Yoshichan said:Race change from tauren druid to troll druid tomorrow![]()
I'm staying Tauren! Troll Druid forms are too weird looking.krypt0nian said:At this rate there will be zero Tauren Druids left. As it should be.
lowrider007 said:I is sad :-(, I just recently got my first main character up to 60 in eastern kingdoms, I went running in glee to see my flight trainer thinking I could obtain a flying license only to find out I need to purchase Cata just so I can fly in this area :-(
BrassMonkey1010 said:So I am installing WoW (just regular WoW for now) and I do not know what is a good race to start with..any advise?
Nightelf is always the right answer. We are hated by everyone and it's awesome. If you want to piss people off more, go NE hunter like I did so many years agoBrassMonkey1010 said:So I am installing WoW (just regular WoW for now) and I do not know what is a good race to start with..any advise?
kinoki said:Race is just a cosmetic choice. Pick the one you like the most.
No, some are obviously better suited for particular classes than others, but the differences aren't game-breaking, so just choose one you're happy staring at for the hundreds of hours you'll spend playing.VAIL said:Cosmetic, I suppose racial passives are meaningless then?
surprised no one else picked up on it earlier.cuevas said:Lol I get you now, good troll.
VAIL said:Cosmetic, I suppose racial passives are meaningless then?
Scrow said:surprised no one else picked up on it earlier.
BrassMonkey1010 said:So I am installing WoW (just regular WoW for now) and I do not know what is a good race to start with..any advise?
GDJustin said:Ok, I know you're all sick of my talking about the AH but... I gotta share.
I'm trying to make a little money at the moment (new realm), and there's some utterly ridiculous undercutting going on.Evil Benius said:I enjoy reading your AH posts and I am actually complaining about the same thing you were yesterday over in the WoW OT. Stupid people who do not know how to undercut and really bring down a market.
as a tailor looking for the cheapest ways to make Dreamcloth, I may take you up on this. It's nice that they give us 6 daily CDs for dreamcloth... but the price from element to element is so different than one piece of dreamcloth can take 360g to make (water), and another piece of dreamcloth takes 960g to make (air or fire). being able to farm for like 2-3 hours a day to make at least two dreamcloths a day would help greatly.Ignignort said:I realise I am probably really late to this but if people are after a easy way to get Volatile Earth.
The first quest hub that you land at in Mount Hyjal has a heap of earth elementals that spawn around the area, you can mine these and you'll either get a grey which you can sell for around 50s or a Volatile Earth, I tried this for probably about 10-15 mins and made about 40G in vendor trash and 8 earths
it was discussed quite extensively yesterday, but the bottom line is that sellers can't bring the market down. It's impossible. WoW's AH is a buyer's market. Even on transparent items like gems, if they are truly transparent, someone will just spam trade of their guild looking for the gem to be cut. On things like mats or equipment, people will pay what they feel is reasonable, and more often than not it's based on how much money they have (aka how much blizz is funneling into the game) rather than what a competitive price is on the AH.Evil Benius said:I enjoy reading your AH posts and I am actually complaining about the same thing you were yesterday over in the WoW OT. Stupid people who do not know how to undercut and really bring down a market.
Lain said:(at least for female characters, I'm not fond of the male characters in WoW,
kai3345 said:I'm currently 67, whats the fastest zone that will get me to 68 so I can get out of this BC content and start me some Lich King quests
borghe said:it was discussed quite extensively yesterday, but the bottom line is that sellers can't bring the market down. It's impossible. WoW's AH is a buyer's market. Even on transparent items like gems, if they are truly transparent, someone will just spam trade of their guild looking for the gem to be cut. On things like mats or equipment, people will pay what they feel is reasonable, and more often than not it's based on how much money they have (aka how much blizz is funneling into the game) rather than what a competitive price is on the AH.
Anyway, discussing markets crashing a week after release is stupid. The market is ALWAYS unstable at launch and ridiculously high as well as people who want to be first and either have a ton of gold saved or just buy from gold farmers want to get everything out of the way. The market will stabilize itself in a month or less and prices will then continue along predictable plot points.. No amount of undercutting will change that. At that point the only real change in price has to be initiated by blizzard in either frequency of drops or requirements of mats.
That's just the consequences of it being a market economy. The price will keep going down until it reaches equilibrium. People undercutting you by a crapload is just the nature of competition.Evil Benius said:I realize that over time prices naturally come down as people find other avenues for selling stuff, but that should happen due to people just not buying stuff on the AH at the current price being asked. There is no need to come in and drop the price on an item by 500G when I have easily been selling 5-6 of the item a day. The market obviously could handle what was being asked and now everyone is going to be making less. Pretty much every auction for the items in questions are now down at the new price since everyone cancelled and relisted. Unless the AH empties out completely (will not happen) this is now the new price of those items. Not because of buyers refusing to buy at the old price, but due to a guy undercutting by a good 30%.
This is exactly what happens.Evil Benius said:I realize that over time prices naturally come down as people find other avenues for selling stuff, but that should happen due to people just not buying stuff on the AH at the current price being asked.
You kind of make my point above. Someone undercuts by 500g but you're still selling your 5-6 a day at 500g more. Again, WoW AH is a buyer's market. It rarely comes down to if the buyer feels the price is fair and more often than not comes down to how comfortably they can afford it given its relative importance.There is no need to come in and drop the price on an item by 500G when I have easily been selling 5-6 of the item a day.
I don't quite believe this. That is to say, I don't believe for a second that anyone canceled their items and relisted at the lower price right away. There's no incentive. You lose 100% of your deposit either way, so most sellers will let their auction expire and then relist. And if their auctions are in fact expiring, of course they are going to lower the prices.. it's basic auctioning 101. But here's where I am confused. If you are selling 5-6 a day, and their auctions are expiring unsold at the higher prices causing them to lower their prices on the relist, then how are you selling 5-6 a day? I'm actually not calling you a liar.. just arguing that maybe there is more going on here than you are seeing. Your entire argument hinges on the concept that they are looking at the lower prices and that's scaring them to lose the deposit completely without a chance for sale just to relist at a lower price, which makes no sense.The market obviously could handle what was being asked and now everyone is going to be making less. Pretty much every auction for the items in questions are now down at the new price since everyone cancelled and relisted. Unless the AH empties out completely (will not happen) this is now the new price of those items. Not because of buyers refusing to buy at the old price, but due to a guy undercutting by a good 30%.
heh.. I was the exact same way my first times tanking as both prot war and bear. it never gets any easier your first time out tanking with a new class. but it rarely goes as horribly as you think it will (really, the times it goes bad are usually because things are going REALLY bad. either the tank is truly awful, or there are healing or aggro problems there). two things to remember as a tank... play with the camera pulled back so you can see mobs breaking off and going after dps (because they NEVER run back to you when they get aggro), and almost always keep the boss turned away from the players.No45 said:Tanked for the first time last night (level 21 warrior), I was petrified! D:
borghe said:I don't quite believe this. That is to say, I don't believe for a second that anyone canceled their items and relisted at the lower price right away. There's no incentive. You lose 100% of your deposit either way, so most sellers will let their auction expire and then relist. And if their auctions are in fact expiring, of course they are going to lower the prices.. it's basic auctioning 101. But here's where I am confused. If you are selling 5-6 a day, and their auctions are expiring unsold at the higher prices causing them to lower their prices on the relist, then how are you selling 5-6 a day? I'm actually not calling you a liar.. just arguing that maybe there is more going on here than you are seeing. Your entire argument hinges on the concept that they are looking at the lower prices and that's scaring them to lose the deposit completely without a chance for sale just to relist at a lower price, which makes no sense.
Subliminal said:Thats how all healers are. Press one button over and over again a bitch because the tank has 10000000 things to watch and managed to miss something
hamchan said:What's the big money target for this game anyways? Why am I saving up all this money?
For this expansion?hamchan said:What's the big money target for this game anyways? Why am I saving up all this money?
details pleasedave is ok said:For this expansion?
310% Flying, Turn-into-a-dragon mount, Guild rewards
I think those are the big money sinks this time around
The Lamonster said:details please
Bisnic said:Alchemists can turn into a dragon. And you can also have a passenger i think.
It's not a potion they can sell to others as far as i know. Correct me if im wrong.
Bisnic said:Alchemists can turn into a dragon. And you can also have a passenger i think.
It's not a potion they can sell to others as far as i know. Correct me if im wrong.
RPGCrazied said:Wow, you get some easy blues in mount hyjal. I just got like 3, and they were just turn in quests.
Bisnic said:Alchemists can turn into a dragon. And you can also have a passenger i think.
It's not a potion they can sell to others as far as i know. Correct me if im wrong.
Nostalgic Nightmare said:The fuck are you talking about, try healing as a priest, one button pfft. I healed all the way through vanilla to wrath and the biggest problem with so called "tanks" was that they literally just grabbed everything in sight an expected to be healed through it, most of the time wearing shit gear and or not even close to being stat capped. Wrath was the worst, it promoted this type of tanking and now they are butt hurt today because those days are over. They actually have to mark targets instead of facerolling. 99.9% of the time if a wipe was caused in wrath it was due to a shit tank or shit dps who couldn't be bothered to wait for proper threat to build.
This was also a problem with tanks in heirloom gear in lower vanilla/bc zones, they would try and pull everything and hope the AOE dmg was there from dps to drop everything, then freak if it didn't work out that way. God forbid they would wait for healer mana in their ADD ridden quest to round up the whole dungeon.
Dresden said:No, some are obviously better suited for particular classes than others, but the differences aren't game-breaking, so just choose one you're happy staring at for the hundreds of hours you'll spend playing.
Subliminal said:Thats how all healers are. Press one button over and over again a bitch because the tank has 10000000 things to watch and managed to miss something
This is correct. The only problem with healing now (why most find it frustrating.. not why it isnt fun) is that in PUG groups the stress comes from babysitting everyone else. Healers need to instruct DPS (and tanks now that every moron is queuing up as Tank to get around 1.5 hour wait times) how to do their job. My idea of fun isnt telling mages to sheep and then telling people not to AoE thus breaking sheep.Nostalgic Nightmare said:The fuck are you talking about, try healing as a priest, one button pfft. I healed all the way through vanilla to wrath and the biggest problem with so called "tanks" was that they literally just grabbed everything in sight an expected to be healed through it, most of the time wearing shit gear and or not even close to being stat capped. Wrath was the worst, it promoted this type of tanking and now they are butt hurt today because those days are over. They actually have to mark targets instead of facerolling. 99.9% of the time if a wipe was caused in wrath it was due to a shit tank or shit dps who couldn't be bothered to wait for proper threat to build.
This was also a problem with tanks in heirloom gear in lower vanilla/bc zones, they would try and pull everything and hope the AOE dmg was there from dps to drop everything, then freak if it didn't work out that way. God forbid they would wait for healer mana in their ADD ridden quest to round up the whole dungeon.