Have they clarified if the character models will be the low poly versions from that time period or will we be able to use closer to current models? It's going to be tough going back to those aged graphics.
I quit this game for ever after they stopped world ganking! Too many sjw types were crying about being killed on a pvp server. They ruined the game! City raiding is one of the greatest things I have ever experienced in gaming.
Erm, while I agree with most of your post, this comment puzzles me.
MC is very basic and, bar Majordomo/final boss quite straightforward compared to what comes next, namely:
1) BWL
2) AQ40
And even 20 men like Zul'Gurub and AQ20 look much more challenging than MC/Onyxia (#moredots) to me
Great response, thanks - I'm not going to quote it all to save space.
I was definitely a little hyperbolic in my "near impossible" stance - I think what I was trying to convey was that realistically, you would do a quest like that with at least one other person because it would save you a lot of time. I'm sure you know, with many mobs you'd have no choice but to pull a group of 3-4 and then run until a few of them peeled back. Rinse, repeat, eat, drink. The main point is that I did that and got into a group & conversation with a random gnome mage, which if I continued to play that server, may have blossomed into a game friendship. That hadn't happened to me in retail since probably WotLK.
We'll have to wait and see on the numbers front. I personally think people are going to be really surprised by the popularity, although yes, a lot of people will absolutely quit before level 20. I think while some people don't want to pay, there's going to be a whole crowd of other people (myself included) who have waited to pay Blizzard for an official classic server, rather than potentially wasting hundreds of hours on a private that will close down. It's super interesting to think how this might pan out one way or another.
And yeah, finally, I can definitely agree that vanilla had its flaws. But some of those flaws are what made it so endearing, even if some are simultaneously frustrating. The idea of having to go back to a major city to learn skills every 2 levels sounds tedious on paper, but after playing a private recently, I loved it - it forced me to actually move around the world more instead of just living zone-to-zone and rushing to endgame.
Classic is going to be at its most wild and fun in the first few weeks (the first 48 hours might be a little rough) when everyone is progressing together. I would absolutely suggest jumping in at the start - as far as I can tell it's only the subscription, there's no flat fee for the client. Even if you don't have the time to invest in playing a lot, leveling a character out in the world, progressing through that content, through dungeons, is a blast. Definitely give it a go, and if you get to level 15 and hate it, it's not too much time wasted.
You mean people with blue gear?I never had an issue with pugging half a group for BWL, assuming the people were even decently geared
What does that have anything to do with Social Justice, FFS? (without diving into what "stopping world ganking" even means)Too many sjw types were crying about being killed on a pvp server.
I don't even know what war mode is!I'd argue that they'd already done significantly worse things to the game than War Mode, but yeah, seeing people whining so much about ganking on PvP servers even in 2018... some of those forum posts like "I feel violated" and "I'm scared to play" were hysterical.
Classic Update - Official Forum Post
At BlizzCon 2018, we proposed a plan to give Classic four content phases. These were planned to be centered primarily on raid power progression.
Currently, based on both your feedback and our own deliberations, we’re now planning to increase it to six phases. Our focus is still primarily on player power-progression, but we’re also aiming to capture what it felt like to play in a realm community in original WoW. To do that, we’re planning to mirror the approach taken by original WoW, with patches paired together. We’ll launch Classic with content from original WoW through patch 1.2.x, then the second update will include content that was in original WoW 1.3 and 1.4, the third Classic update will have 1.5 and 1.6 content, and so on.
Our first phase primarily focuses on launching Classic with Onyxia and Molten Core, but we’ve decided to hold off on Dire Maul for a while. Maraudon is still in the first phase, because it was originally released on December 18, 2004, just two weeks after the first player hit level 60, but we recognize that Dire Maul is in a different category. Some of the loot that’s attainable from Dire Maul is so good that it would affect progression through those early raids. We’re also planning to hold off on releasing Kazzak and Azuregos at launch as well, for the same reasons.
The next change we’re targeting addresses two concerns. First, Zul’Gurub and Blackwing Lair unlocking at the same time would differ from how they originally came out, and it makes sense to not have gear and enchants from Zul’Gurub available during early progress into Blackwing Lair. Secondly, the Emerald Dragons should be available earlier than the opening of Ahn’Qiraj, as they give us a way to start preparing nature resist gear for some of the encounters in AQ.
Along the way, we’ve taken a close look at items that provide the biggest power gains, many of which were introduced in 1.10 as part of a sweeping dungeon itemization pass. That patch was when Tier 0.5 gear was introduced, and Relics were added to the drop tables of many bosses. It also adjusted drop rates and drop locations of a lot of gear (to make room for the Relics). We’ve gone back and reconstructed many of the most heavily affected drop tables as they existed prior to the 1.10 patch, and we’re planning to update the drop tables alongside the Ahn’Qiraj War Effort. Prior to the Ahn’Qiraj unlock, most of the drop rates and locations will look as they did in the patches prior to 1.10, with exceptions—there are lots of little changes made in earlier patches that don’t have a big effect on player power, and in those cases, we’re planning to use the 1.12 drop rates and locations.
One example of the many items we’re planning for is: Titanic Leggings, which is a world drop that first appeared in 1.10. We can confirm that it will be controlled by the same content unlock that restricts the other 1.10 loot changes.
Here’s what the release order currently looks like:
Phase 1 (Classic Launch)
Phase 2
- Molten Core
- Onyxia
- Maraudon
Phase 3
- Dire Maul
- Azuregos
- Kazzak
Phase 4
- Blackwing Lair
- Darkmoon Faire
- Darkmoon deck drops begin
Phase 5
- Zul’Gurub
- Green Dragons
Phase 6
- Ahn’Qiraj War Effort begins
- Ahn’Qiraj raids open when the war effort dictates
- Dungeon loot reconfiguration: Tier 0.5 Dungeon gear, Relics, drop rates and location changes
We haven’t yet determined exactly when phases 2-6 will occur, and PvP content is notably missing from the list above. That’s because we’re still evaluating our options regarding PvP rewards, as they also changed over time (both in power and in terms of which PvP reward items were available).
- Naxxramas
- Scourge Invasion
While we can’t elaborate on every detail of every step we’re going to take (yet), we’re here reading all of your questions and we’re going to keep the answers coming.
Thank you!
This is great - not only does it indicate that they've been listening to the community's concerns, but also that they're actively shaping development based on that feedback where necessary. This was a really important one, because as it says above, if they release DM at the same time as MC, people would just farm the latter to make the former even easier than it already is (was).
To those critical / doubtful of Blizzard's ability to pull this off without messing it up (and I understand your concern with the company at large); this is big.
The other big takeaway from this post is that they have determined when phases 2-6 will occur; this implies that they do indeed have a release date set internally, even if it's still just "summer" for us.
I'm really not sure what I'm supposed to think about classic. I've been playing WoW (still am) since release day and even though there's some sweet nostalgia attached to Classic WoW, I'm not entirely sure it's the kind of WoW I would want to play today. The early access alpha was fun, but also quite tedious already. I got so used to many of the quality of live changes, that I'm not sure I want to go back to old WoW. I'm also lacking the time to put in to really make any decent progress. We'll see.
That said, Blizzard is really ramping up the Classic business and it seems they have their plan set. I'm really curious to see how long we'll be waiting inbetween phases, and what's going to happen once the content is "over". In regards to the beta I'm probably not going to play it a lot, as I'm expecting the usual wipe and I wouldn't want to repeat that content too often.
Early AV was best AV.
i'll say this tho: if this isn't turned into a mostly world pvp centric experience, it'll be a huge disappointment
That's why I'm still struggling at picking a class - if I'll ever play at all - because it's a must for me that it holds up during open world fights.
When.. like I want the DAY!
Sick of waiting.
When.. like I want the DAY!
Sick of waiting.
If I was betting, I'd say announcement in June and release at the end of July.
The beta is on the CDN now. Has been for a few days at least. It makes the July 16th rumor look good.
I'll gladly pay monthly to have some fun with classic WOW for the nostalgia alone.
Their content dowloader.
Me too.![]()
It should be on your account whether you're flagged for beta access.
It's on the account settings somewhere.
I'd love to get back into Classic, but the amount of time involved to do ANYTHING would kill my ability to really play it. I wish I could have the amount of free time 24-year-old me had these days, because I'd be all over that shit.
Barrens chat is going to be absolutely incredible when it finally releases. Years of pent-up idiocy is going to come spilling out all at once.
[3. Local Defense] : The Crossroads is under attack!
[3. Local Defense] : The Crossroads is under attack!
[3. Local Defense] : The Crossroads is under attack!
[1. General] : Dumass: Whers Mankriks wife?
[3. Local Defense] : The Crossroads is under attack!
[3. Local Defense] : The Crossroads is under attack!