Don't watch Hand Shakers.
For most people, all you really need is a gif to turn them off of that series.
Don't watch Hand Shakers.
Whenever I see screenshots of Akiba's Trip they make the anime look amazing.
Why are you all against people checking out actually good shows? At the end of 2017, Hand Shakers will still be remembered. I doubt the same will be true for sweetness & lightning or march comes in like a lion.
Most people will remember Hand Shakers in the same way they remember Big Order.
Why are you all against people checking out actually good shows? At the end of 2017, Hand Shakers will still be remembered. I doubt the same will be true for sweetness & lightning or march comes in like a lion.
"Theres a war going on, even Dinosaurs are here! They use Bows and Arrows!"You know what else I remember? Garzey's Wing! What an experience that was.
"Theres a war going on, even Dinosaurs are here! They use Bows and Arrows!"
Between Sterok's reply last ep and how I've generally felt like Nozomi was channeling Usagi pretty hard, this bit made me so happy.
What are generally considered the good Gundam series? I watched G Gundan and Gundam Wing a long time ago but I want to watch another one.
It's both hyper-absurdist and heavily pandering. The pandering is leaned in on pretty hard though, to the point where it heavily informs the subject matter of the show. I would say that the points it gets for absurdity, like utilizing the YuGiOh aesthetic to riff on card battle series, tend to be muted by the structure of the show being very rigid and plain. Ikehata had the same issues with Robot Girls Z Plus.Whenever I see screenshots of Akiba's Trip they make the anime look amazing.
The most recent one, Iron blooded orphans is excellent.What are generally considered the good Gundam series? I watched G Gundan and Gundam Wing a long time ago but I want to watch another one.
What are generally considered the good Gundam series? I watched G Gundan and Gundam Wing a long time ago but I want to watch another one.
What are generally considered the good Gundam series? I watched G Gundan and Gundam Wing a long time ago but I want to watch another one.
Why are you all against people checking out actually good shows? At the end of 2017, Hand Shakers will still be remembered. I doubt the same will be true for sweetness & lightning or march comes in like a lion.
Why are you all against people checking out actually good shows? At the end of 2017, Hand Shakers will still be remembered. I doubt the same will be true for sweetness & lightning or march comes in like a lion.
What are generally considered the good Gundam series? I watched G Gundan and Gundam Wing a long time ago but I want to watch another one.
Anyone here want any CR Guest Passes? I have a couple, but I never use them, and since this is an Anime thread, I was wondering if anyone would be interested in them.
Those others are in people's best of year lists already.
I'm 9 episodes into Akiba's Trip, and I genuinely can't decide if I like it or not.
It's alright I guess?
I guess I've stuck with it this long.
At the end of 2017, Hand Shakers will still be remembered.
Why are you all against people checking out actually good shows? At the end of 2017, Hand Shakers will still be remembered. I doubt the same will be true for sweetness & lightning or march comes in like a lion.
Q: Is the hand shaker one of those people with a really limp and loose hand shake? Those hand shakes always feel so so wrong.
Preach brother!Excuse me, have you heard the good news about our lord and savior, Aqua?
Audience that didn't get the references faces the entire episode.
My favorite relationship pay off in any anime ever! I know it build up on a long time, but I think it's really really well done. The emotions reach such a high point at the end, it was outstanding.The anime gave us such a better ending then the manga...that movie is sooooo damn good! Just thinking about that ending makes me happy. Sakura and Syaoran for life.I just watched Cardcaptor Sakura Movie 2: The Sealed Card
It's was more or less one long episode with a few key differences.
The anime already looked great and and was well animated, but the movie is even better than that.
Actions scene were also quite impressive.
Even the (supringly long) post credit scene with kero-chan and suppy looked fantastic.
I also liked that the rasied the stakes with the most powerful card in the series that's genuinely threatning.
It even was somewhat dark with how many people got erased.
Most imporantly, Sakura's and Li's relationship reach it's peak.
It was about fucking time to be honest.
All in all, the best part of the series. If you watch anime, you have to watch this movie as well.
GATE 01-25
Akiba's Trip 08
Man if you are not deeply into JRPGs, mobile gacha games, card games and various other nerdy Japanese past times I do not know how you could possibly enjoy this show. That said the parodies came fast and hard in this episode and I loved it.
Excuse me, have you heard the good news about our lord and savior, Aqua?
Well the people still get stripped but the camera doesn't leer them as much as you would expect this show to.They sure put the focus on the "Trip" part with barely "s'Trip"
Don't make me choose between them.You mean Satania right?
Anime is trash. But I love it.