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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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Is it true that the Voice Actors, both JP and EN, re-recorded their lines for each episode? Because between that KyoAni literally animated scenes from different shots is pretty impressive.

I'm on Episode 5 now.

Ok, I'll admit, this is a pretty good mental experiment on Deja Vu. Like, I'm literally watching these episodes back to back trying to spot the inconsistencies. Like, am I going crazy are do they occasionally wear different outfits than they did in previous iterations?
They do. Also, Nagato buys a different mask each time.


[Gintama] - 325

Next is going to be fairly hype, I assume? The production of this series is still kind of cheap though, so it's hard to get excited about any particular action setpieces.
Tales of Zestiria 21

The calm before the storm. A nice fun episode before what I suppose will be a very dark ending. At this point we are so anime original though, that I can't predict anything. People who are
supposed to be dead are alive, Zavied uses his gun to shot, Alisha is present and will armatize, Sorey can purify dragons....

I found the dress-up part super funny. Sorey the model.

Also I really liked that they used the happy ending of the first season *Answer* with the scenes from that ending that seemed impossible for me at the time as the ending of this episode. Really really nice.

My only question is that since they are more or less sending un-blessed people fight malevalence creatures...I don't know how effective this huge group will be. The normins are really good news though.
One Piece 779


when u in trouble but dont want to be a bother

Seven-hundred and eighty episodes in and we are still doing filler about navy rookies. At a certain point it just becomes hysterical how filler nobodies are supposed to stand up to Luffy who beat Doflamingo a few days ago, making him almost S tier in this world.


Breaking Down Konosuba's Incredible Animation | Animator Spotlight - The Canipa Effect

Man that guy has created loads of great, easy to digest videos on animation. Just the sort of content suited to perhaps change some of those mainstreams opinion concerning "bad" loose animation as featured in e.g. Konosuba or the current Pokemon season.
Great watch.
Everytime I read someone say the animation in Konosuba is bad, or low-budget or 'it's Deen' it hurts my soul.

This is not an example of bad animation
I'm a few episodes behind but reading that there are still Berseria references does the opposite from making me want to continue :/
I haven't played Berseria yet but know that I will sometime, so having to be constantly on the lookout for possible spoilers in a fucking anime about a different game is annoying to say the least.

Well, if it matters, it was the exact same reference as the one in 18, so if you already saw that scene then this one wouldn't add anything new to it.


To get the most important thing out of the way: Araragi looks dumb with long hair. Or maybe it's the jacket. I dunno, he looks too 'anime', kinda reminds me of GGO Kirito.
Mah boy Kaiki, on the other hand looks great with a beard and glasses. God I'm happy he's alive.

Without Araragi to play off of, we get to see a much more down to earth Kanbaru. She was one if the less detailed characters before, so it's nice to see her fleshed out. This arc had a much more grounded feel to it and was pretty enjoyable.


Great watch.
Everytime I read someone say the animation in Konosuba is bad, or low-budget or 'it's Deen' it hurts my soul.

It's the same as calling that one Naruto episode or the new Pokemon season bad animation. It's just a lack of understanding of what animation actually is.
Ok, I'll begrudgingly admit that the way KyoAni went about the Endless Eight was pretty fucking genius.

Sad thing is I've already been spoiled about a lot of things surrounding it because I was getting back into the anime scene around the same time people were having a meltdown over Second Season.
Breaking Down Konosuba's Incredible Animation | Animator Spotlight - The Canipa Effect

Man that guy has created loads of great, easy to digest videos on animation. Just the sort of content suited to perhaps change some of those mainstreams opinion concerning "bad" loose animation as featured in e.g. Konosuba or the current Pokemon season.
Konosuba is phenomenal on all accounts. Sound, voice acting, direction, animation, writing, you name it. But the animation is brilliant.
Zestiria - 21

It's all coming together now rather quickly, and it's also now easier to see where this show will end. How far are we in the game after this episode? I know the show has gone in a different direction, but this could still very well be in the game I guess


Subete no aware

Please dub step remix all anime themes.


Endless Eight is great
I loved Endless Eight.
-Endless Eight, I've Watched All The Episodes Member Fist Bump-

I've watched very little this week... Sword of the Stranger, that was good and 3Gastu....that was great! Finished Rakugo S1, will take a slight break before watching S2.
Endless Eight is the greatest anime achievement of the last decade.
Zestiria - 21

It's all coming together now rather quickly, and it's also now easier to see where this show will end. How far are we in the game after this episode? I know the show has gone in a different direction, but this could still very well be in the game I guess

it's like 90% anime original at this point. None of this episode was in the game.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Bojack Horseman is kind of like Animaniacs for the 21st century. Lots of references and jokes at Hollywood's expense but instead of being fun and lighthearted it's fun and deeply disturbing.
Endless Eight

Figured I'd post my collected thoughts since I finished all eight episodes. As I previously said, when I first talked about it yesterday, I was really reluctant to dive into it. I previously got back into the anime scene around the time the second season was coming out, so I was already well versed with the meltdown these episodes caused in the fandom. I more or less got spoiled on how the episodes end, but I decided to give it a go anyway.

This was definitely quite the experience. Maybe I'm drinking the kool-aid, but it was definitely clever writing on KyoAni's part. While things like Nagato getting a new mask and different shot compositions I caught on right away, it took me until the 4th or 5th episodes for me to realize that they were constantly switching outfits. It was a really clever way of "forcing" deja vu onto the viewer without specifically calling attention to it.

And I'm guessing Nagato purposely bought a different mask in each timeline in an attempt to trigger the others into realizing what was happening to them.

And yeah, the triumphant music that played into the background in the final episode when Kyon finally succeeded in getting Haruhi to help him with his homework. Definitely good stuff there.

I'm glad I got to experience this.

Gundam IBO - 46

That "You. Out of my way" and "You talk too much." from Mika at the very start were chilling. Just like she said, he just isn't human anymore. Mika as a character is fascinating to me because behind this very well liked individual by everyone in Tekkadan, is a psychotic killer that gives no fucks about anything lol

it's like 90% anime original at this point. None of this episode was in the game.
I guess at this point they plan on finishing this show off with that final battle. All signs point at that being the conclusion to everything. That and
Edna's brother's purification
which will likely happen after the final battle.
Endless Eight never was and never will be a good idea.

You all are crazy.

I don't particularly care for Endless Eight at this point, but in the context of the second season of Haruhi, which as I recall wasn't even properly announced ahead of time but simply snuck into a rebroadcast of the first season, it was a fascinating piece of performance art of the sort you rarely see in commercial television (for good reason!). The "you have to feel Yuki's pain" justification for the repetition is perhaps akin to the "murdering people shouldn't be enjoyable" justification for the janky gameplay in Yoko Taro's Drakengard. I don't think Endless Eight has a lot of merit removed from its original broadcast however.
Beyblade Episode 30

Even Kai was a bit shocked at the new guys upgraded Bit Beast. I hope we wont see him lose. OH well I loved his words of wisdom and desire to team bond.

I am just a bit confused on how they are on a ship on the Atlantic (they came from Japan as well) to get to Russia, that just seems so odd. Even if they were on the West Coast of America, why go to the east coast, board a ship and get to Russia? Minor thing.


Subete no aware
It's lame when a remix sounds like it's just switching between the song it's supposed to be a remix of and an unrelated dubstep song.
I want every anime song to have wub wubs in it now. lol

Endless Eight
I don't particularly care for Endless Eight at this point, but in the context of the second season of Haruhi, which as I recall wasn't even properly announced ahead of time but simply snuck into a rebroadcast of the first season, it was a fascinating piece of performance art of the sort you rarely see in commercial television (for good reason!). The "you have to feel Yuki's pain" justification for the repetition is perhaps akin to the "murdering people shouldn't be enjoyable" justification for the janky gameplay in Yoko Taro's Drakengard. I don't think Endless Eight has a lot of merit removed from its original broadcast however.
Bravo to Crimson_Echidna for watching it all after the fact, because I don't know if I could have done that myself, but yeah, I think in the context of broadcast television, it was ingenious and played with the form of "live television" in a way that TV doesn't really try to do even all these years after the original broadcast of Haruhi. The closest thing we get is wackiness like the end of the Oscars, but that's more unplanned chaos rather than deliberate manipulation.


Futari wa Precure 5

I can't believe the dude that they keep wrecking gave them their phone back so they could fight at full strength because he thought he finally had them sortedout.
I guess at this point they plan on finishing this show off with that final battle. All signs point at that being the conclusion to everything. That and
Edna's brother's purification
which will likely happen after the final battle.

I have a feeling that Eizen will somehow intervene in the final battle. Pure guess of course. I have no evidence.
The Vision of EscaFlowne Episode 17 The Edge of the World

Prince Van leveling up was nice even if it was another traumatic story approach and worst, having to actually keep fighting even if he doesnt want to and is tired of it. I hope only for the best as the remaining episodes wind down. I just hope he and his brother can experience some joy.


Scum's Wish - 08

*sigh* I knew this would happen... and the way it played out and that last line crushed me a little :(
Bitch-sensei knows exactly that Mugi has developed feelings for Hanabi and wants to take him away from her. I even called it back then, even if it was quite obvious.
My prediction for what is going to happen in SW:
Bitch-Sensei is going to "take away" Mugi from Hanabi the moment she notices that she falls in love with him.
I could go on, but that's the main plot point I see happening in the future, although it is pretty obvious already :p

This episode also made me curious: Is marrying your cousin considered unethical in Japan?


I don't particularly care for Endless Eight at this point, but in the context of the second season of Haruhi, which as I recall wasn't even properly announced ahead of time but simply snuck into a rebroadcast of the first season, it was a fascinating piece of performance art of the sort you rarely see in commercial television (for good reason!). The "you have to feel Yuki's pain" justification for the repetition is perhaps akin to the "murdering people shouldn't be enjoyable" justification for the janky gameplay in Yoko Taro's Drakengard. I don't think Endless Eight has a lot of merit removed from its original broadcast however.

It would probably be much more tolerable knowing about it beforehand and marathoning it, but it was a frustrating experience watching it back then. Intentionally so, but still.

At first when I was watching the second endless eight episode, I was wondering if I had made a mistake and watched the previous one again. As I noticed some things were a bit different, I saw what they were going for. Then the third episode aired, and I started wondering how long they were going to do this for. It was like that week after week, wondering when it would finally end. Each episode I was thinking "this is the one! Kyon's going to get out this time!", only for it to not be. When he finally escaped the time loop in the eighth episode, I was relieved more than anything. Afterwards, I was mostly annoyed that they had spent so many episodes on it.

Endless Eight is a lot of fun to look back on, but you really had to be there to get the full experience. The uncertainty of when it would actually end really completed the experience, and going in with prior knowledge ruins it somewhat. It's an interesting experiment in hindsight, at the very least.
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