dont' know how CP's max, but you can't max VPs. there's only a weekly max.vehn said:will they let you keep your maxed out Valor Points and Conquest Points come 4.1?
vehn said:will they let you keep your maxed out Valor Points and Conquest Points come 4.1?
doubtful, because there's no VP cap. More than likely you will be softcapped on JPs at that point.funkmastergeneral said:I assume anything over the JP cap will just be converted to gold.
To what end tho? So he gets geared out quickly and can do raids. Does he just faceroll heroics on multiple chars, look for a guild to raid with, or PUG raids with elitists and idiots and rely on luck to get raid gear?funkmastergeneral said:Well, just sign back up when patch 4.1 drops and everyone has easy access to 359 epics. Heroics will be facerollable again.
Neverfade said:Anyone have some tips on which daggers to be shooting for as an assassination rogue to prep for raiding? Aside from the Conquest point knives, I don't think I've seen any.
Neverfade said:Anyone have some tips on which daggers to be shooting for as an assassination rogue to prep for raiding? Aside from the Conquest point knives, I don't think I've seen any.
Neverfade said:Also, is Landslide the enchant I should be going for? I didn't know how that one stacked up vs hurricane.
Evil Benius said:Did not get to post yesterday, but Tuesday night we had our entire "ideal" raid team on and bored so we decided to start clearing the bosses we have down before to put us in a better position for scheduled raids this weekend. In about 90 minutes (including travel time) we had Omnotron, Halfus, and the twin drakes down with only one wipe on Halfus. Up until this point our guild has been dicking around way too much on raids by including undergeared/inexperienced people in order to keep guildies happy and this run pretty much proves why we need to stop doing that. Just two weeks ago it took six hours to down two of those three bosses (our first twin drakes kill was Monday) due to idiot players with no business in raids. Now we have all weekend to get Magmaw down and actually start making progress instead of messing around and getting nothing done.
I imagine there is going to be a drama shitstorm this weekend when people realize what we did, but I am tired of not seeing content just to make a few crybabies happy. I have no problem taking the more casual players though once we have content on farm, but I am tired of just spinning wheels just to make those people happy now. If anyone has a problem with what we did I will tell them the same damn thing since our core ten have decided that happy funtime is over.
Killed all 3 in that order in 25 man mode and still beat the rage timerMacattk15 said:Man Halfus with Storm, Slate and Nether Scion up sucks.
scoobs said:Killed all 3 in that order in 25 man mode and still beat the rage timer'Twas easy.
Macattk15 said:Man Halfus with Storm, Slate and Nether Scion up sucks.
funkmastergeneral said:If a raid team started clearing bosses prior to scheduled raid time I would be livid.
Dunlop said:this.
Advising ahead of time that casuals need not apply for now would have been a little more classy. I have so much shit going on in RL that I juggle to make my raid times I would probably just gquit.
If you guy want a 10 man hardcore guild (which is fine), why take the casuals on raids? Let them know in advance where they stand, some will be OK with it. If I was a casual I would think that I was just being used to level the guild rank.
the problem to all of this is that is you are clearing content, at the very least you are taking away 20 VPs from everyone because you deem so (even yourselves), or at most are taking away 90 VPs from people because it's not deemed viable to finish a 25m raid for the week because almost half of the members already locked it.Evil Benius said:We have tried this approach before but the people who have no business coming cried and screamed in guild chat until our former raid leader quit the raid to make room for them. Last week we took things into our own hands and ran a raid ourselves with the 10 people we wanted to be there and things ran great, except guild officers were upset we handled things ourselves.
Things are at the point now where raid makeups are being dictated to us by people WHO DO NOT RAID and it is just making a mess. Us trying to run things ourselves is pretty much the last step before we just commit a massive gquit and start our own guild. The only people that will be upset by our raiding on Tuesday are those who have no business raiding, but think they deserve to be there and officers trying to make everyone happy.
The only reason we cleared several bosses on Tuesday was to make more time to work on true progression this weekend. It is not like we moved a raid time, only added a spontaneous extra one to the week so we can actual progress beyond only having three bosses down (plus BH) after raiding for a month. I mean jesus we have not even killed Magmaw (what should be an easy fight) because of lack of time and inept players being carried on raids.
Edit: Also it should be noted that we our not a raid guild at all, only a guild made up of people who post on a website that happens to have a few members that want to raid. It is the age old problem of having raiders in a casual guild and a leadership that knows shit about raiding trying to dictate rules.
SnakeswithLasers said:How is mage leveling these days? Mine is 43 and with these new heirlooms, I am thinking about blowing the dust off of him.
Are all three specs viable to quickly level or is frost the way to go?
SnakeswithLasers said:How is mage leveling these days? Mine is 43 and with these new heirlooms, I am thinking about blowing the dust off of him.
Are all three specs viable to quickly level or is frost the way to go?
borghe said:the problem to all of this is that is you are clearing content, at the very least you are taking away 20 VPs from everyone because you deem so (even yourselves), or at most are taking away 90 VPs from people because it's not deemed viable to finish a 25m raid for the week because almost half of the members already locked it.
SnakeswithLasers said:I think I might start with fire or arcane then and move to frost once I'm higher level. I was originally (at least three years ago) frost and I remember just pressing "3" (frostbolt) over and over again while leveling and shelving him for that reason. It *looks* like fire might have some more variety at lower levels, but I really have no clue!
Basically, I want to play the spec that has a lot of buttons. Although "not drinking every 3 pulls" would be nice too.
The best marker to see if everyone is doing it right is when P2 hits then about 15-20 seconds later, the majority of your raid gets accelerated corruption. That's a good sign that things should be on track. There is almost no excuse to get hit by the shadow crash or stand in the puddles, which are the main avoidable sources you get can corrupted blood from.Thoraxes said:How many add summons are you getting before P2? You can push him into the last phase with an add up and he eats one.
Also, at least for my guild, we switched all of our DPS on the adds, and had a bunch of people interrupting and such, which really helped out the healers a ton. Additionally, I don't know if it's just my situation, but even as a feral tank, I can switch over to cat after I get the debuff and still pull 13k, so it's like we gain an extra DPS in the last phase.
Overall though, I think if you have people interrupting the adds channeled ability as you all switch to them, it'll reduce overall raid damage and make things a lot smoother for everyone. We only got 3 waves of adds before he died in the last phase.
As for the corruption stuff, they need to stop being bad and pay more attention. Either that or maybe throw an extra DPS on the adds during P1 when the little guys come out. We used a frost mage and demo lock.
Edit: Obligatory everyone flask and max food buff statement.
Honestly, if everyone else actually put in that effort the game would be so much better. But it won't. Luckily, people who have started to tank, especially in Cata now freaking understand why some tanks/healers get all annoyed when people don't do their jobs correctly A friend of mine started tanking on her pally and now she realizes why certain things need to be CC'd or why certain mobs should be killed first; she is a healer main and even admits when healing she doesn't really pay much attention when you can be 40 yards away from the action.Scrow said:making the switch to tanking was the best thing i did on my druid. not only do i have fast queues for heroics, but it has made me generally a better player. when i do a guild run through a heroic i usually go as feral dps, and my tanking experience of the last 1-2 weeks has made me a better kitty. i'm more aware of what's going on, dodge death zones, interrupt more, battle res when the healer or tank drops, i instinctively know what my kill priority is in trash pulls, i CC with roots or sleep effectively. it's common for me to be the last DPS standing in a bad trash pull or boss fight simply because i know what to avoid and react quicker.
it's so easy to blame bad groups on the tank, healer or both because they're such pivotal roles to a group, but really DPS is just as important. if they don't CC well, focus fire skull and then X, interrupt, or put out decent damage to finish a fight before the healer goes oom the whole thing can full apart. so many people just don't understand why a run is failing, and i was probably the same before i started tanking. now i immediately know why we wipe.
Pretty sure SCT is in the game and turned on by default now. then again it's been so long since I've installed the game fresh that I guess I couldn't tell you. As for centered frames, I personally don't use them because I want the center of my screen with my camera pulled back wide open. I don't at all want shit in the middle of the screen. Still, I know from SCT where I should be on health, and know where i should be when I get a "Health Low" warning in SCT. FWIW, I use the default UI with all action bars enabled (and everything I use hot keyed) and the only UI add ons I really use are combustion helper and OmniCC. Though to be fair blizz has added much of the stuff I would have to add previously (SCT, proc visuals, etc)Sober said:Also, I'm curious, do you use a custom UI? I become extremely suspicious of people who use the default UI or download a preassembled one because it's very likely they haven't tweaked it so they can maximize the amount of information they could receive if they had. First thing I notice is if they have centered unitframes or scrolling combat text. 9/10 people aren't aware they died half the time because they have to bring their eyes back to the top left of the screen to check their HP and the other half of the time they don't know they are standing in something wrong (even when they are looking at the screen) when any form of scrolling combat text would alert you to taking damage on the 'incoming' portion of the addon. I had someone claim last night they weren't hit by Sonar Breath from Atramedes last night until I posted his death log from Acheron that showed him getting 3 hits of it then dying in two seconds.
Neverfade said:Anyone have some tips on which daggers to be shooting for as an assassination rogue to prep for raiding? Aside from the Conquest point knives, I don't think I've seen any.
Sounds like a good idea. I'll spec both in town then just run to where the bulletin board tells me and see which spec feels more fun.Bisnic said:I suggest you avoid Arcane if you want a spec with lots of button, they barely use 2 or 3 spells, even at higher lvls. I cant talk much about Fire as its the only mage spec i havent touch enough, but i think they have much more spells to use than Arcane.
Frost at higher lvls have Frostbolt, Ice Lance, Frostfire bolt, Deep Freeze, Pet Freeze, (Frost)Fire Orb as their most used offensive spells. Then you have Ice Barrier that you want to keep up as much as you can, help your healer against those hard to avoid boss attacks. Weak AOE since Blizzard is like 11k mana at lvl 85 and i only have 80k with self buffs(and thats with 347 average item lvl, i had around 70k when i was a new 85). And Flamestrike kinda sucks. But i love to use Frost Nova + Cone of Cold against those weak big group of pats in 5 mans, quick easy ~18k DPS in 2 secs lol.
Dual spec Fire & Frost is the way to go i believe. But you'll have to deal with drinking if your gear kinda sucks. But with free water, mana gems, Mage Armor that regen 3% mana every 5 secs and Evocation, its not that bad.
cuevas said:Just use bloodlust at the beginning and have tanks/healers use CD's. Easy peasy
SnakeswithLasers said:Sounds like a good idea. I'll spec both in town then just run to where the bulletin board tells me and see which spec feels more fun.
Looking at the frost tree... Wow, it really seems hard to decide which talents to pick up, they ALL look amazing. Any link to a suggestion for around level 50?
SnakeswithLasers said:^^^ Thanks!
A couple questions:
Early Frost -- am I reading this right in thinking that it's just a faster cast frostbolt every 15 seconds? Is it that useful for leveling (won't I be pulling with that fast cast frostbolt?)
Improved Cone of Cold -- this seems like it would be quite useful to get those free crits, is there a reason that it's left out? Do mages have a better way to keep things frozen? (Frost Nova?)
borghe said:Pretty sure SCT is in the game and turned on by default now. then again it's been so long since I've installed the game fresh that I guess I couldn't tell you. As for centered frames, I personally don't use them because I want the center of my screen with my camera pulled back wide open. I don't at all want shit in the middle of the screen. Still, I know from SCT where I should be on health, and know where i should be when I get a "Health Low" warning in SCT. FWIW, I use the default UI with all action bars enabled (and everything I use hot keyed) and the only UI add ons I really use are combustion helper and OmniCC. Though to be fair blizz has added much of the stuff I would have to add previously (SCT, proc visuals, etc)
Bisnic said:Im not entirely sure about how Early Frost works(is there a hidden cooldown that reset or something?), but you have to take it. Who wouldnt want a faster Frostbolt for the first 15 secs of a fight? And if you worry about pulling aggro because of casting too fast, you got Mirror Images at lvl 80 that puts your threat at 0% while they last. I always use them at the beginning of a boss fight, so i can do all that big DPS without worrying about threat.
I've turned on the default SCT a few times actually, while waiting for mods to catch up, or they bugged out.TheYanger said:Lots of people get that sort of 'I don't need mods' attitude, but I can guarantee you'd be a better player if you used less default. The built in SCT is a mess, and anyone that says they can effectively read everything on it is lying or is spending far too much time paying attention to it where a superior mod would filter so much of the garbage out, or have a stronger layout, etc. "having a good idea" of your health is not nearly as good as actually HAVING your health somewhere highly visible, along with target health, buffs/debuffs, etc. UIs are very personal things, I don't like to be too specific when I think about what could be done better or worse with people's setup, but the default is almost universally worse, even if it's 'improved' over the years.
eh.... don't take this the wrong way, but everything you are saying is just making things easier.. and that's fine and all.. but if you and I are doing the same job and I am fine with the way my UI works, it's pretty needlessly condescending to say "my way is better". You have a lot of "this and that and this is better" but as a PVE mage here is what I care about:TheYanger said:Lots of people get that sort of 'I don't need mods' attitude, but I can guarantee you'd be a better player if you used less default. The built in SCT is a mess, and anyone that says they can effectively read everything on it is lying or is spending far too much time paying attention to it where a superior mod would filter so much of the garbage out, or have a stronger layout, etc. "having a good idea" of your health is not nearly as good as actually HAVING your health somewhere highly visible, along with target health, buffs/debuffs, etc. UIs are very personal things, I don't like to be too specific when I think about what could be done better or worse with people's setup, but the default is almost universally worse, even if it's 'improved' over the years.
trust me, it's the non-dps in you talking. As DPS, the very very very very very last thing you should care about is your health. Shit, I pay more attention to my healers' and tanks' health bars than I do my own. If you are doing your job and your healer is doing their job, health is never an issue (which is why stamina doesn't even register as a moderately valuable stat when choosing gear or enchants for DPS)Sober said:I dunno if this is the non-dps class in me speaking but it helps to know how much a particular mob is doing to me, instead of seeing 6k 5.4k 6.2k 6k 18.5k 6k 24k"" flash across my screen without knowing what was a melee swing, a breath or a spell ability proc (e.g. Flame's Orders on Cho'gall) against me. Hell, even as DPS, it helps when you don't have 2/3s of your screen covered up by 6134's when you aoe a large pack.
borghe said:Seriously, I don't care where my health is because it's not my job to manage that (provided I'm not at fault for taking the damage). For the most part I don't even care what damage I'm taking because either a) it is raid wide damage that is healed through or b) I'm standing in shit or doing something I'm not supposed to be in which case the healer won't heal me anyway.
Outside of that there is nothing that isn't in the default ui that is actually making me less efficient at my job. Maybe it's not as simplified or right there all in the center of the screen, but that in and of itself doesn't make it better or me worse, just easier, which at the basis of something being easier or not comes down to "is it difficult for the person to begin with"
edit - and yes, I obviously care about my health during chimaeron.. but only to the point that I glance at it before massacre comes up. heck, I don't even worry about it during the normal caustic slime phase simply because if I am at 9999 health and a slime hits me I have cauterize and can IB out of it.. however if I am at 9999 I have to assume that a healer with a good grid setup is going to be like "hmm.. might as well toss an AOE heal over on those three" and grab a tick from somewhere.
but yeah, outside of weird fights like Chimaeron, I don't care about my health.
Yup, it was those.Bisnic said:Is this crazy shit on your UI the Fingers of Frost and Brain Freeze procs appearing around your character? Yeah, they were a little confusing for me at first, but they're pretty useful, better than watching your buffs at the top right corner of your screen.
When its some ice stuff above your character, that's Fingers of Frost, when its some Fire/Ice thing on both your left & right sides, that's Brain Freeze for instant free Frostfire bolt. The best time to use it is when you have both procs at once though.
Meh, I was one of the main tanks in a major raiding guild in EQ for years and vowed to never do it again. I let my life be controlled by the raids and completely regret it. I want to just play for fun and it isn't fun right now. May come back down the line, guess we'll see.Scrow said:roll a tank or healer
or get in a good guild![]()
"Good guild" doesn't mean "major raiding guild."Meier said:Meh, I was one of the main tanks in a major raiding guild in EQ for years and vowed to never do it again. I let my life be controlled by the raids and completely regret it. I want to just play for fun and it isn't fun right now. May come back down the line, guess we'll see.
Twig said:"Good guild" doesn't mean "major raiding guild."