charlequin said:And then put an authenticator on your account.
Yep, anyone not using an authenticator with this game must not give a damn for their characters.
charlequin said:And then put an authenticator on your account.
Friend of mine got hacked when he hadn't played for months. Might have even been almost a year, I don't recall exactly.SnakeswithLasers said:How are people getting hacked? I don't mean it in any way but genuine curiosity--how does this happen? Add-ons? Flash ads?
SnakeswithLasers said:How are people getting hacked? I don't mean it in any way but genuine curiosity--how does this happen? Add-ons? Flash ads?
large majority of cases are people clicking on shady shit and being morons in some way and then pretending that OMG I DIDNT DO ANYTHING ALL I DID WAS GO ON A WEBSITE WOW THIS COULD HAPPEN TO ANYONE to save faceSnakeswithLasers said:How are people getting hacked? I don't mean it in any way but genuine curiosity--how does this happen? Add-ons? Flash ads?
TheExodu5 said:I was hacked without being a moron...but then my password wasn't particularly complicated (2 words, followed by a single digit).
Move away?funkmastergeneral said:Jesus christ soloing Ragnaros is annoying, it's hard to position yourself right to not take fall damage.
Yeah all the archaeology "fun items" I've seen have woefully small effect times and large cooldown times. Some of them I can understand, but others it just seems weird. Oh well.Bisnic said:As much as i hated all those night elf digsites in kalimdor while i was trying to get the Tolvir ring...(seriously, it took me HOURS just to get 2 Tolvir digsites, i just bought 2 tolvir hieroglyphs for 1k each on the AH to avoid having to deal with more night elf farming), i like this rare night elf artifact, too bad its 20 secs on a 10 mins cooldown... Blizzard doesnt like fun.![]()
water_wendi said:The smartest idea with Arch is to get a level 70 character you want to level up and use them solely for Arch 70-85.
It was quite a lot. It was like 1/2 quest a Survey from what i remember.Sai-kun said:I have a 74 shaman. Is arch really that effective?
70-80, possibly 82, IMO. I leveled to 85 with ARCH and switched to TB to get my full set and flying mount. I have to go back and do the quests asap to get the tabards and rep. But I'm fixing to do them on my alt. Ugh. I guess I could only do quests up until I get the tabards on one but that's a rep loss.water_wendi said:The smartest idea with Arch is to get a level 70 character you want to level up and use them solely for Arch 70-85.
i'm sure that happens, but there must be some other stuff going on too, cause i was hacked and i'm not a dumb shit when it comes to following dodgy links or using brain-dead passwords across all accounts.J-Rzez said:"ZOMG... Blizzsteve just pm'd me that I won a free companion pet, just gotta claim it at www.baetledotnet by logging in my info'z".
i didn't bitch about getting hacked.DeathNote said:If you don't want to protect yourself, or care enough, don't bitch about getting hacked.
I just resubscribed for Cataclysm and i got a tell from a "GM " telling me i am running suspicious 3rd party program and my account will be terminated if i dont log with my info on "shaddy website .com" so they can verify...Thnikkaman said:I got the mobile authenticator on my account right after starting my first character. Cheap and easy. Still, I've read about vulnerabilities with the java app but that's what happens when an industry forms over gold selling.
Not to mention the tells I get... Usually it's a polite "hello" and then "want to buy some gold?" Happens very often.
Mojojo said:I just resubscribed for Cataclysm and i got a tell from a "GM " telling me i am running suspicious 3rd party program and my account will be terminated if i dont log with my info on "shaddy website .com" so they can verify...
I would :lol but i guess it must work on some young players , and that's kind of sad.
On the topic of cataclysm, which races starting area area got the most interesting revamp? I 'd like to try at least one Horde and one Alliance (already done Goblin and worgen; it was ok).. I am leaning toward Forsaken and Gnome, seems like they had the most dramatic changes?
CarbonatedFalcon said:Maelstrom Crystals:
I totally should have worked on this sooner, my main being alchemist/enchanter.
There's like 3 other guys tops (horde side) on my server that can do this trick at the moment, so the market is good with the prices high. Spent about 13-15k today making crystals (15 I bought the enchant recipes with, but I still have about that many left). If I do get them to sell at about 2500g each, the profits will be massive. They've been down to about 1400g though, but only cost around 600-700g for me to make.
Trying to sell higher/stock up now since 4.0.6 seems to disable the ability to DE the stones, so they'll go back to being very scarce for awhile if the patch comes within a month or so, still being at the stage where most gear isn't DEd. The demand will grow as well with people actually starting to acquire epic gear and wanting to get it enchanted with the best stuff.
Any downturn in the market will likely only come when 5 mans start offering epics or when the current valor point gear is moved down to justice points - unlikely to happen before patch 4.1. So I've got until probably around March/April at the earliest to enjoy the cash flow if I stock up enough now.
Looks like only one person can do it on my server. He is sell a few stacks of 5 for 15,000 and singles for 3.1k. If he bought the mats from the AH right this second it'd be a 1.3k profit.CarbonatedFalcon said:Maelstrom Crystals:
I totally should have worked on this sooner, my main being alchemist/enchanter.
There's like 3 other guys tops (horde side) on my server that can do this trick at the moment, so the market is good with the prices high. Spent about 13-15k today making crystals (15 I bought the enchant recipes with, but I still have about that many left). If I do get them to sell at about 2500g each, the profits will be massive. They've been down to about 1400g though, but only cost around 600-700g for me to make.
Trying to sell higher/stock up now since 4.0.6 seems to disable the ability to DE the stones, so they'll go back to being very scarce for awhile if the patch comes within a month or so, still being at the stage where most gear isn't DEd. The demand will grow as well with people actually starting to acquire epic gear and wanting to get it enchanted with the best stuff.
Any downturn in the market will likely only come when 5 mans start offering epics or when the current valor point gear is moved down to justice points - unlikely to happen before patch 4.1. So I've got until probably around March/April at the earliest to enjoy the cash flow if I stock up enough now.
I'm trying to remember what we do. Since I'm a ranged dps, I'm really bad about paying attention to everything. The big thing is the adds. Add management and interrupts are basically the whole fight. He'll randomly summon adds during each phase and each summon releases 3 adds. I think the trick is to only ever let 9 adds out total before green phase, at which point everyone should stack or already be stacked on the add tank and aoe them down. Time the third release of adds so that the offtank only has 9 adds up for as short a period as possible, like right before green phase. Then he can pop CD's to stay up. And don't kill just some some of the adds, but all the adds (all adds excluding the ones summoned at the end of the green phase), because after green phase, Maloriak will go back to his regular summoning of adds and the offtank will get overwhelmed and die.Ramirez said:Any tips for Maloriak or whatever his name is in BWD? We got him to like 12% on our 3rd attempt, but everyone after that was way worse. What's the ideal way of doing the adds?
Erasus said:Should I get into this game now? Is it too late?
My MMO history includes Flyff, Rohan, Aion, Guild Wars, Allods, RoM. Will it just feel to simmilar to f2p games to justify the cost of it?
I tried the trail a year or 2 ago but now with cata I am DLing it again to try it out. (9GB holy shit!)
None of my freinds play this so I´ll be going solo, but I like grouping so I´ll be doing that when I can. I like DPS and heal classes, if I want to be a healer what is the best class. From what I understand Preists, Druids and Paladins have heals, so which one to pick?
kai3345 said:FACK. I left my iPod (which is my authenticator) at my friends house and hes gone for the rest of the dayyyyy![]()
What is this trick that you guys are speaking of? I have a max 525 herbalism/alchemy toon and my main is maxed out 525 tailoring/enchanting. I want in on the action!DeathNote said:Looks like only one person can do it on my server. He is sell a few stacks of 5 for 15,000 and singles for 3.1k. If he bought the mats from the AH right this second it'd be a 1.3k profit.
Never take the recommended servers. They suck and Blizzard tries to funnel players into them that don't know better.Erasus said:Sorry for the noob question but should I pick the relam that the game selects for me?
Also, PvP or PvE? I know the difference between the two, but are there any WoW specifics?
Erasus said:Sorry for the noob question but should I pick the relam that the game selects for me?
Also, PvP or PvE? I know the difference between the two, but are there any WoW specifics?
If you don't like getting randomly ganked while leveling, choose a normal server, and not a pvp server. At really low levels, you would have to flag yourself by first attacking the opposing faction. What I mean by flag is that you cannot be attacked, but once you attack someone, you're flagged for open game and people can see that you are attackable. The flag will go away if you refrain from attacking anyone for 5 minutes, I believe, but, in later levels, there is no flag (except in your faction's major cities) and it can get really annoying. It's your call. I'm stuck on a pvp server, because that is where my friends are located. Otherwise, I'd switch to a normal server with no regrets. Some people like the element of danger that being on a pvp server provides, and or they like being able to gank other people.Erasus said:Sorry for the noob question but should I pick the realm that the game selects for me?
Also, PvP or PvE? I know the difference between the two, but are there any WoW specifics?
Deputy Moonman said:What is this trick that you guys are speaking of? I have a max 525 herbalism/alchemy toon and my main is maxed out 525 tailoring/enchanting. I want in on the action!![]()
Bisnic said:It's never too late to jump into WoW. Especially after a new expansion like Cataclysm is released.
If you want to heal, you have priest, druid, paladin and shaman. They're all pretty good healers from what i've seen. But i'm no expert in this role.
Sai-kun said:I've played a Priest to 60, a druid to 35, and a shaman to 75, and I think that the Shaman was the most fun to heal with.
Thanks. Life is going for around 9-10g on my server and the crystals are usually sub 1k gold. But i'll look into it. My server always has cheap stuff and I have no idea why. While leveling my alchemy I was surprised at the drop rate of volatile life in Uldum. When going for whiptail it's really high. People must have been making a killing off of selling volatile life when Cata went live.Fragamemnon said:You make the 359 epic alchemist trinket and then DE it. Instant cheap(er) Maelstrom Crystal, depending on the going rate of Volatile Life on your sever and the amount of money you can get from selling the crystals. It's not too in vogue on my server, for example, because Volatile Life is up around 8-9g usually and the crystals hang out at 1.1k-there just isn't a lot of profit in it.
On some servers where Volatile Life is at the 6-7g mark and crystals go for 2k+, it prints money.
The high-end enchants look expensive, but once 359 epics can be bought for JP in 4.1 there will be windwalk and landslide for the masses.
edit: The trinket will be flagged as not DE'able in 4.0.6.
i also got my Priest to 60. i hate healing with it. The whole process is so boring.Sai-kun said:I've played a Priest to 60, a druid to 35, and a shaman to 75, and I think that the Shaman was the most fun to heal with.
Dunlop said:You would probably need to have max level in all the classes for an apt comparison. Plus cataclysm completely changed the heal style of each class.
water_wendi said:i also got my Priest to 60. i hate healing with it. The whole process is so boring.