I would have liked Hyouka more if the ending felt more satisfying.
The show is basically set up to be like Watamote, where you assume some learning moment will happen for these characters and they'll learn how to properly navigate the difficult world of human relationships. The happy ending basically writes itself.
Although, I would really be excited if they learn what they need to learn without anyone getting what they want. lol
I basically feel the same. Last thing I watched that made me feel similarly was this show UnREAL, where the cast were all utterly shitty people as well. This anime just feels like a slow-moving trainwreck that I just can't look away from. Like, am I even actually enjoying it? Will I actually think I've watched a decent anime once it's finished airing? I... dunno. Outside of the teacher being that character you love to hate, everyone else is so... Ugh.
Yet I'll still watch it next week.
Oh $hit, now you've done it!
The Hyouka is the greatest thing EVER defense force is gonna pounce on your a$$... Be prepared
Man the more I read about everyone's responses to Scum's Wish the less I want to see it. I hate seeing people hurt by terrible people, especially sexually. Just bothers me to a particular level.
Oddly enough, it's part of the reason why I haven't seen SAO yet. Things like Rape continue to bother me significantly.
This certainly wasn't the case back in 2012 where Hyouka won AOTY and SAO didn't even make the list.
Sadly it seems that SAO has bested the test of time while Hyouka hasn't. EVERYONE GO WATCH HYOUKA AND MAKE ME FEEL BETTER.
Get your blow horn ready because it tough to keep some people awake through that.
I would have liked Hyouka more if the ending felt more satisfying.
I would have liked Hyouka more if the ending felt more satisfying.
Open-ended, subtle, "use your imagination" endings don't work for me, regardless of how beautiful it may look.
Open-ended, subtle, "use your imagination" endings don't work for me, regardless of how beautiful they may look.
Actually, when was the last time we had an anime that was based on an ongoing work and has a truly satisfying ending?When was the last time we has an anime with satisfying ending?!
Actually, when was the last time we had an anime that was based on an ongoing work and has a truly satisfying ending?
When was the last time we has an anime with satisfying ending?!
??? There is no cure for HIV.HIV could mutate into a new incurable form but they were acting like this was completely impossible and silly.
??? There is no cure for HIV.
Not to be rude regarding your own personal tastes, but this is a very close-minded attitude to have.
I was satisfied with the endings of:
Gurren Lagann
Madoka Magica
G Gundam
Majin Bone
and a lot more. That's just to name a few.
Bungo Stray Dogs.
The Great Passage.
Quite a few actually. Hyouka even of it was a tease, had a fantastic ending imo. Recently I finished Ushio and Tora and that had a good ending. Also even if open ended, stuff like MHA and Seven deadly sins have satisfying endings.Then you lack imagination.
Actually, when was the last time we had an anime that was based on an ongoing work and has a truly satisfying ending?When was the last time we has an anime with satisfying ending?!
Then you lack imagination.
Actually, when was the last time we had an anime that was based on an ongoing work and has a truly satisfying ending?When was the last time we has an anime with satisfying ending?!
Not to be rude regarding your own personal tastes, but this is a very close-minded attitude to have.
I like you, Corn. Don't make this difficult.
It would actually be REALLY cool if the older guy broke too. To see the typical nice guy become scum too after being too trusting. I don't think he would have the backbone for it though. Or imagine, if this was all in line to get the biggest plot twist, in which he knows what's happening and is doing it all on purpose. You know, leading Hanabi on, the teacher on, etc, etc. I wouldn't put it past this show to do something like that.NOT FOR LONG
Bruh!Get your blow horn ready because it tough to keep some people awake through that.
Yeah, as you can see Corn is the instigator.I feel like a fight breaks out about Hyouka at least once a month, so it's hardly like it's been forgotten.
(People who don't love Hyouka are bad people)
Thank you.I'm sorry, Cornbread, but Hyouka is better than SAO. I actually have no strong feelings towards SAO. I dont hate it, but I don't think it's the best thing ever either. Hyouka on the other hand is really, really good and I will defend its honor!
It just depends on your tolerance on your level of seeing other people emotionally suffer all the time. I started, and now I have to see this s**t to its end.
Yes! Everyone go and watch Hyouka, and demand the North American publishers to get a blu-ray for us!
I like you, Corn. Don't make this difficult.
SAO was by far the most posted about show on TOONAMI in the thread. It was almost all Nico-Nico/twitch chat level spam of pure rage by dozens of people.
Some of the reactions to Super Aids and the villain being a monster were incredible.
The Super AIDS thing is entirely plausible and scary. HIV could mutate into a new incurable form but they were acting like this was completely impossible and silly. Worse still was the overreaction to the villain of the Elf season being a rapey jackass trying to marry into a powerful and connected family. This is a tale as old as time and should be disregarded as hacky instead of denouncing this guy as the vilest evil who ever did anything and that SAO totally crossed the line of good taste.
It would actually be REALLY cool if the older guy broke too. To see the typical nice guy become scum too after being too trusting. I don't think he would have the backbone for it though. Or imagine, if this was all in line to get the biggest plot twist, in which he knows what's happening and is doing it all on purpose. You know, leading Hanabi on, the teacher on, etc, etc. I wouldn't put it past this show to do something like that.
In general:
- Comet Lucifer
Close minded for not liking that style? Oh well that is my opinion based on my personal preference. I do not prefer these types of endings.
LOL. Believe it or not, I liked Hyouka as well. I'm just still bitter at that ending.... such a tease. But as Nintendoman said, I'm just "close minded" to those types of endings.... meh, lol
Close minded for not liking that style? Oh well that is my opinion based on my personal preference. I do not prefer these types of endings.
Uhh...these two things seem entirely independent of each other.
e: lol goddammit BGBW.
I'm saying you're close-minded because no matter what, if a show ends in an open-ended, leave-it-to-the-viewer to decide format, that's an automatic low-grade score for you?
It's one thing to have personal taste on that kind of storytelling but being super rigid on this matter is another thing.
Like, I don't like horror stuff at all. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy some horror elements in my shows. Madoka has horror elements, Jojo has horror elements, etc.
I generally don't enjoy CG Mecha stuff, but that can change depending on how it's done like in Danball Senki, whose CG mechs I greatly enjoyed.
It's called being flexible.
I know, haha. I'm just making fun of memes.
Recent endings that have pissed me off:
- Gate
- Asterisk
- Calvary
- Heavy Object (only because I want more dammit)
- Hundred
- Log Horizon
- Alderamin of the Sky
- Magical Girl Raising Project
- Rewrite (VN)
- Utawarerumono (VN)
Man the more I read about everyone's responses to Scum's Wish the less I want to see it. I hate seeing people hurt by terrible people, especially sexually. Just bothers me to a particular level.
I love it love it love it LOL.You see, the next set of ships is the scariest of all.
- Hanabi with that- Mugi witholder guyMoca
This is bad bad news....
Then you lack imagination.
Actually, when was the last time we had an anime that was based on an ongoing work and has a truly satisfying ending?When was the last time we has an anime with satisfying ending?!
Akane's Boy Toy is the most well adjusted human in Scum's Wish
I love it love it love it LOL.I am scum too.
There are different kinds of 'open-ended endings' though.I'm saying you're close-minded because no matter what, if a show ends in an open-ended, leave-it-to-the-viewer to decide format, that's an automatic low-grade score for you?
It's one thing to have personal taste on that kind of storytelling but being super rigid on this matter is another thing.
Like, I don't like horror stuff at all. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy some horror elements in my shows. Madoka has horror elements, Jojo has horror elements, etc.
I generally don't enjoy CG Mecha stuff, but that can change depending on how it's done like in Danball Senki, whose CG mechs I greatly enjoyed.
It's called being flexible.
I know, haha. I'm just making fun of memes.
shows that 9 out of 11 of those are ongoing LN adaptions and the other 2 are VN adaptions. And those usually aren't the typical 'open-ended' stuff like, say, Gurren Lagann, those are usually 'we've adapted a couple books, now fuck you and go read the source if you want more, because lol if you think you'll ever get a second season hahaha'Recent endings that have pissed me off:
- Gate
- Asterisk
- Calvary
- Heavy Object (only because I want more dammit)
- Hundred
- Log Horizon
- Alderamin of the Sky
- Magical Girl Raising Project
- Rewrite (VN)
- Utawarerumono (VN)
Recent endings that have pissed me off:
It's funny because once in awhile I DO like those types of things happening and can forgive it, but for the most part, it drives me crazy (Hyouka especially/ I will not forgive!)
I can't remember the show, but I just watched one with a wide open ending that was actually pretty well done.... maybe Gosick? I'll try to dig it up.
Hunter x Hunter (2011)![]()
stuff like, say, Gurren Lagann, those are usually 'we've adapted a couple books, now fuck you and go read the source if you want more, because lol if you think you'll ever get a second season hahaha'
I would pay top dollar for an English version of the Vita game to repeatedly play through that route.Teacher route when
Gosick was not open ended. You might be misremembered things.
I don't get why Hyouka ending would even drive you crazy. It teases some potential events in their adult life. You already know what's the current deal with the characters. There's no overarching storyline that needed to be finished. It reached the point where it could have ended at any time.
Rewrite hasn't even ended yet. Are you really mad about split cour shows?Recent endings that have pissed me off:
- Gate
- Asterisk
- Calvary
- Heavy Object (only because I want more dammit)
- Hundred
- Log Horizon
- Alderamin of the Sky
- Magical Girl Raising Project
- Rewrite (VN)
- Utawarerumono (VN)
Then you lack imagination.
Actually, when was the last time we had an anime that was based on an ongoing work and has a truly satisfying ending?
When was the last time we has an anime with satisfying ending?!
Recent endings that have pissed me off:
- Gate
- Asterisk
- Calvary
- Heavy Object (only because I want more dammit)
- Hundred
- Log Horizon
- Alderamin of the Sky
- Magical Girl Raising Project
- Rewrite (VN)
- Utawarerumono (VN)
Rewrite hasn't even ended yet. Are you really mad about split cour shows?
Then stop watching LN adaptations?
Nah, the ending to that last route was awful. I still haven't started watching this season yet because the show is definitely made as Rewrite LN fanservice that doesn't make much sense to normies watching it, lol.
Actually that's not true. WWE apparently made an insultingly low offer to NJPW for their content on WWE Network to the point of the CEO of NJPW actively pushing into the US market starting this year because of how pissed he was.
I'm fine with how Hyouka ended.
Not that it means it doesn't need a season 2, I could definitely do more of that.
I was just referring to endings in general.
Don't get me started on the TTGL bullshit ending for the 500th; I love the show and we'll leave it at that. I just don't want to upset Nintendoman anymore today than I already have with my Hyouka slander, lol.
but yeah, your second reference are the endings that hurt the most. Those "Go read the manga/LN" ending hurt the most.
I would like to strangle the fu(kers that do that with 0 fu(ks given, lol. Looking at you SNAFU/Alderamin
I would pay top dollar for an English version of the Vita game to repeatedly play through that route.
All they had to do is adda confession, an embrace, anything rather than dream/speculate about the future, but not verbalize it. I'm sorry, screw the artsy crap, just give me what we've waited 24 episodes for..