Yazus said:48 Worgen Druid here. Got tired of my 4 years old Paladin (from Holy to Prot to Retri to Holy again...:lol ), looking for something similar but more fun.
I love how Restoration works and I will probably use it as my main-spec... also Worgens are soooo cool!!
I am so looking forward to lvl85 atm... my Server is very very slow in raiding so it's not a matter of staying behind progress... just a matter of personal achievment![]()
GDJustin said:For those following along, I now have 360G on my special auction alt, Accumulation:
I started the toon FIVE DAYS ago. She ran straight into Stormwind, sold the clothes off her back + her weapon, and could use ONLY that money to progress. No mob drops, handouts, etc.
That's 7c in starting money. 7c to 350g+ in five days, with nothing but the auction house. Woot woot.
Most of it is luck, owing to the dude that very stupidly listed tons of huge enchants with cheap bids.
DiatribeEQ said:If they weren't fixing the horrible issues with bugged quests stopping massive chunks of quest chains from being completed (i.e. one broken quest stops you from finishing that one & allowing you into the next set of quests elsewhere), this expansion would be on my shitlist so fast. I'm 139/160 in Vashj'ir with no end in sight if that'll be fixed beyond me scavenging for the other 7 random drop/kills that start from that. Too many people have stated similar problems of hitting the mid 140's there and then......nothing.
I did thoroughly enjoy Deephome & Uldum though. Good stuff there.
Spruchy said:heroics are serious business, took a mini wipe session for first boss of sfk
FuttBuck said:Man this expansion really made me love WoW all over again. Almost done with Hyjal then I think I'll head back and finish that underwater place, I got pretty far there.
Being Elemental is friggin insane, damage output is redonculous however.....resto seems heavily nerfed or is it just me? I've played my shaman resto for a good 2 years and it just seems weak for the first time ever. I'm assuming this is because of the addition of mastery?
Chain heal feels sooo weak and Healing Wave is just about pointless. My new lesser heal wave (forgot name) costs a ton of mana. Maybe things will get better at 85 with more mastery points. It just feels like I have to balance too many things as a resto shaman.
The questing and quests / areas themselves are incredible once again. Can't wait to get outta work and play.
DiatribeEQ said:If they weren't fixing the horrible issues with bugged quests stopping massive chunks of quest chains from being completed (i.e. one broken quest stops you from finishing that one & allowing you into the next set of quests elsewhere), this expansion would be on my shitlist so fast. I'm 139/160 in Vashj'ir with no end in sight if that'll be fixed beyond me scavenging for the other 7 random drop/kills that start from that. Too many people have stated similar problems of hitting the mid 140's there and then......nothing.
I did thoroughly enjoy Deephome & Uldum though. Good stuff there.
1. Did you associate those games with your Battle.net account? If yes then you are good.MyFaceIsOnFire said:Alright, I'm curious to try Cataclysm but I have some questions.
1. I used to have WoW and Burning Crusade but have lost both of them. If I reactivate my account will battlenet remember that I had both those products?
2. What's the cheapest way to purchase Wrath of the Lich King? Is there a direct download that's cheaper than the box version?
Gattsu25 said:1. Did you associate those games with your Battle.net account? If yes then you are good.
2. Dunno. Sorry
sestrugen said:is there a Digital Download bundle to buy every expansion in the blizz website? I cant find any specials and a friend mentioned they made a discount if you bought everything together
they had a sale around black friday where you could get wow up to wotlk for $20, but i don't think they have it anymore ;(sestrugen said:is there a Digital Download bundle to buy every expansion in the blizz website? I cant find any specials and a friend mentioned they made a discount if you bought everything together
Is it?ACE 1991 said:Wow. Hard to believe this the same engine that powered vanilla WoW.
Twig said:Is it?
I mean, it's pretty as fuck, but the tech isn't really that much more advanced than vanilla. Sure, it's an improvement, but it's more like a few babysteps than it is a huge leap. (I'm not giving their new tech enough credit, but hopefully you know what I mean.) I'd say it's more a testament to how much the skills of their artists have increased over time.
ACE 1991 said:I guess that's true. Regardless, one can't deny that they haven't gotten some amazing mileage off of a six year old engine that wasn't top of the line even when the game launched.
True!ACE 1991 said:I guess that's true. Regardless, one can't deny that they haven't gotten some amazing mileage off of a six year old engine that wasn't top of the line even when the game launched.
DiatribeEQ said:If they weren't fixing the horrible issues with bugged quests stopping massive chunks of quest chains from being completed (i.e. one broken quest stops you from finishing that one & allowing you into the next set of quests elsewhere), this expansion would be on my shitlist so fast. I'm 139/160 in Vashj'ir with no end in sight if that'll be fixed beyond me scavenging for the other 7 random drop/kills that start from that. Too many people have stated similar problems of hitting the mid 140's there and then......nothing.
I did thoroughly enjoy Deephome & Uldum though. Good stuff there.
I don't mean to downplay their new tech, I'm sure it's fantastic for what they want, but it's still nothing particularly impressive. (Except that new water. Mm-mmm do I love that new water!)Alex said:As much artistry as it is, it's also a metric ton of new tech. According to Blizzard this isn't the same engine that powered vanilla, it's been completely replaced since then while new tools have been added constantly. More than ever with this expansion.
Their Blizzcon spot and pre-Cata interviews on their visuals have been really interesting, talking about the evolution of their designs and how strong their tools got in Cataclysm. Their environment team really seems to bust their ass. There was a nice spot where they showed how they hand crafted their environments bit by bit by bit too. I thought that was pretty hilarious after the release of a certain recent MMO.
Twig said:I don't mean to downplay their new tech, I'm sure it's fantastic for what they want, but it's still nothing particularly impressive. (Except that new water. Mm-mmm do I love that new water!)
I stand by what I said: artists reign supreme.
Yeah, I completely agree on the character front. Show some love to my favorite races (Tauren, Orc, Troll!), Blizzard. ;_;Alex said:On the visuals though, where it suffers is the character models. I bitched during beta and I'll bitch now that the original eight races *need* remodeling. Armor I'll back off on since the texture resolutions going through the roof has really done a lot for it, but the original eight need an overhaul.
Draenei and Blood Elves are well textured and rounded and look like decent evolutions on the original designs, but Goblins and Worgen are stupid detailed and dripping with high end texture detail and geometry compared to everything else. There's probably two gnomes worth of geometry in a female goblin hairstyle. :lol
Ahaha, nice. As a guy who spent a little too much time trying to buy low and sell high with amounts that seem piddly a few dozen levels later, turning WoW into ONLY the auction game has some appeal.GDJustin said:For those following along, I now have 360G on my special auction alt, Accumulation:
Alex said:Now where it suffers some is the character models. I bitched during beta and I'll bitch now that the original eight races *need* remodeling.
GDJustin said:For those following along, I now have 360G on my special auction alt, Accumulation:
I started the toon FIVE DAYS ago. She ran straight into Stormwind, sold the clothes off her back + her weapon, and could use ONLY that money to progress. No mob drops, handouts, etc.
That's 7c in starting money. 7c to 350g+ in five days, with nothing but the auction house. Woot woot.
Most of it is luck, owing to the dude that very stupidly listed tons of huge enchants with cheap bids.
That's not how it works.BigNastyCurve said:True but then they'd need to re-create all the assets for all the armor + weapons for each of them so they'd look ok.
Every piece of armor isn't modeled individually for each race, AFAIK. It's just a skin that's plastered on to the existing "armor model".BigNastyCurve said:True but then they'd need to re-create all the assets for all the armor + weapons for each of them so they'd look ok.
Yep, models aren't the problem at all. The newer races still have pretty low geometry. Not a big deal.Alex said:The body models aren't the problem. They look fine with lower geometry and the engine has to display tons of characters at once, lots of new quests throw 50+ of even brand new models on the screen at once in an open, uncontrolled world with flight, etc. Those would just take tweaks of things like the general joints and edges rather than a crazy remodel.