We didn't really have a problem 3 healing it. We usually got him to 27% by the time he'd get ready to let loose a 4th add. Though I can see that the cleaner you get the less healing needs to be done. We 2 healed Artramedies, and man that fight is a joke. We only had one air phase.
Phase 2:
What we did was, since i'm a feral tank, is just left me to dps the boss while our DK tank just took all the stacks of the debuff. We had a ret pally, warrior, and mage interrupting the tentacles so they could be burned down faster, and we had a warlock and hunter burning down the adds hard. When we BL'd the first set of adds went down in about 5 seconds, and we got him to 13% before the second set of adds came out.
Also we artificially made the fight harder for ourselves because we didn't understand the fight. How? Well the adds that come out during P1, we thought that they had to be killed before you go into P2, but it turns out he just eats the add if it spawns when he goes into P2

. We'd always get to like 27%, and then have to stop all DPS and go kill the add because we thought we had to. Once we realized that that wasn't an issue, we only had to do P2 twice to down him.
On a sidenote, even tanking i managed to pull 13k DPS. Which was very nice, and I finished above 2 of our DPS as well, though in their defense, they were on interrupt duty for the adds as they were kited to the back of the room.