TheYanger said:Low levels you want any two gathering professions if money is what you're looking for. There's no money to be had in things like JC until you're capped.
So mining + skining or herbalist ?
TheYanger said:Low levels you want any two gathering professions if money is what you're looking for. There's no money to be had in things like JC until you're capped.
V_Arnold said:Again: nope. That is not PVP. That is a quest chain accessible to everyone when phasing is already implemented. People do not do 5-man quests for PVP'ing, there are plenty of PVP zones out there already for that. PVP is just an offspring of having ONE questchain and having 5-800 people / side / realm in a few days who wants to complete it.
So no, he does not want to disable PVP, so learn to read.![]()
flyinpiranha said:That quest chain to me is made difficult BECAUSE of the PVP. I think that was the intended point. It's why you have it in the open, where both Horde and Alliance have to fight over the quest guy. It's why there aren't guards killing you at every turn.
It IS PVP for that quest ... why else would they design it in such a manner? If they didn't want the PVP there, there is a ton of different little things to make that quest the loot dispenser it would be without the threat of the other side.
This guy gets it.flyinpiranha said:That quest chain to me is made difficult BECAUSE of the PVP. I think that was the intended point. It's why you have it in the open, where both Horde and Alliance have to fight over the quest guy. It's why there aren't guards killing you at every turn.
It IS PVP for that quest ... why else would they design it in such a manner? If they didn't want the PVP there, there is a ton of different little things to make that quest the loot dispenser it would be without the threat of the other side.
phants said:Yep - from skinning alone i made 4k or so last night, grinding from level 80-81 in Hyjal
bluedeviltron said:I bought the Battlechest last night and uninstalled it this morning after about 5 straight hours of playing.
It's dull, needlessly time consuming and addictive. Awful, awful combination.
One more mega popular game I can cross off the list.
Good thing you spent like 40 bucks to play it for 5 hours and give upbluedeviltron said:I bought the Battlechest last night and uninstalled it this morning after about 5 straight hours of playing.
It's dull, needlessly time consuming and addictive. Awful, awful combination.
One more mega popular game I can cross off the list.
bluedeviltron said:I bought the Battlechest last night and uninstalled it this morning after about 5 straight hours of playing.
It's dull, needlessly time consuming and addictive. Awful, awful combination.
One more mega popular game I can cross off the list.
bluedeviltron said:I bought the Battlechest last night and uninstalled it this morning after about 5 straight hours of playing.
It's dull, needlessly time consuming and addictive. Awful, awful combination.
One more mega popular game I can cross off the list.
bluedeviltron said:I bought the Battlechest last night and uninstalled it this morning after about 5 straight hours of playing.
It's dull, needlessly time consuming and addictive. Awful, awful combination.
One more mega popular game I can cross off the list.
joelseph said:The game doesn't shine until you have friends and family that you can play with, without that it takes time to build good guild connections.
chris-013 said:So mining + skining or herbalist ?
It's also somewhat important to take into account the mastery bonus that they give you. As DPS, the skinning crit bonus is pretty nice. Mining has a stam bonus. Not sure what the herb bonus is, though.charlequin said:I'm partial to herbs + skinning myself but honestly, all three gathering professions have generally been excellent moneymakers and to a large degree which ones are "best" is going to be dependent on server-specific trends.
Herbalism is the instant heal... pretty crappy for healing classes, nice for DPS, and it's saved my Prot Warrior's life a few times.The Lamonster said:It's also somewhat important to take into account the mastery bonus that they give you. As DPS, the skinning crit bonus is pretty nice. Mining has a stam bonus. Not sure what the herb bonus is, though.
The Lamonster said:It's also somewhat important to take into account the mastery bonus that they give you. As DPS, the skinning crit bonus is pretty nice. Mining has a stam bonus. Not sure what the herb bonus is, though.
bloodforge said:Herbalism gives you a healing spell called Lifeblood.
bloodforge said:Herbalism gives you a healing spell called Lifeblood.
Evlar said:Herbalism is the instant heal... pretty crappy for healing classes, nice for DPS, and it's saved my Prot Warrior's life a few times.
Cheech said:Yeah, but he has a point in that WoW isn't actually that great of a game.
The Lamonster said:It's also somewhat important to take into account the mastery bonus that they give you.
This statement is embarrassing.Cheech said:Yeah, but he has a point in that WoW isn't actually that great of a game.
charlequin said:Raiding is definitely not the best part of WoW, or a part that is going to appeal to everyone who plays, but if you want you really can just treat WoW almost like a single-player game: resub every time there's an expansion or major content patch, run the content through a few times, and unsub again.
charlequin said:with flying mounts, discovery experience, and exploration achievements it's far better for exploration than it was in vanilla.
Twig said:I'm not sure what you mean by this. That you hope "exploring things" doesn't go well? Could you clarify? U:
I only ask because I was a part of that discussion earlier and am now confused/curious!
As an exploration game, WoW has one of the most fun and interesting fantasy worlds to just dig into the nooks and crannies of -- and with flying mounts, discovery experience, and exploration achievements it's far better for exploration than it was in vanilla.
The Lamonster said:This statement is embarrassing.
Cheech said:Yeah, but he has a point in that WoW isn't actually that great of a game.
I have a level 79 orc warlock that I've played off and on since the game launched in 2004.
What I'll do is buy a game time card about once a year, play the crap out of the game, catch up with old friends, and then disappear and play other stuff.
The essential problem with WoW is that it's designed around time consuming activities that are not necessarily fun. Raiding can be fun.. for awhile. PvP is fun in short bursts, but it is balanced for shit. The solo game is obnoxiously boring, and is a less interesting version of Diablo.
If you are into metagames such as achievements and continually upgrading loot, WoW is satisfying. Unfortunately, it just doesn't hold my attention for very long. The Cataclysm upgrade is good and I'm going to start a goblin guild with some buddies (separate from the regular guild I'm in), but I don't see myself playing the game much past January. There are simply more compelling game experiences out there.
Personally, it's the art direction and player customization that keeps me interested. I've logged about 28 days of game time and I often wonder if it's because of an addiction to the carrot-on-a-stick gameplay or if I really do enjoy it and I always come back to realizing that it's the latter. I stick with the game because it's a great game and a lot of fun.Cheech said:Embarrassing? No. Hyperbole? Probably. Read the rest of my post!
What is embarrassing are the people in my guild who have over a year of real time played in this game. I'm not passing judgment on them or anything, but I don't see how it is possible. Are they playing for the entertainment value, or is it an addiction? I haven't asked anyone this who has actually done this, because there really isn't a good way to ask without looking like you're passing judgment. I would like to understand this mindset.
GDJustin said:I too treat WoW as a primarily single player game. With the added bonus that some of my friends from HS are addicts, so I catch up with them once every six months or so, when I resub for a month.
The thing is, there's nothing wrong with that. People seem to think of WoW and other MMOs as absolutes - it's either something you do, or something you don't do. "Do I want to be a WoW player?"
I don't follow that line of thinking at all. I've been dropping in and out of WoW for years now. Obviously when expansions drop, but at other times as well. If I find myself feeling bored for more than a couple evenings in a row (doesn't happen often with other games/books/TV shows floating around) I'll end up resubbing for a month and enjoying myself.
I'd also like to mention that it makes a HUGE difference if you have friends playing. Just like playing WoW doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing thing, the "MMO/social" aspects of it don't have to be all or nothing, either. It's a ton of fun rolling through dungeons with friends! Everyone having a role to play, relying on each other, coordinating, etc. But that doesn't mean you need to raid three nights a week.
The Lamonster said:Personally, it's the art direction and player customization that keeps me interested. I've logged about 28 days of game time and I often wonder if it's because of an addiction to the carrot-on-a-stick gameplay or if I really do enjoy it and I always come back to realizing that it's the latter. I stick with the game because it's a great game and a lot of fun.
But anyway, yeah it's embarrassing that anyone would say WoW just isn't that great of the game when it's the clear leader in an entire genre, and has been since its inception.
chris-013 said:So mining + skining or herbalist ?
fna84 said:Dammit why is it so hard to find Khorium?
GDJustin said:I too treat WoW as a primarily single player game. With the added bonus that some of my friends from HS are addicts, so I catch up with them once every six months or so, when I resub for a month.
The thing is, there's nothing wrong with that. People seem to think of WoW and other MMOs as absolutes - it's either something you do, or something you don't do. "Do I want to be a WoW player?"
I don't follow that line of thinking at all. I've been dropping in and out of WoW for years now. Obviously when expansions drop, but at other times as well. If I find myself feeling bored for more than a couple evenings in a row (doesn't happen often with other games/books/TV shows floating around) I'll end up resubbing for a month and enjoying myself.
I'd also like to mention that it makes a HUGE difference if you have friends playing. Just like playing WoW doesn't have to be an all-or-nothing thing, the "MMO/social" aspects of it don't have to be all or nothing, either. It's a ton of fun rolling through dungeons with friends! Everyone having a role to play, relying on each other, coordinating, etc. But that doesn't mean you need to raid three nights a week.
aktham said:Maybe he doesn't like the genre?
Cheech, I assume you have the Cata expansion? Level your warlock to 85 through the new zones/play the worgen starting zone/play the goblin starting zone. You can freeze you account after you've done these things. Resub when Deathwing is the current boss/grind for gear for him/wait for expansion.
That way you're only playing for a specific goal.
James Woods said:They should update all the graphics ala DAOC.
They should also have housing like DAOC. Think about it. You could give the addicts all kinds of options to upgrade their places and keep them on that treadmill.
I only had a house in DAOC for a month![]()
Flib said:They up the graphics incrementally each expansion. Cataclysm looks incredible next to Vanilla.
Housing fractures the community, they will never allow it. They want people hanging out in cities.
Cheech said:If you look at a game like Oblivion where you have stuff like the Dark Brotherhood quest chain, or the quest that is is a self contained murder mystery, there is just nothing like that in WoW.
Flib said:They up the graphics incrementally each expansion. Cataclysm looks incredible next to Vanilla.
Housing fractures the community, they will never allow it. They want people hanging out in cities.
GDJustin said:Cities are crowded because they have trainers and the AH - that's it. As long as instanced housing doesn't have those things, it won't harm cities.
I fully expect housing + a housing profession to be the big bullet point (besides more zones/dungeons/levels) of one of the next expansions.
Ferrio said:Oh ya, real estate agent profession. I'd drop jewelcrafting quick.
Make it 100k gold for the instance home. Only us superior players who profit like the American Dream deserve it.GDJustin said:I do think player/guild housing will come eventually, if for no other reason than to be another gold sink.
Blizz intentionally puts gold sinks into the game to keep the economy balanced. For a couple expansions now it has been various mounts and riding skills (& Guild Banks). But I think that lemon is just about squeezed dry, so it is going to have to be something else. For Cata I expected it to be water mounts. Sell the skill for 5K, and a bunch of the mounts for 300g, or something. :lol
Imagine if you could buy a little instanced home of your own for maybe 5,000g. You can customize & decorate it to a small degree. It would probably come with more storage space to give people a "functional" reason to use it. They could also charge a modest weekly/monthly "rent" fee like LOTRO does, to continue balancing the economy.
As time went on they could add more and more expensive upgrades. Make it bigger, give you more storage, give you portals to major cities, etc. Each upgrade costing a chunk of money.
A housing-related profession could also be introduced. Probably secondary profession, unless they can come up with a way the profession can also buff up toons.
Cities are crowded because they have trainers and the AH - that's it. As long as instanced housing doesn't have those things, it won't harm cities.
I fully expect housing + a housing profession to be the big bullet point (besides more zones/dungeons/levels) of one of the next expansions.