Yet more confirmation that SAO is the worst thing to happen to anime!
.If I somehow don't get Heaven's Feel III in cinemas because of this fallout somewhere down the line. People are going to die!
1. dropping gabdrop
I haven't seen seen either. Thanks, I'll check them out.
Panty & Stocking ep.4
Speaking of stereotypes, this show is terrible, but so friggen funny at the same time. The fat girl bit wasn't that great, but the panty run? Oh my, lol. So many things wrong, but so damn funny about this garbage l.
ElduRSverO & Co. - OTACREW | Connichi 2016 : Longue Interview avec Yamaga et Sadamoto de Gainax said:Je vois. Nous avons parlé des droits d'auteur juste avant, mais par exemple si M. Imaishi voulait faire une suite à Panty&Stocking, est-ce que vous cèderiez les droits à Trigger ?
Yamaga : En fait, il n'y a pas vraiment besoin de vendre les droits à Trigger. En gros, tant qu'il y a un projet, ce n'est pas important de savoir qui détient les droits. Beaucoup de gens se trompent sur ce sujet, mais on ne peut pas créer quelque chose simplement parce qu'on en a les droits, et les droits changent de main à un autre niveau. Les gens ont tendance à croire qu'on peut créer une œuvre juste en détenant les droits, mais ce n'est pas le cas. C'est pour ça que pour FLCL ou n'importe quoi d'autre, qui détient les droits n'a pas vraiment d'importance quand on crée ou planifie quelque chose, tant qu'ils ne sont pas dans les mains de quelqu'un de vraiment mal intentionné qui refuserait à un studio de réaliser l'œuvre en question. Donc Trigger n'a pas besoin des droits de Panty&Stocking pour produire une suite. & Co. - OTACREW | Connichi 2016 : Longue Interview avec Yamaga et Sadamoto de Gainax said:Il n'y a encore eu aucune rumeur à propos d'ailleurs.
Yamaga : Pas étonnant, ils sont tous occupés chez Trigger, donc je pense qu'ils n'ont pas de temps pour produire une vieille série comme celle-ci.
Can't people just watch the shit they paid for without being idiots?
Ive never seen people do that, no one took their phones out to for ygo.
Yeah, but no-one over the age of 14 wants photographic evidence of them going to see a Yu-Gi-Oh movie in the theatre in this day and age.
Well that's his opin....Saga of Tanya the evil 4 eng dub
I mean...I like this, but I feel like it's missing something to make it more then just good.
Definitely not that. I like the english voices more then the japanese ones. I think it's just the MC is lacking? Maybe a good side-lead would be good. Also I need some emotions, which I have not yet have 4 episodes in.
IWhy the fuck are you watching the dub? What is wrong with you?
Yeah, but no-one over the age of 14 wants photographic evidence of them going to see a Yu-Gi-Oh movie in the theatre in this day and age.
Yeah, but no-one over the age of 14 wants photographic evidence of them going to see a Yu-Gi-Oh movie in the theatre in this day and age.
Never thought I'd see DiGi with the hot takes.
I'm good for one a year. See you next February!
-edit- Although on a cinema related note, the various cinema chains in the U.K. are starting to list Silent Voice screenings for next month now. It's up in the Odeon site listings for one now, so check your local pictures houses, I guess.
A quality movie, I'd highly recommend. Good to see more good anime films hitting the big screen in the UK. Although, if you are in or around London you can often find showings for relatively recent releases at smaller independent venues such as BFI or ICA.
Better than the original Wake Up Girls.From the superior animal based show; Wake Up Girl, Zoo!.
John Wick 2
Pure pulp garbage sequel. Takes all the simplicity and fun from the first film and flushes it down the toilet in lieu of ~deep lore~ nonsense. The concept of the world of assassins in John Wick makes no sense, has no real internal logic, and is obviously a shitty attempt at cheesy comic book stuff. The action was really good. The fights in the middle and the end are top notch. The hall of mirrors was creative. The Rome scenes were all dreadful and boring. This is the Star Wars prequels of John Wick.
Will watch John Wick 3.
John Wick 2
Pure pulp garbage sequel.
I figured you probably wouldn't like it. The lore stuff was one of the more fun aspects of the film and I don't think it drags the film down long enough to be a significant damper.
Usually I try to watch the sub first and if it doesn't bring me any wow feelings, i will then just wait for the dub of it's a license Funimation has.I see I was called.
Well that's his opin....
Why the fuck are you watching the dub? What is wrong with you?
Did you watch the Japanese version with the audio off?
Yea that's mostly true, the only recent exemple of that not happening is GBF and GBF try because the dubs were awful!.GoldCrusader operates on the logic I used 4 years ago.
Whereas if there's a dub, he'll watch that over the sub.
So your major complaint has to do with the lore and the amount of time spent on it?I didn't say I didn't like it. I just think it's a bad film!
So your major complaint has to do with the lore and the amount of time spent on it?
No I think the entire script pretty much sucked, the first 1/3 of the film after the opening segment was boring as hell, and well... nothing in the world of assassins really makes any sense. It's just poorly thought out. If you want to focus on something, make it good. Offering people 7 million dollars to kill John Wick is bad writing. People offering 7 million dollars to not have to go try kill John Wick would be good writing. Why does money even matter to a secret society of killers who can buy anything they want with magic gold coins?
Well with John Wick 2 being apparently bad we should all just give up and fall into despair.
Well with John Wick 2 being apparently bad we should all just give up and fall into despair.
If John Wick couldn't do it, then who will?