of your typical genki Kana Hanazawa character. I'm not sure if you would like the show though given your tastes. It's something where you might want to look at it like more of a list candidate type show or not over-analyze its over-the-top nature. It's ultimately up to you though.

Link Man

Will likely check out:

Hitsugi no Chaika
Isshuukan Friends
Captain Earth
Mekaku City Actors

And perhaps the Soul Eater prequel, though I have reservations going by that description.


black bullet
akuma no riddle
baby steps
isshuukan friends
sumo thing
ping pong
anime mirai 2014 stuff

the cg for sidonia looks like total shit so i'll just stick to the manga & captain earth looks bonezzzZZZzz


will watch/check out:

Mushishi S2 - Still need to finish S1
Ping Pong - Mostly because Matsumoto owns but Yuasa's cool too.
JoJo Part 3 - Because JoJo
Knights of Sidonia - Ehhhh maybe the CG will get better? Maybe? :(
Black Bullet - manga seems solid so far
One Week Friends - The manga is really cute

+ whatever else AnimeGAF recommends

Ping Pong's artstyle is giving me fucking nightmares.

One Piece Episode 635 – The Fateful Reunion! Bellamy the Hyena!

Probably one of the worst quality crunchyroll experiences in awhile, though they typically average the one mispelled word per episode, seeing random characters show up and a /N was just plain odd especially not even a minute apart, surely multiple folks forgot to quality check or something.

Episode was alright though already highlights the major problem with Oda's storytelling. Way too many events happening at the same in too many locations. Perhaps beneficial for the anime is that at each time it said the characters name and location and potentially what they were doing, but still, just hard to follow and everything disconnected. CP0 needs more.


Of all the :'s, I have never actually managed to decipher the exact meaning of firehawk. For a long time I figured :firehawk was the true meaning of :corvo, since :firehawk's reaction to SAO was the OG. Now though I have no real idea.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure 7







That sums up Phantom Blood yes.


Of all the :'s, I have never actually managed to decipher the exact meaning of firehawk. For a long time I figured :firehawk was the true meaning of :corvo, since :firehawk's reaction to SAO was the OG. Now though I have no real idea.
It's confusing because people misuse :'s as an indirect way of quoting users. Basically, a thing they may have said or a perceived shtick that is memorable to the person using it.
:firehawk is meant to mean Mono no Aware it can refer to a variety of things but is more applicable in transient things.

I don't remember which show it was about now but recall him mentioning that it was too bad that more shows didn't have characters with coloured eyelashes as he liked them. I didn't really pay conscious attention to that type of thing before but that comment made me try and note now when I saw it.
I am also trying to squeeze my brain about this. I remember what post you are talking about. Also remember it prompted madp to speak of other 'things' he said hr'd never speak to anyone about, much to hito's dismay.


It validates one's existence. If senpai never noticed you it's as if you never existed in this world. Doomed to fade from existence like an abandoned car rusting away in a forest.

I think I've seen this anime....
As for Spring Anime, right now my plan is:

Date A Live S2
Love Live S2
Soul Eater Not

Subject to change after watching trailers.
I'll watch everything from winter in my backlog.

Will check out Love Live S2 eventually. And whatever seems interesting when you guys starts posting impressions.


Oh, are we doing Spring watchlists? I might put together a proper one closer to the time with tiers and shit, but for the moment let's just say I'll be checking out "pretty much everything" as usual.

Obvious best show of the season will be JoJo. Secret best show of the season will be Isshuukan Friends. Also interested to see what this Mekaku City Actors thing will be like.

And I'd like to watch Mushishi since there's so much positive feeling behind it, but I don't know how feasible it'll be to get through the existing 26-episode series before next season starts =/


Ah, Spring lists. I'm... not very discriminating.

Top Tier
Magica Wars

Watching Tier
Dai Shogun
Akuma no Riddle
Soul Eater Not
Date A Live II
No Game No Life
Black Bullet
Love Live

Long Running
Pretty Rhythm All Star Selection
Fairy Tail

Potentially Interested in Tier
Escha & Logy
One Week Friends
Mekaku City

Inugami Nekoyama

Happiness Charge Precure


I'm seeing a distinct lack of Captain Earth on people's watch lists for next season

It's basically the only show I know for sure I'm watching next season.

That sums up Phantom Blood yes.

Speedwagon can't even Ripple but just putting on Zeppeli's hate makes him dope as heck.

It's confusing because people misuse :'s as an indirect way of quoting users. Basically, a thing they may have said or a perceived shtick that is memorable to the person using it.
:firehawk is meant to mean Mono no Aware it can refer to a variety of things but is more applicable in transient things.


Higurashi 14

Bitch be cray y'all. Bitch. Be. Cray.


Yeah, I was going to watch it at some point anyway but might have to bump it up the list for those beautiful backgrounds.

Ah, okay. Yeah, that wouldn't really surprise me hence my disclaimer,haha.
Bump it!

I'm watching everything (at least the first couple episodes,) because there is always a hidden gem :)


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
the wind rises
the front channel was blown out at the movie theater, so whenever characters talked it sounded like the speakers built into my television. i walked out ten seconds into the film and got a refund. still a better movie going experience than ponyo.
That is a lot of anime for the spring season.

So e interesting looking ones in there. Some don't particularly look good but have interesting synopsis'.

We will see how it goes next season. Usually my favorite anime of the season I don't pick up until the show is at least 5-6 episodes in. That's what happened this season with Engaged to the Unidentified this season.
kirbyguy is free atm

I'm scared

Happiness Charge Precure! 05

This week's cameo is Miyuki. Who is not the Smile Cure I keep hoping for, but I'll accept it. Aside from the shot of Fortune at the end, this was mostly about Megumi and Hime being friends and realizing that not everybody you help has good intentions. ackbar.jpg. But it still had some highlights, like running through the entire cosplay spectrum of their outfits (love Officer Hime), Lollipop Hiphop, which is probably my favorite of the CGI forms so far, and Megumi doing LASER EYEBEAMS.

I leave for once and Lovely does something awesome? shit


The Light of El Cantare
A supposed Spring list.


Even just in a list I can feel the overwhelming awesomeness of Tatsuya from Mahouka. Not sure how people will cope.


Lady Jewelpet
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc V

Actual Hype

Ping Pong

Zero Expectations

Fuuuuuuuun Ishin Dai Shogun
Kanzen Robo Daimidaler
Knights of Sidonia
Mekaku City Actors
Soredemo whatever

Negative Expectations (Toei)

Abarenbou Rikishi! Matsutarou
Kindaichi Shounen no Jikenbo R

yuri, I guess

Akuma no Riddle
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san

If I catch up on Battle Tendency in time

JoJo Stardust Crusaders

If I catch up on S1 in time

Mushishi S2

Gets ONE episode because Kinema Citrus

Black Bullet

what the hell is this

Majin Bone


Kino's Journey 9

Wow. There is a lot in this episode. I'm almost afraid to actually make a comment, though, because that criticism of "Critics" sitting in a circle tearing apart the works of others and ruining the fun of others was something beyond merely scathing. Truly the sickest of burns, coupled immediately afterward with the fact that you cannot hoard fun to yourself.

A buttload of existentialism, too, and all kinds of stuff I've just completely been able to really soak in all at once.

Kino's Journey is the kind of anime that makes you sit down and think about it, y'know?


I wonder about Disk Wars: Avengers. Would anyone be allowed to stream that? Or will people have to wait for a dub on a Disney cable channel?
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