Btw, Bobby, I love X-Plain The X-Men. Listened to the latest 10 episodes on the flight to LA.
Thanks! I remember them pitching me on it and being amazed at how ambitious they were. So I said yes. I haven't done any episodes since like, the 54th or 55th? Something like that.
I know Miles is doing a Thor-based spinoff now, too.
and yeah: Genre entertainment has historically not been real understanding of reproductive issues. Or even the process, really. A lot of people basically treat it like body horror in their fiction. There was a really interesting essay that went around recently regarding Padme in Revenge of the Sith that traced back how hollow and ridiculous her character was thanks not
just to Lucas' terrible ear for dialog, and his inability to concieve of Padme in any other terms but as a plot device for Anakin - but his apparent inability to understand how pregnancy works
at all.
Short version: Genre entertainment is largely written by dudes, and a lot of those dudes largely think of pregnancy as this weird alien Cronenbergian thing they don't really wanna know much about at all if they don't have to.
I was laying in bed preping to sleep the sleep of the just, when i suddenly didn't feel right. I said let me check gaf. And find Solo slander? Not today satan. Not today. You just made the list
To clarify, I think the Solo being spoken of is HAN, not the low-budget B-Movie of the same name starring Mario Van Peebles.