Kemono Friends 02
Is the ED just still shots of fucking Chernobyl?
Is the ED just still shots of fucking Chernobyl?
Kemono Friends 02
Is the ED just still shots of fucking Chernobyl?
This is the one I need for the movies right ? Thought it would be more serious tbh.
The Ride On love!
You could've tried, lol
Most Like to Skip Around, Watch 3 Minutes of, Then Turn Off: HxH
Oh man, I really really hope so. I definitely want a remastered version, aaahhh.
It's of an apparently abandoned amusement park which mirrors the closing of the mobile game. Show is a reflection of the game with no one left to play it + Japan's abandoned amusement parks. Meta.Kemono Friends 02
Is the ED just still shots of fucking Chernobyl?
Acca 13-ku - 06
I forgot to comment this. Which says a lot about the series, if you think about it.
Not enough Akane this week, but her evilness has spread out to the rest of the cast anyway. Ecchan shows more of her real personality, she's really much worse than I thought, and Hanabi continues to lose her way on the quest to outscum the Queen. Also, I liked how Hanabi's icon on the phone was some fireworks.
The Ride On love!
I guess the hype for the last episode of Re:Zero was legit.
The series didn't do it for me personally though.
Orange needs more love, that show was great disregarding that it had a few cheap animations here and there.
People hopping into Orange after the finale sounds weird, since it didn't feel like a show that lived or died by its ending, and was exactly what it said on the tin right from the start.
Has there been one when a male has transferred to a flat chested female body so they don't really notice until they go to scratch their now non existent balls?
That's more associated with going to take a piss and realizing something is missing.
Kemono Friends 02
Is the ED just still shots of fucking Chernobyl?
Gintama - 70
Speaking of Gintama just watched the Trial of the Century the other day. I feel bad for Hasegawa because the show always finds new ways to crap on him, but his misery his hilarious.
Is there no low to which you'll not succumb ?
I'm kind of curious how Nisemonogatari was received here when it aired. Just one episode was enough in Maidragon's case, though I suppose there was a shock factor too. But in Nise's case, it's like every episode had something questionable...
Did you have something worthwhile to say, or are you just another Wufei?
That's a pretty harsh insult you're throwing around. Like, "Your Momma" levels of mean.
Do you want to participate in this discussion or are you just being a Trowa?
I don't know who over at studio Pierrot gave us today's episode, but it's basically everything I want in goofy animation.
Also Orochimaru spends the majority of the episode just wandering around the Leaf village for no clear reason without ever being hassled, which feels like the makers are aware of how bullshit his survival is.