a bunch of nothing is still less offensive than KyoAni's mess.
Is there a particular reason Kemono Friends is blowing up? It looks like a bunch of nothing.
Is there a particular reason Kemono Friends is blowing up? It looks like a bunch of nothing.
That's it. She got the ultimate Fafner death flag. A dog.
Is there a particular reason Kemono Friends is blowing up? It looks like a bunch of nothing.
The Vision of Escaflowne - 19
Okay, get this.
So the villain, who's alsoby the way, has this machine that can alter fate. He sees that Van and Hitomi are super close and will most certainly fall in love.Isaac Newton
But he can't let that happen otherwise the empire won't have its: "ideal future".
So what does he do? He uses the machine to PHYSICALLY ENGINEER A SCENARIO WHEREHOOK UP. The whole scene is so baffling to watch and yet it's so amazing at the same time.ALAN AND HITOMI
I imagine this is the exact same machine that made Subaru choose Emilia over Rem in Re:Zero.
So remember folks! If you're still pissed about Subaru's dick move in Re:Zero episode 18, remember that it's not his fault! It'sfault. He did it.Isaac Newton's
It's the only logical explanation for how that scene went down.
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu S2 7
One thing that struck me about this episode was how the visualizations of Kikuhiko and Sukeroku's rakugo performances - performances we saw before in season 1 - reflect what Amaken said in episode 6 during his analysis of their styles in comparison to Yotaro's rakugo style. Of Kikuhiko/Yakumo, he posited that Yakumo's rakugo was primarily an expression of his own personality through the characters of the stories:
Twin Star Exorcists ep.45
I fu(king hate Yuto, really, really hate him. He is totally gay for Rokuro and I almost wish that was the plot device at this point. I also hate the direction this took, but it's gonna to get better in the last 5 episodes, right? This is not the plot I was expecting from the synopsis at all, but hey, it's Shounen, right? I should have known!
Either way next week will be the battle between heavyweights for real. Let's get ready to rumble! Let's just hope they don't draw this battle out for the final 5 episodes with banter and non-stop OP power-ups by each side.
Is there a problem with the SAC Blu-Rays? I haven't read anything about them.
Is there a problem with the SAC Blu-Rays? I haven't read anything about them.
Do you hate him...hate him or do you love to hate him? Yuto is easily one of the best character in TSE. Also what direction were you expecting? this outcome was predictable since day one. I want my Rokuro equivalent of Hollowfied Ichigo for Benioto come and save him just in the nick of time and then kiss and then beat Yuto.
All the bird friends in Kemono Friends have been the best ones.
But this is obvious because birds are the best animals around.
I don't really know, he is fine as an antagonist, I was just expecting a different plot from what we got. You know, they abandoned the wholeI wasnlt expecting their ship to go pure anime and wait 49/50 episodes forGet married and spawn the Miko, etcIt's been 45 episodes already, damn,a fu(king confession and/or a kiss. The relationship development has been the slowest I' think I've seen in an anime, ever. Probably an exaggeration, but still, lol
Delete this.All the bird friends in Kemono Friends have been the best ones.
But this is obvious because birds are the best animals around.
Fourth dragon next episode and the episode name is "she's finally appearing, huh?"
Damn Levi looking fabulous here. I'm a little mixed on Armin and Mikasa's clothes tho.
Meh, I'd rather not watch any of them and spend my anime-watching time on other shows that are more likely to actually be good, memes and Pixiv popularity be damned.
We all know your dirty secrets.
But did you enjoy the tease? the teases were awesome. I think the way they build up the Benio/Rokuro relationship to be top notch.
What did I do?Did TUSR hijack your account
My natural love of birds gives me a heavy bias for them in this show combined with the fact the birds' designs are my favorites. Serval is an idiot tbh, thankfully Bag-chan keeps her out of serious trouble.Delete this.
Damn Levi looking fabulous here. I'm a little mixed on Armin and Mikasa's clothes tho.
I can't choose who I like more. Darkness Number One Waifu
But Aqua is also Number One Waifu
Obtain the Pengdrum, Welcome to Rock and Roll Night, Listen Up, You Lowlives That Will Never Amount to Anything, I hate the Word "Fate", Destinyyyyy, 24 END
It was okay I guess. Honestly like Yuri Kuma better. Individual episodes of Utena (35) are better then the entirety of both series tho. Guess you can't top the GOAT.
What did I do?
My natural love of birds gives me a heavy bias for them in this show combined with the fact the birds' designs are my favorites. Serval is an idiot tbh, thankfully Bag-chan keeps her out of serious trouble.
We all know your dirty secrets.
You are me.
Pingudrum had some very catchy ideas but ultimately feel flat. Yuri Kuma was rush and uneven but at least it was cohesive.
Utena da goat.
Is this supposed to be some official promo art?
The answer is always Darkness.
Stealing a BGBW avatar temporarily until I can find one I really like for next month.But why do you have a cat girl avatar? Cats are assholes to birds.
Japanese Fans Ranked the ideal Parent/Child Duo:
10. Sweetness and Lightning: Kohei and Tsumugi Inuzuka
9. Sazae-san: Namihei and Katsuo Isono
8. Dragon Ball: Vegeta and Trunks
7. Bleach: Isshin and Ichigo Kurosaki
6. Naruto: Naruto and Boruto Uzumaki
5. Gintama Umibozu and Kagura
4. Clannad: Sanae and Nagisa Furukawa
3. Dragon Ball: Goku and Gohan
2. Naruto: Minato Namikaze and Naruto Uzumaki
1. Crayon Shin-chan: Hiroshi and Shinnosuke Nohara
Maid Dragon 7
Frankly, this episode was less fanservicey than episode 6, and waaaaaay better. Episode 7 adapts chapter 16 and 17, and the episode isn't too different from the source material, barring a few key alterations.
In the first half, it was just the Kobayashi family that went to the beach and it exclusively focused on Kobayashi and Tohru (Kanna was in the background)
In the second half, they didn't develop Tohru and Kobayashi's relationship as much, and it was decidedly less romantic (no, "I've reconfirmed my love for you!")
I think I have a pretty good idea of how the final episode will go down. I mean it was obvious for a while, but this episode completed cemented.
LMAO at the results of the Tokyo Anime Award Festival 2017 "Anime Fan Award" and its Top 5.
Is this supposed to be some official promo art?
The answer is always Darkness.
19/20/32, yeah?
Japanese Fans Ranked the ideal Parent/Child Duo:
10. Sweetness and Lightning: Kohei and Tsumugi Inuzuka
9. Sazae-san: Namihei and Katsuo Isono
8. Dragon Ball: Vegeta and Trunks
7. Bleach: Isshin and Ichigo Kurosaki
6. Naruto: Naruto and Boruto Uzumaki
5. Gintama Umibozu and Kagura
4. Clannad: Sanae and Nagisa Furukawa
3. Dragon Ball: Goku and Gohan
2. Naruto: Minato Namikaze and Naruto Uzumaki
1. Crayon Shin-chan: Hiroshi and Shinnosuke Nohara