I suggest powering through it and giving the first episode of S2 a shot to see if finally works for you or not. Stopping to ask "Are we there yet?" over and over is just going to prolong things if you want to see this through.
This is what I'm planning on doing.
I think the "change" in the second season of Konosuba comes as how it capitalizes on your knowledge about these characters and their traits. The animation and general direction is also improved, but if you aren't enjoying season 1 you may as well just not go to season 2. Going by your impressions it almost feels like you are just hate watching it, and that is just not the way to experience Konosuba. The show is meant to be fun and elicit a few laughs from you
Now now, Everyone has a different sense of humor and may react differently to the show. I'm sure he's just being a little tsundere about his real feelings about it, lol.
Nintendoman is being tsuntsun
Guys, I'm not hate-watching it. I just don't find any of it funny so far. Like, I'm not laughing at the show's jokes. That's it.
If I had to give the show some semblance of praise so far, I'm at least not physically repulsed by it like I am at 95% of other LN harem anime.
It's also at least not trying to add some kind of deep narrative with intrusive romantic subplots.
That and it helps that I'm not exactly disliking any of the characters so far (except Darkness, screw her).
I'm just not feeling the comedy-aspect of the show right now. And for a show that markets itself as a comedy that doesn't make me laugh I'm finding that to be a pretty big problem so far that I should point out!
But I'm a patient guy. I understand that the first season of the show is largely hit-or-miss that leans more on the miss side.
Like Narag said, I'm gonna power through season 1, get to season 2 ASAP, and see if something works for me there.
Until that point, y'all can stop trying to spin my criticisms of its comedy as me being "tsun-tsun" or whatever when I'm trying to analyze the way the show tells its jokes.