theres a scene in sao where the villain has asuna chained up and she is crying and he licks her tears, looks at the camera and licks his lips and it is supposed to be 100% serious
Welp Twitter tells me AsunaYeah fuck that series.gets raped.
Truly the best anime that ever anime'd.theres a scene in sao where the villain has asuna chained up and she is crying and he licks her tears, looks at the camera and licks his lips and it is supposed to be 100% serious
I think the second batch is episodes 50+? Just remember that the first movie is a retelling of the Benizakura arc, so it's worth watching that in lieu of the TV episodes if you can.Gintama (2006): I just completed my watch through of the first Gintama Series. I have to say, this was definitely worth the time investment. I binged the first 201 episodes over the course of the past few weeks and I ended up thoroughly enjoying this series. I can say, with no exaggeration, Gintama has probably one of my favorite Ensemble of characters in anime. For a show with such a massive cast of characters, it does a phenomenal job of balancing out the screen time between them and fleshing out the characters to the point where they never feel one-note. Madao was a character I frequently pointed out throughout my posting as being a favorite because I loved watching his shortcomings being the butt of the joke, but the show never forgot to make him endearing and actually having a legitimate backstory.
To say nothing less of the lead Gintoki. Dude is the heart and soul of the series, and special props to his VA, Sugita Tomokazu, who does a phenomenal job flipping between the funny and serious scenes. This is a series that I quickly fell in love with and i can't wait to start up the next batch of episodes, Gintama'.
Retribution for that Fuuka spoiler late last night.
ALO is universally horrendous though, so everyone agrees that's the worst of the worst.
Naoko Yamada is the most moe anime director.
Because she makes the best moe or he because he is moe?
It was tagged dammit! If you clicked on it that's your fault!
The movie was supposed to be all about
Apparently Toshio Suzuki was in America for some kind of event and confirmed that Hayao Miyazaki has started preparations for a new feature-length movie.
Still doesn't make TUSR's point any less valid. This is a different medium and there are people who have never read it before and would rather watch it unfold.
You're lucky I missed out on that because I went to sleep immediately so I was cautioned not to click.
At least it took him 3.5 years this time around!
Apparently Toshio Suzuki was in America for some kind of event and confirmed that Hayao Miyazaki has started preparations for a new feature-length movie.
At least it took him 3.5 years this time around!
That retirement didn't stick!
I've tried multiple times to get into Fate and it never goes well. The first time was with UBW and it was so dull and uninteresting. Lately I've tried getting into Zero and even with multiple attempts I haven't been able to get through episode 1, it's just such a boring exposition dump.
Part of me is curious but the last time I was curious I ended up going through SAO.
...You do realize that this is basically exactly what he doesn't want to happen, right?You didn't even wait for 2nd best girl, Sinon, to get a complete arc with Kirito (with little to no Asuna involved.)
Miyazaki comes out of retirement at the same rate as Mike goes to Japan!
...You do realize that this is basically exactly what he doesn't want to happen, right?
Yuuri x Victor.
theres a scene in sao where the villain has asuna chained up and she is crying and he licks her tears, looks at the camera and licks his lips and it is supposed to be 100% serious
What even is this arc? lol
This show is truly the best.
Miyazaki comes out of retirement at the same rate as Mike goes to Japan!
Nah, Mike's Japanese trips are more on pace with new Fate projects being announced.
The shop owner who was with the initial raid in the series.
theres a scene in sao where the villain has asuna chained up and she is crying and he licks her tears, looks at the camera and licks his lips and it is supposed to be 100% serious
Nah, Mike's Japanese trips are more on pace with new Fate projects being announced.
Nah, Mike's Japanese trips are more on pace with new Fate projects being announced.
But then Devi's arrival...WOW. The guy was never worth much so far in my eyes, but the way he and Lance met up and became friends is so god damn sweet. Kid Lance smiling for finally finding a friend made my heart blow. At the same time the comedic moment between the 2 were great. I laughed so much at Devi saying if he could eat this *hears meow* and kid Lance innocent voice saying *I definitely wouldn't eat a cat*. The timing was perfect. Devi is really amazing Devi.
Then the big lead up to their forced separation and Devi saying all that Lance would miss and how he doesn't want to lose his friend...I cried so much. Kid Lance's smile must be protected. It was a side of him I never expected and seeing Older Lance's kindness at the end...