Raide said:Titan Bar and Recount as a starter, Deadly Boss Mods if you are going raiding. With so many patches currently, some of these add-ons get outdated really quickly, so bare that in mind.
Kthreev said:I also made that change, Bazooka is very nice. Too bad FuBar is broken though, loved that mod.
I also made that change, Bazooka is very nice. Too bad FuBar is broken though, loved that mod.Entropia said:Titan Bar is still around? I just made the change from FuBar to Bazooka, I love it.
JWong said:Why? The only problem with it is that there is no unified metric.
It does denote skill more than you think, and all the raids require gear checks. Don't think you can go into ICC 25 in quest greens and blues and think you'll be effective.Entropia said:It doesn't denote skill or anything. So many times you'll see "6k gs DPS LFG ICC!" When you get them in there, they'll do a fraction of the DPS that they should.
Sure it lets you know that they're "geared", but that doesn't prove anything. I could wear all Enhancement gear in my Ele set and have a high gearscore and that's the only number some pug leaders care about which is absolutely absurd.
I'm glad Blizzard put in their own version of Gearscore, but I doubt that anyone will use it.
JWong said:If a bad player has good gear... well they are few and far between. Getting gear means you're getting better at your class. Only a few will manage to be carried through heroics and still suck.
JWong said:Gearscore, or individually checking gear, is the most objective way of figuring out a player's skill.
word up said:The main problem with Gearscore is the numerous players running those pug raids or in charge of guild recruitment that use it as the ONLY yardstick to measure ability when it is a hoplessly inadequate and simplified metric. I guess that's why they like it so much!
AceBandage said:Can't wait to get one of these babies:[IMG]
[IMG][IMG][/QUOTE]wtf? is that a mount or a hunter pet?
[QUOTE=GDJustin]One of my favorite WoW pastimes when I was actively playing in 2008-2009 was to keep trying very very common names over and over again, until I managed to find one that wasn't taken. It took a LOT of time, but I nabbed some good ones. This is made all the more amazing considering I play on a launch server. Several years' worth of camped names.
Anyway, I've been the proud owner of Day, Book, North, Subtle, and a few other strong names for a few years now. I never had much cause to use them. With the revamped old world, I think I'll finally dust a couple off and level them up. :D[/QUOTE]
name parkers annoy me. i wish blizz would auto delete characters below level 10 that haven't been played for over a year.
and uh.... what makes those names you mentioned "strong"?
Scrow said:wtf? is that a mount or a hunter pet?
name parkers annoy me. i wish blizz would auto delete characters below level 10 that haven't been played for over a year.
and uh.... what makes those names you mentioned "strong"?
JWong said:It does denote skill more than you think, and all the raids require gear checks. Don't think you can go into ICC 25 in quest greens and blues and think you'll be effective.
If a skilled player has bad gear, then they should know better and run heroics.
If a bad player has good gear... well they are few and far between. Getting gear means you're getting better at your class. Only a few will manage to be carried through heroics and still suck.
Gearscore, or individually checking gear, is the most objective way of figuring out a player's skill.
If a name is in use but not on the armory you can petition a GM to make it open for the taking. I think the restrictions are a character under level 10 and has to have not been played in a long time (not sure of the exact amount of time).Scrow said:name parkers annoy me. i wish blizz would auto delete characters below level 10 that haven't been played for over a year.
Reluctant-Hero said:You're shitting me! The original CE is worth $600?!
I've had a copy since day one and would be "complete" with exception of the redeemed pet on my account and the CD-ROM install discs, I loaned them to a college buddy and never got them back.
ACE 1991 said:Played around a bunch these past few days, and while I can definitely see myself getting back into WoW it's just not how I think I want to spend my free time anymore.
VGChampion said:So annoying. My Amazon collectors is set to one day shipping with an ETA of Dec. 9th. I preordered it way back before it even had a release date. I've tried switching it to release date shipping for weeks now but no options ever pop up. So annoying. I was going to resubscribe to WoW today but I guess I'll hold off.
I've had so many problems with Amazon recently I may end up canceling my Prime after this year.
Lonely1 said:Dam, this makes me want to play WoW again. Must... Resist.... temptation...
Chriswok said:Aye. Far too time consuming.
I was talking to a former Guild Member the other day, that I became good friends with through WoW. We both commented about how much weight we had both lost since stop playing WoW :lol
Former Guild Member has went back to WoW and within a month had put 14lbs back on. :lol :lol :lol
ACE 1991 said::lol
Honestly coming back is very enticing, I love what Blizzard has done with the game. I wish I was in high school again.
Chriswok said:Aye. Far too time consuming.
I was talking to a former Guild Member the other day, that I became good friends with through WoW. We both commented about how much weight we had both lost since stop playing WoW :lol
Former Guild Member has went back to WoW and within a month had put 14lbs back on. :lol :lol :lol
Zerokku said:I never understood this. I tend to lose weight when I'm playing WoW
Cause I'm too engrossed in the game to bother to get up and eat :lol
Zerokku said:I never understood this. I tend to lose weight when I'm playing WoW
Cause I'm too engrossed in the game to bother to get up and eat :lol
Trojita said:Anyone have a list of recommended Mods to use? I'm going to start playing again for the first time in four years.
I'm not sure whether I want to play a hunter again or play another class.
epmode said:I use the default UI and I love it. Nuts to you guys. I used to use a few UI mods but Blizzard has already integrated the most useful bits from those.
The only mods I roll with are Baggins (autosorts items into categories) and something that gives coordinates to the map screen. Oh and sometimes NPCScan.
Chriswok said:I'll sponsor you, if you sponsor me?![]()
VGChampion said:So annoying. My Amazon collectors is set to one day shipping with an ETA of Dec. 9th. I preordered it way back before it even had a release date. I've tried switching it to release date shipping for weeks now but no options ever pop up. So annoying. I was going to resubscribe to WoW today but I guess I'll hold off.
I've had so many problems with Amazon recently I may end up canceling my Prime after this year.
Edit: And I tried looking up some guild leveling info but still have a question. If my friends and I play in our own guild is it pretty useless for us? WoWWiki says a raid / pvp has to be 75% guild members for it to qualify but we're lucky if 4-5 of us are online at a time.
And that person out of how many? Can that person carry a Kingslayer title? Or even any 25 hard modes?LAUGHTREY said:You have had better luck than I have. We literally had a person in our guild when we had problem with attendence that could wipe the raid 2-3 times in a night have some of the best gear in the guild. We were doing hard mode ToC 25 and this person was suckin ass in their Heroic Ulduar gear.
Gearscore.means.nothing. End of story, it's just a way for the kids to assign themselves rank like Call of Duty and tell their friends how much "better" they are. Gear has never meant anything and it most likely never will.
JWong said:And that person out of how many? Can that person carry a Kingslayer title? Or even any 25 hard modes?
So, yeah, Heroic ToC 25 requires ToC 25 or ICC gear. Ulduar gear is worth nothing for ToC, that's your problem there. As for the others, 6k gear score pretty much means you killed Lich King, because you would have to have 264 in almost every slot to get 6k gs. You can't kill the Lich King carrying one guy. Several fights before the Lich King requires every person to be on the ball. So I pretty much call bull on saying someone with 6k gs still sucks at the game.
Check the OP. I've got a list of people offering scrolls.CoLaN said:anyone got a scroll of resurrection for the EU version? Thanks in advance
LAUGHTREY said:You have had better luck than I have. We literally had a person in our guild when we had problem with attendence that could wipe the raid 2-3 times in a night have some of the best gear in the guild. We were doing hard mode ToC 25 and this person was suckin ass in their Heroic Ulduar gear.
Gearscore.means.nothing. End of story, it's just a way for the kids to assign themselves rank like Call of Duty and tell their friends how much "better" they are. Gear has never meant anything and it most likely never will.
Wwwwwwwwrong.AdventureRacing said:I'm sorry but this is total bullshit and you are using flawed logic. Just because someone can suck in good gear doesn't mean that gear means nothing. If there are 2 equally geared people, one in good gear and one in bad gear then the person with better gear will perform better. It's that simple.
Won said:I really hope my CE arrives on the 7th, or I'm gonna chop some trees or something! Got a bad feeling with all the snow out there.![]()
Drkirby said:If I had a friend who wanted Burning Crusade, would this be the cheapest copy at the moment? He only got Vanilla during the sale and seems bummed out over the number of areas he is locked out of without Burning Crusade.