OK so I'm about 10 episodes into Haikyuu now and I'm just thinking it's ok. Like, it's not bad, but it's also not really grabbing my attention.
OK so I'm about 10 episodes into Haikyuu now and I'm just thinking it's ok. Like, it's not bad, but it's also not really grabbing my attention.
sounds about right.
it's an average sports show with an average cast and great animation.
I still haven't a clue why it blew up when there are so many better sports anime *shrugs*
here's hoping we will eventually get a new Ippo season.
Haikyu is absolutely phenomenal! The only sports anime that rivals it in any way is Big Windup! Oofuri.OK so I'm about 10 episodes into Haikyuu now and I'm just thinking it's ok. Like, it's not bad, but it's also not really grabbing my attention.
Thank you funi!
Were ecstatic to announce Free! Iwatobi Swim Club- (season 1) is FINALLY coming to Blu-ray/DVD this Julypre-order goes up tomorrow!
I like Cross Game. It's a great sports anime.
Are you fan of sports shows? I think you should keep watching but if you don't get hooked by the end of S1, I think you probably won't like the other seasons.
Wick 2 is a vastly better action movie than the first, the difference is so wide that it's really not up for debate.
Wick 1 does do some things better, pretty much exclusively on the motivation side, but action-wise Wick 2 blows it out of the water.
The only sports anime I love is Gundam Build Fighters.
Otherwise that's another genre I typically stay away from.
Eh, Wick 2 can get pretty monotonous unless you really enjoy watching stormtroopers die. I kinda wish they were stormtroopers, the multiverse potential is immense - what's Wick's midichlorian count?
There's just nothing interesting about most of the slaughter. They're so long and repetitive that by the time they wrap up the only thing that sticks out is how it's facilitated as it goes, the weapon swapping, tossing, reloading. But no matter how tacticool the shotgun reload was (and it was super tacticool), Keanu going through the motions of a target practice for like thirty minutes of runtime is just... boring.
I don't give a shit about the deep John Wick cinematic universe lore, but it looks like 3 will have more assassin vs assassin stuff at least, and those were great. Smaller, more intimate encounters. That's what I want.
Wait. John Wick 2 isn't about Assassin vs Assassni? Wut. Who gives a shit about Wick killing grunts?
Wait. John Wick 2 isn't about Assassin vs Assassni? Wut. Who gives a shit about Wick killing grunts?
Eh, Wick 2 can get pretty monotonous unless you really enjoy watching stormtroopers die. I kinda wish they were stormtroopers, the multiverse potential is immense - what's Wick's midichlorian count?
There's just nothing interesting about most of the slaughter. They're so long and repetitive that by the time they wrap up the only thing that sticks out is how it's facilitated as it goes, the weapon swapping, tossing, reloading. But no matter how tacticool the shotgun reload was (and it was super tacticool), Keanu going through the motions of a target practice for like thirty minutes of runtime is just... boring.
I don't give a shit about the deep John Wick cinematic universe lore, but it looks like 3 will have more assassin vs assassin stuff at least, and those were great. Smaller, more intimate encounters. That's what I want.
Cross Game was probably the anime that got me hooked on anime. High School of the Dead then corrupted me.
Watch Haikyu or Big windup! Oofuri.Is there another sports anime (that isn't 100+ episodes) that comes close to Cross Game?
I disagree about the Rome sequence. Not only is it very well shot and framed, how some of the sequences play out is fairly fun too. The movie shows how extensively Wick plans his missions to things like weapon placement or moment-to-moment improvisation.
There's a beauty in how Wick surgically operates and Keanu does a great job demonstrating that. The grunts also serve a larger narrative purpose in that they wear Wick out which makes his fights with the elite assassins even more tense as he's pretty much banged up and tired while they're in prime condition.
The finale is also visually very cool in a way that Wick 1 never was.
Rome: I liked the "shopping" (with the prep work, the acquisition of weapons, etc in a very power fantasy kind of a way), but the "cooking" was very meh untilbarged in. I disagree about the execution of it--there's just so little to work with. Good action scenes require, I guess (and I am just kinda typing as I go here), a sort of an understanding of the architecture of the stage, the environment, and the ability to exploit that is fundamental when it comes to framing the action in mind. And there is just nothing there in theCassian--the corridor that Wick walks down capping dudes in the head is the extent of its framing, from wall to wall its boundaries.catacombs
For me the "beauty" is undermined by how perfunctory and boring it begins to feel. Competence is measured by the other's response and I think that tends to get undermined by the growing awkwardness with which the viewer realizes that no one seems to shot John in the head. It gets comical when his enemies get the clear drop on him but just shoot him in the back, right into the folds of his bulletproof suit jacket.
We do know however that Wick knows, which is the important part.. He uses particular guns fit for the right occasion and location.He plants guns in precise locations and has a well thought out backup plan with his movements are planned
The camerawork takes advantage of the large number of corners in that Wick is sometimes shot out of frame. The low visibility raises the tension level in that it's harder for him, and the audience to see where a shot is coming from. It's a rather chaotic atmosphere and the camerawork captures that fairly well.
Well I don't think people generally expect a person, even a hitman I suppose, to wear a bulletproof suit.
The question you should be asking isn't, "Why is everybody else so bad?" but rather "Why is Wick so good?".
Big Windup! Oofuri.
I mean, the camerawork is fine, but I just don't think it does anything special. Like I'm thinking back to it and the only shot that seemed worthy of consideration after was related to the, and it takes advantage of the tightness of that particular stretch of the tunnel to zoom in a bit as he reloads. And I don't think the low visibility mattered for the tension level due to it being 'harder' since we have no way of seeing that it was hard at all.shotgun reload->pistol shot when it spins around him to catch a view of incoming scrubs
And I have to disagree about the atmosphere, I think the intent in general was to offset the chaotic nature of it, which in turn is what makes it boring.
Narrative wise it makes no sense tho,these are the underlings of some Type Moon esque HIGH COUNCIL of assassins. Any tech available to a contractor like John should be available to the these fellas as well, at least knowledge of it. Is there no communication between the goons? Are they all deaf? Like the entire sequence kicks off with him running away in the open with his jacket held up to protect him as they open fire--does no one there think that maybe something is off?
However I think they did a good job of depicting what is and isn't in the frame in this case.
Well the thing with the catacombs was to portray it initially as a clusterfuck in which it looks like John might be trapped and outgunned. However the movie slowly and quietly reveals that he had planned precisely for a scenario like this and was prepared.
So I suppose the assumption is that the Continental aspects aren't exactly common knowledge.
for v-day horrible anime roleplay ideas.
"You are an assassin, I am a simple country boy, the only thing that could get in our way is that creepy clown."
"I found a black notebook on the ground, and I wrote your name and then 'from pleasure' in it while you were near me and you came to me ^_-"
anyone have any other ideas lol?
whatfor v-day horrible anime roleplay ideas.
"You are an assassin, I am a simple country boy, the only thing that could get in our way is that creepy clown."
"I found a black notebook on the ground, and I wrote your name and then 'from pleasure' in it while you were near me and you came to me ^_-"
anyone have any other ideas lol?
This is the first title change in how long? Keanu is an amazing human being and he rules anime. Truly a good day
This is so old-school it hurts.