I want Shia. Dude blew his career so fucking hard.
I don't think he did, technically, he just happened to be in Michael Bay movies for too long. I mean, I did not aggressively dislike him until Revenge of the Fallen. After that, he could suddenly no right anymore. Some of those posts survive on this board too (and I'm perfectly willing to admit I can be a total shitheel at times), but him sitting through all his movies changed that for the better. But that's a long ass time for mountains of irrational hate because nobody could explain why the fucking movie was to blame for it (until Lindsay Ellis did recently in her '
the whole plate' series, thank god for that).
It's kind of a familiar 'young actor trap' now, if you watched
this Garfield and Amy Adams discussion, where Garfield mentioned that he was too young to notice that kind of trap with the Amazing Spider-Man movies (which he naturally regrets a lot, because those things will -and probably do- haunt his career for years).
I think it's a really bad idea to continue Indy as a franchise though, because of the insane cultural insensitivity involved with that particular kind of colonialism. Same reason why 'The Mummy' is not viable anymore: white people mostly just burned mummies they found as -and this not a joke- heater material (fireplace).
COLONIALISM! Ain't nobody gonna pay to see that shit again.
So yeah, Bobby's right, shit can that fucker.
Then again, a similar thing happens with Disney using "diversity" as a marketing ploy for a franchise stuck in the early 80's (meaning it's a 'white people story for white people' no matter how much you want to pretend it isn't), which uses the actual imagery and iconography of FASCISM. I mean, let that properly sink in for a moment: that's literally saying 'nah it's okay man, brothers just wanna be nazis too now'. I'm sorry, but that whole setup is ludicrous, and it can't be fixed without dumping the whole franchise into the furnace of oblivion where it belongs.
It might also explain the more exact nature of why Fast & The Furious works so well on that angle: because it's not stuck in the past (though electric cars will certainly kill it), it's set in our modern world and its relations, and it doesn't want a fucking medal for doing the right thing without asking or having to be asked.
All these old franchise, with the inclusion of the politics of their times, just need to be left in the past. They have nothing to say about our present or future.