Gundam Iron blooded orphansLooking back at Konosuba, when was the last time a second season was such an improvement over the first season?
Looking back at Konosuba, when was the last time a second season was such an improvement over the first season?
Looking back at Konosuba, when was the last time a second season was such an improvement over the first season?
Fuuka 10
So Fuuka is suddenly jealous that Koyuki got her incredibly vaguely defined man, despite you know, rooting for her in previous episodes. Something she even admits to.
So apparently a lot of this episode was non-cannon, which is kind of humorous in that it's probably the closest the show has come to showing genuine romantic attraction. Yu and Koyuki's relationship may be really stupid, but at least it's built on something. Mainly childhood trauma to be honest. (Hell it's really the only relationship. Fuuka and Yu have nothing. They went on one date.) There really isn't much to say about this episode. It's kinda about the gang getting ready for another gig, and mostly about Fuuka being uncomfortable that her idol friend got her childhood love to blossom.
What a hero.
Anime where the second season was better than the first:
Anime not done by BONES or Sunrise
Looking back at Konosuba, when was the last time a second season was such an improvement over the first season?
Fathom Events want their cash.Man why are SAO tickets so expensive?
$3.50 more than Liemax 3D, $4.50 than an actual Imax.
This scene is by far my favorite scene in SNAFU. Hachiman knows exactly what to say at just the right time.
So, today is Hatsune Miku day in Japan?
Kinda surprised me though considering the few of their showings I had seen were the basic $9.50 let alone nearly $17Fathom Events want their cash.
The rest of that conversation was outstanding as well. Sensei truly is amazing and knows what buttons to push. I want the Vita "sensei route" animated, lol.
Future Boy Conan 24-25
The animation and art throughout these climactic episodes was very strong. It's been strong throughout the show, but it really shone here in depicting the intensity of the situation. The color shift at the final sinking of Industria was awe-inspiring.
It's interesting how strongly driven home the message of "Science and technology were all a mistake" is here as the series winds up. It's not uncommon for science fiction to tackle the downsides of unchecked scientific research and technological development, of course, but rarely have I seen such as a strong anti-science perspective taken as in Future Boy Conan.
I finished Stein's Gate last night after I got off from work. Overall I thought it was really enjoyable. Okabe's development throughout the series in response to the tragedy he was experience was rather stronger, and an extra kudos to the writers for having a predominantly female supporting cast without having any of them coming off as shallow waifu-bait. I also really dug the chemistry between Okabe and Kurisu. It's really rare for me to come out of an anime really loving a pairing but I loved just about every interaction between the two, which made the last couple of episodes really worth the investment.
If I had any complaint it's again that I thought the Ruka storyline was rather hit or miss. Like the actually conclusion to episode 18 was ok, but the handling of it was still pretty shaky.
Stein's Gate deservingly gets the best sci-fi anime award of those years. Unfortunately scifi anime were in a steady decline at that time.
Compared to masterpieces like Ergo Proxy, I wouldnt even bother watching if they were released the same year.
Intro to new Cartoon Network show called OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Linking it here cause turns out it's storyboarded by Hiroyuki Imaishi.
Intro to new Cartoon Network show called OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes
Linking it here cause turns out it's storyboarded by Hiroyuki Imaishi.
Fuuka 10
So Fuuka is suddenly jealous that Koyuki got her incredibly vaguely defined man, despite you know, rooting for her in previous episodes. Something she even admits to.
So apparently a lot of this episode was non-cannon, which is kind of humorous in that it's probably the closest the show has come to showing genuine romantic attraction. Yu and Koyuki's relationship may be really stupid, but at least it's built on something. Mainly childhood trauma to be honest. (Hell it's really the only relationship. Fuuka and Yu have nothing. They went on one date.) There really isn't much to say about this episode. It's kinda about the gang getting ready for another gig, and mostly about Fuuka being uncomfortable that her idol friend got her childhood love to blossom.
What a hero.
Thor 2: Ze Dark warudoLooking back at Konosuba, when was the last time a second season was such an improvement over the first season?
Konosuba's 2nd OP is ridiculously good
It got its dues here, right?
Future Boy Conan 26 END
And thus the story ends where it began, on Remnant Island - now much bigger after the ecological catastrophe that caused Industria to sink into the sea. That's the final capstone on a story whose major theme has been the passing of a world that lusts after technological power to be used for domination and violence and the emergence of a new healthier world which lives in harmony with nature and each other. It's a good bookend to a strong adventure show. Even though this came before all of Miyazaki's famous films, I'd still say this contains some of his best work. It's a polished production from beginning to end, with Nizo Yamamoto's lush art direction being a constant standout, and the storytelling is straightforward and child-friendly without feeling a need to dumb itself down for the sake of younger audiences. The influence of the adaptations of classic children's literature that Nippon Animation had been working on for World Masterpiece Theater can be clearly felt. Future Boy Conan comes close to being the Platonic ideal of children's entertainment.
Just watched Miss Hokusai thinking it would be pretty interesting. Maybe I did not catch the message it sent.
What are the good anime films out there besides Ghibli? I have seen quite a few anime films:
Wolf Children
Tokyo Godfathers
Tekkon Kinkreet
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Summer Wars
Miss Hokusai
Sword of the Stranger
And more....
Psychic WarsJust watched Miss Hokusai thinking it would be pretty interesting. Maybe I did not catch the message it sent.
What are the good anime films out there besides Ghibli? I have seen quite a few anime films:
Wolf Children
Tokyo Godfathers
Tekkon Kinkreet
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time
Summer Wars
Miss Hokusai
Sword of the Stranger
And more....
Rarely have I also seen such a deviation from the source material. In the short novel by Alexander Key, Conan is an adult, same for the girl.
As much as I enjoyed this series (definitely one of the best from the 70s), I always find myself annoyed at Miyazaki's anti-technology ideas. It's especially prevalent in this series, and it bugged me a bit to be honest. I understand that he believes that everyone will just be all happy and harmonious when living simple lives with nature and all, but it just strikes me as regressive.
As far as his anti-technology stance goes, you have to remember that in the 1970s the world was still in a Cold War with the threat of nuclear destruction looming. I imagine the specter of nuclear warfare was felt especially strongly in Japan, which is still the only country that has gone through attacks by nuclear weapons on their soil. Hiroshima and Nagasaki give some context for the feeling that scientists are prone to unleashing terrible dangers upon the world that could be used for great evil if not unchecked.
I believe technology is at the end of a day a tool that can be used for good or evil depending on how humans choose to use it, and Future Boy Conan's view of technology is particularly unsubtle and too one-sided in its rejection of industrial and post-industrial technology. Nevertheless, I still have some sympathy for Miyazaki's position. Miyazaki has said that he hated growing up in the Showa era in Japan because "nature was being destroyed in the name of economic progress." That reminds me of my experiences growing up. My grandparents took all their children and grandchildren to the beach on the Outer Banks of North Carolina each summer, from shortly after I was born all through the point where I went off to college. Over the course of those years, I saw the northern Outer Banks develop from a very sparsely populated area, where the nearest grocery store would take an hour to drive to and wild horses would come up and graze on the lawn of the house where we stayed, to a wildly densely developed area with houses, hotels, restaurants, and resorts dotting every square inch of ground, the beaches thick with swarms of people, and the wild horses driven far away. When I think back on the changes that took place there, I can't help but be wistful for what was lost through the progress of commercial development.
So that's what this is all about. Oh, well.
Going from Symphogear S1 to S2 felt like a pretty big jump in quality to me.Looking back at Konosuba, when was the last time a second season was such an improvement over the first season?