Has that stopped you before?Spiritpact Episode 2
Isnt this a BL, why does he have a fiance, do not want.
Has that stopped you before?Spiritpact Episode 2
Isnt this a BL, why does he have a fiance, do not want.
So if I've never watched anything related to LWA, should I just watch the two films before watching this series?
So if I've never watched anything related to LWA, should I just watch the two films before watching this series?
Absolutely disgusting.
I knew there was a reason you weren't approved
You know those zoom outs are actually pretty labor intensive, since the entire figure needs to be redrawn just a bit smaller every frame to maintain constant line width. It's not a simple matter of just panning the camera back like it is for the CG background.
I just didn't have enough time to find one of her irritated head tilt gifs.
I should get around to watching Monogatari sometime.
Right around the time Fate Illya came out, for some reason.
I blame TUSR for this.
What is poppin' so far this season?
What is poppin' so far this season?
I think Teekyuu has only gotten faster over time. While watching episode 66 I revisited episode 1 and it felt slow by comparison. The show looks better now too.
Zestiria s2What is poppin' so far this season?
No offence but it's hard to want to bother explaining why it would be a negative when your viewpoint is basically "this is SO awesome, when you stack AWESOME on AWESOME, it only gets MORE AWESOME!" Fanservice is generally bad when it is recognized as fanservice. The best "fanservice" is stuff which seamlessly blends into a narrative without drawing attention to itself. Once it is obvious, it sticks out. That could be good for people who don't care and just want that. But it's not a good narrative technique, and it's not a useful direction.
I find bigger isn't necessarily better especially when it comes to anime as its exercising a lack of restraint and often really self-indulgent. It's also why I find a lot of super robot stuff kinda fizzles out the longer it goes on. Case in point, everyone loves to gush over the Goldion Crusher when GaoGaiGar Final is brought up but it's almost entirely due to the "wow look @ that" sense of scale involved that ends up so ridiculous it broaches on comical. At that point in the OVA, I was ready for it to just be over. Meanwhile, I still think the Guy vs Mamoru fight was the best thing to come out of it because it was such a focused intimate encounter with just enough doubt being cast that it creates a sense of meaningful drama.
Well there's two different approaches right? One element of most shounen and super robots is the sense of escalation. Things get increasingly crazier or extreme in either scale or power. In Gurren Lagann's case, that notion of scale works perfectly because of where Simon starts out. There's nothing inherently wrong about being self-indulgent to the max as long as its entertaining.
Monogatari is too much of a task for me to endeavour.
I already emailed them about it on Friday lolNot sure if anyone here even remembers the audio issues with FUNimation's Code Geass R2 Blu-rays, but the replacement discs are finally starting to turn up...wrong. Discs 3-4 appear to be the corrected BDs, as the discs series numbers are certainly different, but discs 1-2 were sent as DVDs. Trying to spread the news again that the issues still have yet to be resolved.
It's not that, moreso the amount and variety of material.I freely admit that *monogatari isn't for everyone with the fanservice a other questionable stuff included, but it is a good story, has good characters and is entertaining as hell to experience.
Monogatari is too much of a task for me to endeavour.
Little Witch Academia 02
This episode retreads material (thematically, not plotwise) from the original OVA even more than the first, so it felt a little slow-going for a while. Fortunately, by the end it starts pushing Diana's character development to the foreground more and establishing some intriguing intra-faculty conflict. This personal tutoring angle could really go somewhere.
At least the worst of it is gone after Nisemonogatari, and it tones down Araragi perving on Hachikuji at least.It's not that, moreso the amount and variety of material.
Monster Musume Episode 1
Wait, he can't fuck them?
Fucking would endanger human-monster relations.
It's a shame the anime isn't getting an S2 because later on you get to meet... their mothers....
See, now you've done it.. she da best..[/QUOTE]
To be fair, I'm a bad person, and I've only ever seen the first season (Bake?)...
So take that as you will.
To be fair, I'm a bad person, and I've only ever seen the first season (Bake?)...
So take that as you will.
Wow! How could Funimation have messed up this release so badly?
I already emailed them about it on Friday lol
This has probably been the funniest moment in YoI so far lol.
Yuri only wanted some hugs!
Hm... I know they focus on his sisters and the loli vamp, right? Same kind of exposition-heavy, animation-lite type deal?Well you saw the "best" season production wise, but other seasons have great character arc payoffs and stories
Yurio is a hilarious shit. I think he is my favorite character.
Hm... I know they focus on his sisters and the loli vamp, right? Same kind of exposition-heavy, animation-lite type deal?
RahXephon ep.13
I love how the show finally gives you some info, but absolutely NO context behind it, so you still have no clue what is going on. Also, Ayato got cucked and lost a girl, lol.