cdyhybrid said:So I decided to go with my Arms Warrior for now, but reading up on specs and stuff, I came across this:
Is Bladestorm still bugged?
They supposedly hotfixed it, either your info is old or the hotfix failed.
cdyhybrid said:So I decided to go with my Arms Warrior for now, but reading up on specs and stuff, I came across this:
Is Bladestorm still bugged?
borghe said:yeah, it's not just frost mage. as a fire mage I still use frost nova, and then when that breaks (while running) instacast blast wave. With a buffed pool of 118K pretty sure I never dropped below 100K the whole fight. and the only time I took hits was when he transferred with one of them and I had to pick the "new" one up again.
see, this is why I don't get the nerfs.... I guess the bulk of the player base is so bad that even stuff like this is just too much to communicate and organize.
though yes, I will definitely appreciate faster-than-35m queues more than I will lament the loss of diffculty.
kresh is easy also, as long as you have a tank who can kite him through the lava and a healer who can heal through 15-20 stacks. beauty is easy as long as you can keep at one (definitely two) of the pups CC'ed. actually BRC in general is pretty easy. Corla was the biggest problem we had recently, and that was only because one of the guys taking the beam DC'ed during the first two pulls wiping us. After he rebooted his modem and could actually get out of the beam at 75 we one shotted her no problem.
Bone Shield now has 4 charges, up from 3.
If Death Strike is used while a Blood Shield is already active, the new absorb will stack with the old one instead of replacing it.
Scarlet Fever now applies via Blood Plague, rather than Blood Boil.
Azwethinkweiz said:Holy shit, I'm going to have like 80k blood shields.
Kyoufu said:I think I'm done with WoW for now. Spent a whole week doing nothing but digging and got nothing to show for it. Back to single-player games where RNG doesn't fuck me in the ass. LBP2/ME2 hurray.
funkmastergeneral said:No one forces you to do archaeology.
What are your two main professions?Kyoufu said:Zin'Rokh is the best item I could hope to obtain in the game currently. So yes, I'm forced to dig. Heroics are a waste of time and no raid in the game provides a weapon for your entire account.
Maybe I'll try again if Blizzard improves the profession.
cuevas said:What are your two main professions?
Kyoufu said:Enchanting/Alchemy.
I don't know how it works nowadays since I guess the 450 area is easier than in WOTLK, but if it's still the same it'll cost ridicolous amounts of gold. I blew 6k on levelling it pre-Cata - farming many mats in Outland and Northrend - and although I farmed everything for Cataclysm, buying those mats would certainly have cost at least 10k on its own.Dunlop said:We lost our guild engineer, anyone have a clue about the costs of leveling it if I was to buy most of the mats (especially the lower lever stuff) off the AH? I'd drop herbalism but do not want to drop my alchemy.
I would have about 10k gold I could use, i know prices vary on each server but is this ballpark feasible?
Thnikkaman said:So I've been doing some reading today about the creepier and more obscure parts of Azeroth. One really sticks out: there's a whole, unfinished system of crypts in Deadwind Pass/Karazhan? The whole area is extremely dark compared to most of the game - especially the sunken hall of Upside Down Sinners. *shudder* Anyone been down there? I really want to go myself just for kicks if I find a player to get me through the cracks. It's close to where I was leveling before and I just passed by the zone without knowing about it.
Ferrio said:Back in vanilla it was really cool sneaking in Hyjal and caverns of time. Wasn't much in Hyjal, except a really pitiful world tree and a road construction sign (really). Caverns looked a lot like it did when it came out, which at the time was really neat stuff and a blast to bring people. Also at one point I believe you could glitch into Old Ironforge via a graveyard res, but I never got to.
I love it when bits and pieces from development can be seen through creative ways.Ferrio said:Back in vanilla it was really cool sneaking in Hyjal and caverns of time. Wasn't much in Hyjal, except a really pitiful world tree and a road construction sign (really). Caverns looked a lot like it did when it came out, which at the time was really neat stuff and a blast to bring people. Also at one point I believe you could glitch into Old Ironforge via a graveyard res, but I never got to.
cuevas said:Do you have Pally/DK/Warrior? Or is there a reason you want a 2H on all of your characters? There are a handful of better weapon you could obtain currently for just your main through raids. If you would have gotten it in the first fragment you would not be complaining about how random archaeology is.
You can get a better pvp weapon with just a few arena matches a week. If you have 0 points right now it will take you 3 weeks to get it unless you get your arena team to a good rating.Kyoufu said:Yeah I have a pally and warrior. Sadly I do not have a raiding guild and was looking to use the sword for PVP.
If I had gotten the sword on my first solve I wouldn't complain about it personally but I would still acknowledge that the profession is poorly designed and constructed. The amount of other fragments from other races I had to gather just to be able to dig the troll sites makes me facepalm.
Oh well, I'm done with that crap.
SnakeswithLasers said:Unfortunately, I'm finding stuff die so fast that I'm having trouble using the procs efficiently. :lol
Dunlop said:We lost our guild engineer, anyone have a clue about the costs of leveling it if I was to buy most of the mats (especially the lower lever stuff) off the AH? I'd drop herbalism but do not want to drop my alchemy.
I would have about 10k gold I could use, i know prices vary on each server but is this ballpark feasible?
mcrae said:yes. i spent about 11k after all was said and done,about two weeks ago. i think i needed to spend 14k total, but made back about 3-4. i did it in a day.
Twig said:I honestly didn't find it that hard to level engineering, money-wise. I have no idea what it is I did different from everyone else, but there wasn't much farming to be done on my part. A little, but not much. All in all I probably spent a few thousand on AH, which isn't much these days. AND I wasn't even 450 when the expansion hit, I was like... 380-something.
No i think that it is probably similar on most servers. The problem is that the AH gets flooded with people trying to sell scrolls they made while leveling their enchanting. People have so many of the scrolls that their choices are either to 1) save them/put them in gbank 2) throw them away 3) sell them for utterly absurd pricesBisnic said:Speaking of enchanthing, i dont understand what's going on in my AH
Stuff like the scroll for enchant boot that gives 50 mastery is being sold for 10g in the AH, while the actual mats are like 10 dusts and 3 essences, which is much more expensive than 10g.
Don't people want gold or what? I'm starting to wonder if i shouldnt just sell my enchanting mats instead of keeping them to make enchanting scrolls for myself if people are selling scrolls for such a low price.
Before Burning Crusades came out, I used to have people ask me to fear them into the old Ironforge. It took a little bit of luck, but people would get in eventually.notworksafe said:I used to get in to Old IF by having a mage sheep me in. You'd have to get next to that one pillar that lets your duel, then run to the crack in the wall and have the mage sheep you before the duel got cancelled from being too far away from the start point.
Glad to see all it takes now is a flying mount. Much easier that way.![]()
Azwethinkweiz said:Holy shit, I'm going to have like 80k blood shields.
you can downgrade any raid, yes. So if you down a boss in 25, you can continue the instance in 10. However once you down the next boss in 10 you can't put it back up to 25. I believe you can also choose heroic and normal on the fly per boss.Ferrio said:About raids. If you kill a boss in 25 man, are you able to set the instance to 10 man before the next reset? Wondering if you can now since 25/10 man share the same lockout.
keeblerdrow said:Scroll of Resurrections are not supposed to work on any account that is upgraded past Burning Crusade. If they ever do, it's a glitch and congrats. This is per Blizzard.
It's hard to tell. The official word on the site says BC only but I've seen them work on LK accounts (I sent one to krypt0nian and it worked). I've also seen them not work on LK accounts that have been inactive for longer than 3 months (my roommate's and a few others).Kyoufu said:That isn't true. They will work on any account as long as it has been inactive for 90 days or more.
notworksafe said:It's hard to tell. The official word on the site says BC only but I've seen them work on LK accounts (I sent one to krypt0nian and it worked). I've also seen them not work on LK accounts that have been inactive for longer than 3 months (my roommate's and a few others).
Not sure what's going on...
I think I worded that poorly, I use them, but I feel like I'm "wasting" if I just use it for LB, as the fights usually are pretty much over as soon as they start if I'm 1v1 (searing, lava lash, earth shock, stormstrike pretty much cripples them and I feel bad "wasting" the LB on them). Doesn't help that I'm 63 and only finishing the second hub in Hellfire, so I'm outleveling everything pretty significantly. I just have RPG guilt about using a powerful spell on a mortally wounded creature when some alliance rogue may pop up at any moment to ambush and cripple me.charlequin said:Leveling as enhancement, I situate myself at the midpoint of multiple mobs, drop totems, then pull one with Lava Burst and another immediately afterwards with a Shock, since I'm in zero danger from fighting two mobs and it's more efficient (and makes better use of MW procs) to fight them simultaneously.
Still, I'm surprised you don't get a chance to use MW. It carries over after fights and lasts 30 seconds from the last proc. You should generally be pulling someone new in less than 30 seconds. :lol
To AoE apply it, yes. What's the big deal there.Jazzy Network said:Blood plague? They're making us have to use pestilence. Great.