AceBandage said:So, anyone get these guys yet?
All the time on Mal'Ganis.
AceBandage said:So, anyone get these guys yet?
notworksafe said:Those gold jerks show up daily on A52. For a while we had a deal with some alliance where they'd come to Org and kill ours and we'd go to SW and kill the ones there.
I always assumed it was something related to the bug they were using. All I know is that for a few weeks there would be a random human warrior beating the snot out of them until they logged off. It was a funny sight. :lolBisnic said:How can the opposite faction kill them? They're not even pvp flagged.
DeathNote said:There's a hole in the alliance Arathi Basin fence? I had them cap before the game started. If so, why wouldn't they make an easy fix?
What class are you playing?itxaka said:I finally crossed the 2000+ dps mark on heroics! wohoooo
I feel useful now in dungeons![]()
sykoex said:What class are you playing?
My 2 main DPS classes were Rogue and Mage which do ridiculous DPS in heroics, then I decided to level an Unholy Death Knight and I really gained a new respect for DKs, I had such a hard time even surpassing the Tank once I got to 80.
itxaka said:Warrior fury. I'm still a bit undergeared, but I hope to start Toc10 soon and get some really good gear instead of all the triumph badges gear and a few drops
EDIT: oh, yeah. Should I start getting enchants already? I', a bit down on the hit cap and crit cap, but I feel that is gonna be a waste of money to echant them already.
I don't see any hunter changes.Q. Will the ability to run while shooting effect PvP or PvE battles more? What was the initial intention of the new ability?
A. With how encounters are today, damage-dealing while on the move is increasingly becoming important. You'll see in a lot of classes we specifically are giving new ways for players to still do damage while on the move. That said, your damage while standing still casting or on a target in melee range should always be optimal.
HixxSAFC said:The cheaper enchants can be had for as little as 20g these days. Or keep running heroics and get the mats via d/e, its always worth it to enchant unless its <ilvl 200.
Dont they get a new aspect, aspect of the fox or something that allows shots while moving or somethingDeathNote said:What is this in reference to?
I don't see any hunter changes.
If that's accurate, there we go. Must have missed it.Johnlenham said:Dont they get a new aspect, aspect of the fox or something that allows shots while moving or something
" The hunter takes on the aspects of a fox, allowing you to shoot Steady Shot and Cobra Shot while moving and causing you to gain 2 Focus whenever you take damage."
CassSept said:That would make sense, especially since they are leaving this content before. The last weeks between pre-expansion patch and the expansion itself are a great time. Everyone is pumped, doing new stuff all the time. It's amazing actually (unless some idiots come whining that they don't like it, e.g. pre-wotlk Zombie Invasion), can't wait for pre-cata event.
Some people enjoy raiding.krypt0nian said:If you have a decent heroic purp set, why is anyone putting time into the endgame stuff right now? I mean past one run to see the content.
I'm honestly confused. 'Splain to me GAF. I guess gearing you're 2nd spec would be a good idea.
thatbox said:Some people enjoy raiding.
krypt0nian said:I guess. It's just wasted IMO. Blues will beat your hard fought epics once the expansion hit if Wrath is any example. Save the effort or farm gold or something useful.
I just wanted to understand.![]()
Aesthet1c said:It's not all about the gear. My main drive is to see the content. My guild is 10/12 in ICC, and I want to see the Lich King die before Cataclysm hits. On top of that, I just enjoy getting on and hanging with my buddies, and shooting the breeze in vent for a few hours.
ezekial45 said:Gaf, what is your verdict on RP and PvP servers?
FLEABttn said:No fair PvP occurs on PvP servers. If you don't mind someone occasionally swooping down from their flying mount and killing you when you have 500 hp, or tag teaming you, or rolling into a level 20 zone and killing your alt, go nuts.
Note that it doesn't happen as much as it used to, but it still happens. Once given the chance to get off a PvP server, I spent a lot of money to leave. I was very, very tired of it after almost 5 years.
AceBandage said:Honestly, it happens very little anymore on most servers.
I mean, it use to be you could never go to Hillsbrad without being corpse camped for hours at a time.
Now, that place is basically empty.
speedpop said:Different strokes for different folks really.
I'd rather stand around Thunder Bluff pretending I am communing with the elements :lol
Same. My two dreams before Cata (in which I will feel finished with lich king) is get the Battered Hilt (want the sword/quest for lore nerd purposes) and beat the Lich King. Dream mode go!firex said:I still want to see the Lich King fight before Cataclysm, too. I've done like 9/12 ICC (fuck if I know how much I actually did, the last boss I ever killed was Dreamwalker and the group I joined quit at like Putricide and some other fight in the Blood wing, I think the last one) and I'd like to see the last few fights.
firex said:I still want to see the Lich King fight before Cataclysm, too. I've done like 9/12 ICC (fuck if I know how much I actually did, the last boss I ever killed was Dreamwalker and the group I joined quit at like Putricide and some other fight in the Blood wing, I think the last one) and I'd like to see the last few fights.
There from the first month.... Once I hit Red ridge mountains. It was fair game. Together with some other 30 high teens, low twenty players. We united to crush the 2 or 3 horde on the bridge. It was glorious! :lolFLEABttn said:No fair PvP occurs on PvP servers. If you don't mind someone occasionally swooping down from their flying mount and killing you when you have 500 hp, or tag teaming you, or rolling into a level 20 zone and killing your alt, go nuts.