I think I heard "WoW original -> Cataclysm = 10 years passed" somewhere.Effect said:Do we know how much time has suppose to have passed between WotLK and Cata?
Not sure on WotLK -> Cataclysm though.
I think I heard "WoW original -> Cataclysm = 10 years passed" somewhere.Effect said:Do we know how much time has suppose to have passed between WotLK and Cata?
Deathwing erupts as we are fighting the Lich Kingciaossu said:Not sure on WotLK -> Cataclysm though.
I don't think that's true. I believe WoW original -> TBC = 1 year; TBC -> WotLK = 1 year. According to first Cata trailer it's supposed to happen pretty much instantly after Fall of the Lich King. I guess they are going to make it one year again.ciaossu said:I think I heard "WoW original -> Cataclysm = 10 years passed" somewhere.
Not sure on WotLK -> Cataclysm though.
Spire said:Reading back through the beginning of that old thread was a trip. People whining about the servers going down, figuring stuff out and discovering things. The launch of a new MMO is always the best time, everything is new and exciting and everyone is right there with you.
No, there was a blue post somewhere not long ago that said ten years, regardless of what they've said in the past. I wouldn't put a lot of importance on either figure at any rate, as the passage of time is clearly not something Blizzard really considers unless they have to, as with the old world revamp.CassSept said:I don't think that's true. I believe WoW original -> TBC = 1 year; TBC -> WotLK = 1 year. According to first Cata trailer it's supposed to happen pretty much instantly after Fall of the Lich King. I guess they are going to make it one year again.
I learned that you could and and drink at the same time from that thread. Blew my mind at the time. :lolSpire said:Reading back through the beginning of that old thread was a trip. People whining about the servers going down, figuring stuff out and discovering things. The launch of a new MMO is always the best time, everything is new and exciting and everyone is right there with you.
Yeah it definitely isn't 2 years guysSiegfriedFM said:There is definitely more than a few years gone by. Anduin Wrynn is all grown up for one thing. Oh, and they finished the Lakeshire bridge. That must have taken years!
Are you just speculating? This sounds sort of plausible except for the Halion thing. He could be awakening during the LK fight.Fularu said:Deathwing erupts as we are fighting the Lich King
He uses the fact that our attention is focused on Arthas to tear the world a new one.
ciaossu said:Are you just speculating? This sounds sort of plausible except for the Halion thing. He could be awakening during the LK fight.
Granted, the expansions have durations themselves; it's not just the in-between that matters.
Flib said:I had a warlock roll need on a BOE tanking shield which dropped in some low level instance the other day, saying it was for his paladin. Luckily I won it and laughed at him.
AFKevin said:Just started playing WoW like a week ago, now a level 18 Warlock. Attempting to go through that ginormous thread will be pretty interesting. But the wealth of information in there should be pretty helpful.
AFKevin said:Just started playing WoW like a week ago, now a level 18 Warlock. Attempting to go through that ginormous thread will be pretty interesting. But the wealth of information in there should be pretty helpful.
There's always ONE guy who will insult the fuck out of the healer/tank. :lolfirex said:I've had pretty much every kind of group in dungeon finder. Fun groups, good people who just want to clear instances, stupid people who want to pull fast and aoe everything (even with no aoe classes), bad tanks and healers, dps queued as tanks, and so on.
SiegfriedFM said:There is definitely more than a few years gone by. Anduin Wrynn is all grown up for one thing. Oh, and they finished the Lakeshire bridge. That must have taken years!
Bisnic said:Another Rampart run with my prot warrior.
Another Rampart run where i lose BOTH the plate belt & tanking boots to a DPS DK.
I hate DKs, they can go to fucking hell and burn there for eternity.
My warrior is lvl 65, i've only done instance runs with few quests so far in Outlands, and i've won ONE roll on plate drops so far. I don't know why i keep doing instances with my warrior. Argh.
I believed that too but right now it doesn't make much sense. It was probably the original plan, but had been retconned by now, as there are too many events between Fall of LK and pre-Cata event for it to happen instantly.Sebulon3k said:In the trailer for Cataclysm I believe the announcer says something to the effect of, (Paraphrasing) While the heroes are focusing they're efforts in Northrend, Deathwing arises from the maelstrom.
Something like that.
AFKevin said:Just started playing WoW like a week ago, now a level 18 Warlock. Attempting to go through that ginormous thread will be pretty interesting. But the wealth of information in there should be pretty helpful.
I remember a blue post confirmed race change for new races will be delayed. I'm guessing about two weeks - a month after Cata launch. I know I'm changing my rogue to goblin, I'm in love with this race after their starting chainTouchdown said:..sad my server is down today.I'm a bear tank, but wanted to switch to Worgen with a race change. Anybody know if thats going to be allowed as soon as cata starts or no?
Yeah, pretty much this. My lock is currently 74 and I'm still using a demonology heavy spec with a bit of Affliction sprinkled in. I leveled as pure Affliction until about 58 when one of my guildmates told me to try demonology. For some reason I was really against it. Probably because everything I knew about fights revolved around Affliction. However, I did change it and I don't think I'll ever go back. The felguard is a beast, I have hitpoints up the wahzoo, HE has hitpoints up the wahzoo, with soul link it takes A LOT to kill me (granted I'm in some TBC purples), and I can pretty much kill not stop, literally. As my dots and felguard eat away at some poor soul, I'm just keep pulling more. In fact, elites around my level aren't even that big of a deal.Dina said:(I think demonology is pretty easy leveling for WoW newcomers)
Bisnic said:Another Rampart run with my prot warrior.
Another Rampart run where i lose BOTH the plate belt & tanking boots to a DPS DK.
I hate DKs, they can go to fucking hell and burn there for eternity.
My warrior is lvl 65, i've only done instance runs with few quests so far in Outlands, and i've won ONE roll on plate drops so far. I don't know why i keep doing instances with my warrior. Argh.
CassSept said:I've copied my prot pala alt to beta and HOLY FUCKBALLS. What have they done to this class, it's incredible. It feels like a completely different class, even more so than TBC -> WotLK change. Sadly combat text is broken so I can't compare damage of different spells right now, but hopefully that will be fixed in the next build.
yacobod said:who cares about leveling gear? seriously the shit will be replaced in northrend, and then again at 80
ppl are retarded what are you going to do about it
funkmastergeneral said:Gear with sockets is really, really nice for leveling.
Damn straight.Calantus said:i like smaller mounts better, tired of these big ass dragons. Carpet is one of my favorite flying mounts in the game, it allows me to actually see the game rather than just my mount.
Yup, my level 68 warrior had 6 24 stamina gems at level 62, very nicefunkmastergeneral said:Gear with sockets is really, really nice for leveling.
Grats dude! It's a hell of a fight and post-fight cutscene if you care about lore. Good stuff.Magnus said:I have finally seen the Lich King die. 10-man, lol. But man, wow. To see it after waiting for 8 years. Finally.
Calantus said:i like smaller mounts better, tired of these big ass dragons. Carpet is one of my favorite flying mounts in the game, it allows me to actually see the game rather than just my mount.
Flib said:swift flight form is the best thing in the game.
I know I know... I play rogue for over 3 years now and I don't think any single skill had been changed (except for % changes and removal of being behind requirement for muti) while Judgement alone had been revamped twice. I play with my main now on Cata and I barely feel any change while on my paladin I had to reread everything since pretty much every skill had been changed :/Kletian said:It's this stuff that makes playing a Rogue so depressing. We play pretty much the same as we did since Vanilla, biggest change was the poison revamp in the Assassination tree.... I want new and exciting darnit!
Isn't warrior worse to level? That's what I've heard.notworksafe said:Yeah but leveling a rogue is going to be so much better. They really are the worst for leveling of all the classes, but the self-heal is going to help a lot.
notworksafe said:Lol China....from this
to this