[LWA TV] - 11
I honestly don't enjoy being the person who constantly dunks on this series, but I've been turning this episode over in my head I really just need to get these gripes off my chest.
The biggest problem with this episode is that it exists merely to vomit out exposition to the audience. It's incredibly clumsy in a manner which is shocking even for the low standards this series aspires to. To top all of that off, it also feels pretty late in the day to be receiving this kind of stuff - it feels like information we should have had 5 episodes ago.
The problems of this episode can be most clearly be illustrated by considering all the scenes which didn't involve Ursula/Akko. What, for example, was Diana's story this episode? She interrupted the teachers, who were doing a lot of exposition, so that she could then proceed to go somewhere else and engage in even more exposition, none of which connected to the 'Akko storyline' directly. None of Diana's actions seem motivated beyond her normal desire to study, and we don't learn anything more about her or the teachers at the school. It's just a bunch of footnotes that help us illustrate Akko's story which, itself, is stuffed with more exposition.
The Akko stuff is, well, more of the same really but at least they tried to shape the exposition into a form that kind of resembles a 'story', but the seams are truly showing here as well. The problem with this mini-arc is that it culminates in a dumb 'choice' that's supposed to illustrate to the audience how Akko is growing as a character but the correct 'choice' is so obvious that it really undercuts what it's trying to prove. Of course, Akko, or anyone, wouldn't chose to literally destroy their entire identity for the sake of some promised future. That's a dumb, bad choice inserted only to give Akko the appearance of agency in a story where she literally doesn't even know that she's on a quest to revive some sacred whatsit. Does she not even get to know what she's doing? Argh!
(That sequence where Akko is given 'The Choice' really bothered me as well because all of Akko's past life apparently consists of the last few weeks at school? What about her family? Her old friends? Any experiences that shaped her life (NOT THAT SHINY CHARIOT CONCERT) to give us a fuller picture of her as a human being? No, of course not, Akko literally only came into existence when she attended that Shiny Chariot concert, and then subsequently had almost no experiences until she arrived at Luna Nova. What.)
I can understand that some people felt a little bit more positively about this episode and I can understand why that is. After all, last week's episode was painfully dull and hey, at least we've got some kind of goal for our character now, right? Even if, inexplicably, she doesn't know about it? These things still aren't enough for me to overlook this episodes many, glaring flaws.