So, is the classic beta using a separate client or is it rolled into retail? Also, is it the modern engine being made to mimic the old one or something else entirely? Mostly asking because I'd rather not deal with a 50GB download when I'm only going to be playing a 5GB game. =p
So, is the classic beta using a separate client or is it rolled into retail? Also, is it the modern engine being made to mimic the old one or something else entirely? Mostly asking because I'd rather not deal with a 50GB download when I'm only going to be playing a 5GB game. =p
I'm pretty content just watching a few streams of beta right now so I can go in relatively fresh in August. I keep changing my mind on what I want to do when it hits. Probably gonna be alliance still, but can't decide between dwarf and NE priest. Also starting to lean toward a PvE server to save time. My first server was Gilneas in Vanilla which was PvE, and kind of like the idea of not being ganked constantly (I was almost 30 when WoW came out, and just didn't want to waste time on that, maybe if I was in high school at the time I wouldn't have minded).
I like the idea of PVP servers but I love my Rp servers because the whole community is just better as less shit is talked in chat apart from the one dick head who says "I'm role playing a wanker" and thinks he's clever..Mr Nash I never played on a PVP server. I like hearing funny stories about PVP shenanigans though.
I like the idea of PVP servers but I love my Rp servers because the whole community is just better as less shit is talked in chat apart from the one dick head who says "I'm role playing a wanker" and thinks he's clever..
If you're concerned that Dwarves will get raid spots over Elves due to fear ward, I wouldn't worry. Priests are going to be in demand no matter the race. Personally I think female Elves look great in the priest tier sets, and priests are one of the only two classes whose tier sets are actually BiS.
Plus, if you do end up playing a PVP server you can Shadowmeld near the elevators in 1K Needles and then mind control people off the top for endless fun.
Can't decide if I want to do pre-Cata Dark Shore or Loch Modan more.
Also, while on the topic of streamers, it's funny to see how many people on the WoW forums are utterly butt hurt that streamers are in beta. =p
The vitriol is outstanding. I love it. The WoW forums have always been a cesspit but Classic has really brought the dregs up from the bottom of the barrel.
That people like Asmongold and McConnell are happy to stir the pot makes it all the more hilarious. =p
McConnell moans a bit to much for my liking he's a bit like that Delrith? that angry joe has on his show now and again.. they annoy me, which is ironic because i'm a moaning cunt.Has McConnell ever shown his face before? And no not that fake video. He's such a little cuck I love him.
Classic Beta is overrated. You're better off on a private server. It will prep you better for launch of classic. Private servers are harder. I recommend Elysium Nighthaven. Typically ~700-1000 players per faction, 1.5k-2k total. The playerbase is soooo much nicer than the cesspit that is frequenting the wow official forums.
Man I was so set on doing Warlock this time, now I'm getting urges to do Druid. It's been so long, I can't remember - how was Feral tank Druid in Vanilla? I'm thinking it sucked but I can't be sure about that.
There was a Duel Tournament with a $2000 prize pool. It was pretty well organized outside of a few trolls, hopefully they can find a better solution for them if they ever decide to do another tournament.
Warsong gulch. What a blast from the past
You can try WoW Classic on June 19 if you have an active subscription
"Americas & Oceania"
Ah yeah, white people only.
Dude look it up, remember the incident where Blizzard burned that cross that one weekend in the parking lot? Should have seen this coming.![]()
Is this irony?
Thanks for telling the rest of us where to look, saved me a heap of time.So, the Classic client was supposed to be up for download 'late today'. Anyone who already has it have a clue as to where I should be looking?
Edit: Found it.
Thanks for telling the rest of us where to look, saved me a heap of time.![]()
Thanks for telling the rest of us where to look, saved me a heap of time.![]()
i tried current WoW as a warlock to see how different it is, i don't know how anyone finds it fun to play "New" Wow.
well my brother and i are going to run warrior/lock. If anyone who is going to play alliance on an oceanic server (if they end up having them) and wants to have a team when needed hit me up