Whenever a game uses "middleware," I expect mediocrity. Just see how poor TLOU looks.
Recently replayed the original trilogy through the PS4 remasters and just finished Uncharted 4. I used to think 3 might be my fave (at the time) but the replay made it clear that Uncharted 2 was the best game from the PS3 entries imo.
WARNING: series spoilers below for all 4 games
Uncharted 1
- Obviously the most dated but still a fun game that did a great job introducing the 3 core characters: Nathan Drake, Elena and Sully
- Fun, lighthearted story without any excess or loose ends
- The environments are extremely samey. I know it all takes place on one island but man, it was not visually interesting.
- Encounter design becomes really repetitive with obnoxious bullet sponge enemies. It's obvious when you're walking into yet another firefight with all these rectangular waist high spots to hide for cover.
- Really poor villains when compared to the other 3 games. Eddy Raja was okay but Navarro and the old guy were... boring
- I do like the supernatural aspects of the series, but the whole curse/plague thing was a bit lame.
Uncharted 2
- Perfect pacing. This game may have the best pacing of any of the 4 games. Always switches things up before you have a chance to get bored.
- Stunning art direction that still holds up to this day. I think it's the best looking of the original 3 games.
- Great encounter design for the most part. None of the encounters feel that repetitive and it doesn't feel like just wave after wave of enemies like U1 and U3.
- Introduced my favorite female character in the series: Chloe <3
- Tenzin was an awesome character too.
- Train sequence is still probably the most memorable set piece in the series. The building collapsing while you're in it, escorting and injured Jeff, having a tank chase you through town, U2 has some of the series highest highs.
- Shambala is still my favorite "lost city" of the series. Visually stunning and the guardians make it feel otherworldly, plus the Tree of Life looked amazing.
- Has the most environmental diversity. Sad it's the only game with snowy areas.
- Flynn. Annoying rat faced character. Super obvious he was going to betray you.
- Final boss fight was extremely obnoxious and frustrating, in a cheap way. I think it's the part of the game I dread replaying the most.
Uncharted 3
- The teenage Drake sections were cool, and loved seeing how he met Sully.
- Marlowe was a good villain (however Talbot sucks).
- Chloe
- Desert areas were gorgeous and new to the series.
- Enjoyed new character Cutter.
- Amazing set-pieces, the best of which was the horse caravan chase
- Controls don't feel as tight as U2
- The pacing is a mess. The entire middle of the game (where you think you're going after Sully in that wretched, overly long shipyard) could have been reworked
- Talbot. Replace him with a cardboard cutout and I don't think I would have noticed? Ugh
- The "Sully died" fake out. I like the idea but it came off as really clumsy. If he "died" closer to the beginning of the game or even the middle, the reveal that he's okay might have had more impact.
- The plot with the hallucinogenic was a bit of a flop. I wasn't expecting an actual genie, but maybe something more interesting than what we ended up with? Marlowe's plan to "control through fear" using the drug was... dumb.
Uncharted 4
- Visually stunning. It's the first game I've played the has actually felt "next-gen" imo.
- Story was told really well. Naughty Dog learned a lot from making The Last of Us. Uncharted 4 had a much more mature tone.
- Rafe and Nadine were great villains, my favorite of the series actually. I'm happy that bad ass Nadine got away actually <3
- Encounter design was well done, just like Uncharted 2. No bullet sponge enemies was a relief.
- The "Rope" and sliding were new mechanics that they pulled off really well.
- The flashbacks with young Nathan and Sam were done really well.
- Madagascar was incredible, and the truck controls beautifully.
- The huge environments and numerous ways to navigate made treasure hunting the most fun it's been in the whole series.
- Best ending of the series. The other games' endings were too abrupt, and I feared Uncharted 4 would just "end" as well, but then the Epilogue with Cassie happened. Just incredible. Really gave a sense of closure and finality to Nathan Drake's story. I was a bit emotional finishing it actually.
- Not one singular original "set piece" to really rival the train sequence from 2, or the plane or sinking ship sequences from 3 (The chase that starts with Nate hanging from a crane was incredible but not something "new" except for the fact you were actually driving the truck at one point).
- Sam was not nearly as likeable as I had hoped for. It's also odd he's so unattractive, meanwhile Nathan is a supermodel.
- Final boss was a bit wonky. Throwing a new mechanic at you (sword fight) in the final encounter isn't great design imo.
- Pacing was great for the most part, but a few chapters felt a little bit longer than they needed to be (this ended up being the longest Uncharted for me at 4 hours longer than Uncharted 2).
Before the epilogue happened in 4, I would have ranked the games as:
U2 > U4 > U3 > U1
With the epilogue, I'd rank them:
U4 > U2 > U3 > U1.
So I guess I'd say Uncharted 4 is my favorite. Maybe that'll change in another play through and Uncharted 2 may rise to the top again.
What is your favorite game in the series? 1, 2, 3 or 4? Or maybe it's Golden Abyss? (LMAO. Seriously, I played it but I can barely remember anything that happened in that one. Is it even canon?)
WARNING: series spoilers below for all 4 games
Uncharted 1
- Obviously the most dated but still a fun game that did a great job introducing the 3 core characters: Nathan Drake, Elena and Sully
- Fun, lighthearted story without any excess or loose ends
- The environments are extremely samey. I know it all takes place on one island but man, it was not visually interesting.
- Encounter design becomes really repetitive with obnoxious bullet sponge enemies. It's obvious when you're walking into yet another firefight with all these rectangular waist high spots to hide for cover.
- Really poor villains when compared to the other 3 games. Eddy Raja was okay but Navarro and the old guy were... boring
- I do like the supernatural aspects of the series, but the whole curse/plague thing was a bit lame.
Uncharted 2
- Perfect pacing. This game may have the best pacing of any of the 4 games. Always switches things up before you have a chance to get bored.
- Stunning art direction that still holds up to this day. I think it's the best looking of the original 3 games.
- Great encounter design for the most part. None of the encounters feel that repetitive and it doesn't feel like just wave after wave of enemies like U1 and U3.
- Introduced my favorite female character in the series: Chloe <3
- Tenzin was an awesome character too.
- Train sequence is still probably the most memorable set piece in the series. The building collapsing while you're in it, escorting and injured Jeff, having a tank chase you through town, U2 has some of the series highest highs.
- Shambala is still my favorite "lost city" of the series. Visually stunning and the guardians make it feel otherworldly, plus the Tree of Life looked amazing.
- Has the most environmental diversity. Sad it's the only game with snowy areas.
- Flynn. Annoying rat faced character. Super obvious he was going to betray you.
- Final boss fight was extremely obnoxious and frustrating, in a cheap way. I think it's the part of the game I dread replaying the most.
Uncharted 3
- The teenage Drake sections were cool, and loved seeing how he met Sully.
- Marlowe was a good villain (however Talbot sucks).
- Chloe

- Desert areas were gorgeous and new to the series.
- Enjoyed new character Cutter.
- Amazing set-pieces, the best of which was the horse caravan chase
- Controls don't feel as tight as U2
- The pacing is a mess. The entire middle of the game (where you think you're going after Sully in that wretched, overly long shipyard) could have been reworked
- Talbot. Replace him with a cardboard cutout and I don't think I would have noticed? Ugh
- The "Sully died" fake out. I like the idea but it came off as really clumsy. If he "died" closer to the beginning of the game or even the middle, the reveal that he's okay might have had more impact.
- The plot with the hallucinogenic was a bit of a flop. I wasn't expecting an actual genie, but maybe something more interesting than what we ended up with? Marlowe's plan to "control through fear" using the drug was... dumb.
Uncharted 4
- Visually stunning. It's the first game I've played the has actually felt "next-gen" imo.
- Story was told really well. Naughty Dog learned a lot from making The Last of Us. Uncharted 4 had a much more mature tone.
- Rafe and Nadine were great villains, my favorite of the series actually. I'm happy that bad ass Nadine got away actually <3
- Encounter design was well done, just like Uncharted 2. No bullet sponge enemies was a relief.
- The "Rope" and sliding were new mechanics that they pulled off really well.
- The flashbacks with young Nathan and Sam were done really well.
- Madagascar was incredible, and the truck controls beautifully.
- The huge environments and numerous ways to navigate made treasure hunting the most fun it's been in the whole series.
- Best ending of the series. The other games' endings were too abrupt, and I feared Uncharted 4 would just "end" as well, but then the Epilogue with Cassie happened. Just incredible. Really gave a sense of closure and finality to Nathan Drake's story. I was a bit emotional finishing it actually.

- Not one singular original "set piece" to really rival the train sequence from 2, or the plane or sinking ship sequences from 3 (The chase that starts with Nate hanging from a crane was incredible but not something "new" except for the fact you were actually driving the truck at one point).
- Sam was not nearly as likeable as I had hoped for. It's also odd he's so unattractive, meanwhile Nathan is a supermodel.
- Final boss was a bit wonky. Throwing a new mechanic at you (sword fight) in the final encounter isn't great design imo.
- Pacing was great for the most part, but a few chapters felt a little bit longer than they needed to be (this ended up being the longest Uncharted for me at 4 hours longer than Uncharted 2).
Before the epilogue happened in 4, I would have ranked the games as:
U2 > U4 > U3 > U1
With the epilogue, I'd rank them:
U4 > U2 > U3 > U1.
So I guess I'd say Uncharted 4 is my favorite. Maybe that'll change in another play through and Uncharted 2 may rise to the top again.
What is your favorite game in the series? 1, 2, 3 or 4? Or maybe it's Golden Abyss? (LMAO. Seriously, I played it but I can barely remember anything that happened in that one. Is it even canon?)