2San said:So playing WoW with the friends 3x xp bonus. The game is not balanced for this. I keep being over-leveled for certain quests that I need for higher level quests.
The community is kinda cold.But this guy Goldenorange gave 10 gold. He was good person.
Dance In My Blood said:Trolls have the best totems now.
Bisnic said:What you don't know is that Mr. Goldenorange have 100,000 gold in his bag.
borghe said:this is incorrect. they don't apply the 50% debuff until after they die. I forget what the debuff is, but it happens during their dying animation and actually takes a second or two to apply. so if you are counting every possible second of the burn phase, you want to wait on trinkets, timers and BL until the last drake you plan on killing goes down AND his debuff is applied.
however you are correct in the rest. basically you never outright move to kill the third drake. get him released and damage him enough that splash can finish the rest (25%?) but the big priorities in this fight are the order the drakes are released in (depending on which drakes you have) and getting two drakes downed completely giving 100% damage increase to halfus, and preferably getting the third one down enough that eventually in the fight you will get a final 50% extra on halfus as well. the rest of the fight depends on which drakes you have and which abilities halfus and his dragon have as a result.
Yes, it's not. And the way the game is designed now means you basically have to leave the zone and go to a new one, instead of explore the zone and find another hub.2San said:So playing WoW with the friends 3x xp bonus. The game is not balanced for this. I keep being over-leveled for certain quests that I need for higher level quests.
Goblins have the best totems.Sai-kun said:Faction changed my Shaman. What race should I go? I was thinking either Troll or Goblin.
Dance In My Blood said:Trolls have the best totems now.
Sai-kun said:Faction changed my Shaman. What race should I go? I was thinking either Troll or Goblin.
Eh, I just like the look of the Troll ones better, but it looks like most people prefer the Goblin ones. They're a little too non-descript for my taste, but the detail is definitely there.J-Rzez said:Negative. Goblin is the answer.
False. Worgen have without a doubt the best racials. Passive 1% crit and a (now 2 minute on PTR) free sprint is completely out of control for both pvp and pve. Goblin comes in a close 2nd.Weenerz said:Trolls have the best racial, the haste buff. Second best would be Orcs with their power buff. IMO.
scoobs said:False. Worgen have without a doubt the best racials. Passive 1% crit and a (now 2 minute on PTR) free sprint is completely out of control for both pvp and pve. Goblin comes in a close 2nd.
Dance In My Blood said:Eh, I just like the look of the Troll ones better, but it looks like most people prefer the Goblin ones. They're a little too non-descript for my taste, but the detail is definitely there.
I don't understand the problem. You're leveling faster thus out leveling content faster. If you use the grant level feature you instantly can get a level 30 to be 60. Should the 60 do level 30 zones? They can, but there's no reason to unless you like it a lot. You are only a few levels higher tho. The 3x quest XP alone is enough to stay in the zone if you like it.2San said:So playing WoW with the friends 3x xp bonus. The game is not balanced for this. I keep being over-leveled for certain quests that I need for higher level quests.
This. I hit Northrend yesterday and it took me a full five hours to get from 68 to 69 and a 1/3rd or so. It feels so slowRamirez said:Northrend makes leveling come to an absolute grinding halt for me. I have full rested on my mage, and it still feels like I move at a snails pace. Guess it doesn't help that I just did NR again on my fresh hunter a month ago, but man, it really feels like 80-85 is twice as fast as 70-80...
Rez said:I know, I know. I've since been told that here, but the wound is deep and unhealing
I'd actually already been to the Blasted Lands and I ended it level 56 (on the doorstep of 57, though) so I needed to spend time getting one more level.Acidote said:When I saw the portal to the Blasted Lands inside one of the main buildings of Cenarion Hold, I got it. Go ahead and never look back.
Rokam said:Why do people in top guilds have engineering? Are the goggles really that good and irreplacable? Or is it because of the clicky?
I believe tailoring's cloak embroidery (193 avg intellect) and leather-working's bracer enchant (100 average intellect) are the top two profession bonuses for warlocks. Engineering is definitely not bad, as it comes in 3rd with an average of 96 intellect, and it's hard to pass up nitro boots, goggles (epic helm outside of raiding), and parachute cloak. Everything else is around 80 average intellect or worse.mcrae said:right now from a warlock standpoint, the +480 int/12 seconds tinker on gloves is one of the best profession bonuses, coming in 1st or 1nd besides the inscription shoulder enchant.
also the goggles are like, top 5 BIS for my spec
Rez said:It's a shame I'm so undergeared, because it's making for slow going in Vashj'ir. I could hit the AH and grab some better gear, but with 4000 gold I'm so damn close to my epic flying mount. I don't want to waste it. Argh! Maybe I'll just go sideways into Mount Hyjal and try my luck there.
I'm thinking this might be my plan of attack.CF_Fighter said:I went Hyjal -> Deepholm -> Vash'jir -> Uldum and I'm only about 1/3 into Uldum and at 85 -> Twilight
Rez said:I'm thinking this might be my plan of attack.
Speaking of Twilight Highlands, I barely hear anyone mention it. How is it?
I would take one out of Incite and throw it into Rude Interruption. Also, skip Battle Trance and take Blood Craze, and avoid Imp. Slam at all costs. Consider Drums of War instead.DeathNote said:What arms spec and glyphs should I have for 80-85 leveling?
This? http://wowtal.com/#k=BOnQlWtp.a8t.warrior.RAPs03
I'm not trying to disagree with you, but it would help if you could justify your post. I just haven't seen anything in the patch notes that would make it the best profession. How are they changing it?Alex said:Engineering will be the best DPS profession for everyone in the patch, that and it's just a fun profession.
Dance In My Blood said:I would take one out of Incite and throw it into Rude Interruption. Also, skip Battle Trance and take Blood Craze, and avoid Imp. Slam at all costs. Consider Drums of War instead.
And I don't get the Vashj'ir dissent. It's the most unique and interesting zone of the expansion to me by far and offers something I consider to be a very nice break from what can be a hohum leveling experience. It's certainly a nice change after the very traditional Wrath zones.
Deputy Moonman said:I'm not trying to disagree with you, but it would help if you could justify your post. I just haven't seen anything in the patch notes that would make it the best profession. How are they changing it?
Deputy Moonman said:I believe tailoring's cloak embroidery (193 avg intellect) and leather-working's bracer enchant (100 average intellect) are the top two profession bonuses for warlocks. Engineering is definitely not bad, as it comes in 3rd with an average of 96 intellect, and it's hard to pass up nitro boots, goggles (epic helm outside of raiding), and parachute cloak. Everything else is around 80 average intellect or worse.
I believe these numbers take into account stat weights, internal cooldowns for procs, and it also takes the difference from what you would have to use on a piece of gear without the said profession.
very niceTacitus_ said:# Synapse Springs now increase Agility, Strength, or Intellect (whichever is highest for the character).
Nice, on my new warr I have BS and Eng.Tacitus_ said:# Synapse Springs now increase Agility, Strength, or Intellect (whichever is highest for the character).
DeathNote said:Nice, on my new warr I have BS and Eng.
It stacks with socket gloves right?
Rez said:I'm thinking this might be my plan of attack.
Speaking of Twilight Highlands, I barely hear anyone mention it. How is it?
Alex said:Engineering will be the best DPS profession for everyone in the patch, that and it's just a fun profession.
Tacitus_ said:# Synapse Springs now increase Agility, Strength, or Intellect (whichever is highest for the character).
Rez said:I'm thinking this might be my plan of attack.
Speaking of Twilight Highlands, I barely hear anyone mention it. How is it?
The drinking, the beating up orcs, the mishap weddings, the blimp raids, the gryphon bombardments, the beer runs, clearly you are asking too much of the dwarves. So badass.Bisnic said:Twilight starts kinda slow(with Alliance anyway), where you just help dwarves clans getting together against the Dragonmaw and Twilight Hammer, but the last half is pretty awesome with Old Gods, Cho'gall and Deathwing epic stuff.
The only functional difference between a leveling arms and leveling dungeon spec is Drums of War. I took drums of war anyways because I liked the free silence more than Second Wind because Second Wind doesn't get much use outside PvP.DeathNote said:What arms spec and glyphs should I have for 80-85 leveling?
This? http://wowtal.com/#k=BOnQlWtp.a8t.warrior.RAPs03
Useless? I got a lot of free/instant slams in Fury with bloodsurge.Angry Grimace said:The only functional difference between a leveling arms and leveling dungeon spec is Drums of War. I took drums of war anyways because I liked the free silence more than Second Wind because Second Wind doesn't get much use outside PvP.
I don't agree with the the guy who said to not use Imp. Slam, either.
Slam is useless for Fury, but it isn't really for Arms.
For the record, Arms is just baseline more fun than Fury, it just doesn't do as much DPS.