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is the Vash hate a situation where people who play ranged don't mind it and those who are melee only despise it?
You're right. Wouldn't want you to experience actual quality and then expect Blizzard to not put out shit.Scrow said:do us a favour and don't get employed by blizzard to design new zones in future expansions.
Rez said:is the Vash hate a situation where people who play ranged don't mind it and those who are melee only despise it?
i played through it as a feral druidRez said:is the Vash hate a situation where people who play ranged don't mind it and those who are melee only despise it?
I played as warrior, dk, and rogue.Rez said:is the Vash hate a situation where people who play ranged don't mind it and those who are melee only despise it?
Any character fresh out of WOTLK quest zones will have a problem in Hyjal or Vash until they upgrade their gear.Raide said:At early levels, having to sit toe to toe with monsters really hurts. I have full ICC25 gear on my rogue, so it was not too bad but my Pala was running with a makeshift Retri set (from Holy) Annoying for mage at the start but quickly became easy. I run Frost, so I was expecting them to have everything immune.So glad they ditched that.
With the spawn rate, it can be a nightmare when you get jumped. Handy to seahorse and get the hell out of there!
Once you have run through the map on 1 character, it does become really easy on your alts. You know where stuff is and you can do things really quickly. I don't mind Vash but I was glad to get out of there.
I see at least two locations.Nobiru said:I seems to have fucked with some of my Recount settings, and I cant get it to work and look like it did when I first installed it. Does anyone know how to completely remove all traces of it, so I can start fresh?
Ive tried deleting the folder for it in my Addons, but even that didnt work, its saving the character specific files somewhere else![]()
JWong said:Quest: Please give your Lovely Charm Bracelet to Cairne Bloodhoof
And, indeed, you cannot give it to Baine Bloodhoof. How could they have missed this?
JWong said:Quest: Please give your Lovely Charm Bracelet to Cairne Bloodhoof
And, indeed, you cannot give it to Baine Bloodhoof. How could they have missed this?
With the guild leveling system, more people helps level faster and such, but no quality guild invites random people.GrumpyAlien said:Excuse me is this is a dumb question, but when should I go about joining a guild? I am currently a LV 10 Warlock and I get these invites to join various guilds come up. Do people tend to just recruit people en-masse to build up ranks and someone notices, "Hey this guy isn't in a guild so lets sign him up."
Still learning the ropes so I am kind of overwhelmed, but goddamn this game is starting to get me very addicted. Not having to load it practically at all (used to console gaming all my life) and just clicking the WOW icon makes it hard to stay away even as I type this.
DeathNote said:With the guild leveling system, more people helps level faster and such, but no quality guild invites random people.
Join the highest level guild you can.Level 8 would be super easy at least. Level 3 gives +10% mount speed, level 6 gives +10% experience, level 8 makes your Hearth 15 mins.
JWong said:Quest: Please give your Lovely Charm Bracelet to Cairne Bloodhoof
And, indeed, you cannot give it to Baine Bloodhoof. How could they have missed this?
Bisnic said:There is a similar issue on Alliance.. where you've got to give a charm to King Magni... but he is gone now.
Also, isn't this supposed to be Darkmoon Faire today? I've got a Volcanic Deck to turn in dammit!
GrumpyAlien said:Excuse me is this is a dumb question, but when should I go about joining a guild? I am currently a LV 10 Warlock and I get these invites to join various guilds come up. Do people tend to just recruit people en-masse to build up ranks and someone notices, "Hey this guy isn't in a guild so lets sign him up."
Still learning the ropes so I am kind of overwhelmed, but goddamn this game is starting to get me very addicted. Not having to load it practically at all (used to console gaming all my life) and just clicking the WOW icon makes it hard to stay away even as I type this.
:lol The letter you get from Garrosh or whoever the new Warchief is still signed as
"From the Warchief of the Horde, Thrall"
:lol Wow
Retro said:... They couldn't spare anyone from the "$25 Vanity Item" team?
... Improving Vash'jir cutscenes to Saturn-quality?
... Too busy implementing Dance Studio?
/Grinning Trollface
markot said:Blizz should really roll out patches quicker. Why do they bundle all these fixes into huge patches when alot of them were needed... like ages ago >.<
ToyMachine228 said:I agree a lot of these fixes seem like they've been a long time coming. And before I go any further, let me first say this...I am not the type of person who typically whines or cries about anything in WoW. I understand all the hard work that Blizzard puts into the game, and as a whole I am enjoying Cataclysm quite a bit.
That said, I really feel like Blizzard messed a lot of things up this expansion. There are a lot of balance issues PvE damage wise. I think they messed up itemization offering too many sidegrades, and even items that are upgrades are pretty minor. And I'm a little unhappy with what's going on with the lore progression. There is almost nothing that hints at what Deathwing is actually up to, and what's to come, and Blizzard hasn't said much either. All we get is...Deathwing has emerged, it's tearing Azeroth apart. Literally, that's pretty much it. And all these factions decided to join up with him. Firelands is on the horizon but we've heard so little about it, I fear it's quite a ways off.
Like I said, I'm enjoying Cataclysm, don't get me wrong at all. But I'm at a loss for some of the strange decisions that have been made design wise, and things that have been overlooked.
CarbonatedFalcon said:This is true. For WotLK - we knew ICC and Arthas were coming as the final raid/boss, just as we know Deathwing (or his old god master[s?]) will be the final encounter here.
However, there isn't nearly as much foreshadowing for what kinds of things to expect in Firelands or beyond in Cataclysm, as there was with Ulduar.
There seems to be a correlation with how lore-driven a raid instance is to how good it is, and at this point in Cataclysm, we're kind of lacking in the lore department.
Did you watch the Starcraft 2 cutscenes? Welcome to Blizzard's writing staff.Rez said:I get it, old engine, but the cutscenes were probably a little too campy and self-aware. I mean, it was like... really? This is the quality of a shipped Blizzard Entertainment product?
The demo looked great from what I remember.. and the story line seemed neat.Dance In My Blood said:Did you watch the Starcraft 2 cutscenes? Welcome to Blizzard's writing staff.
yeah, the SC2 writing was absolutely atrocious, but at least they were the best-looking atrocious cutscenes money could buy.Dance In My Blood said:Did you watch the Starcraft 2 cutscenes? Welcome to Blizzard's writing staff.
I've come to expect a certain quality of presentation, at the very least, when it comes to Blizzard cutscenes.Dance In My Blood said:Did you watch the Starcraft 2 cutscenes? Welcome to Blizzard's writing staff.
I don't...Alex said:But yeah, a fourth tree would solve all of that. Put a couple of talents you absolutely *have* to have to PvP at the top and you'd never see any issues. It'd also be fun to see, say, the 31 point talent simply be -30% damage taken, then turn resil into a stat that reduces crowd control and roots/snares by a giant rate, or some such.
Evidently a fourth talent tree is too hard, or Blizzard would have finished Path of the Titans and not rushed Cata out.Alex said:But yeah, a fourth tree would solve all of that. Put a couple of talents you absolutely *have* to have to PvP at the top and you'd never see any issues. It'd also be fun to see, say, the 31 point talent simply be -30% damage taken, then turn resil into a stat that reduces crowd control and roots/snares by a giant rate, or some such.
Heh.Dance In My Blood said:Evidently a fourth talent tree is too hard, or Blizzard would have finished Path of the Titans and not rushed Cata out.
Dance In My Blood said:Evidently a fourth talent tree is too hard, or Blizzard would have finished Path of the Titans and not rushed Cata out.
And it fits me wellDeathNote said:Dementi(dey-mahn-tee]) is more original and better sounding than Nolimit.
I don't remember saying that, but I think some kind of consistent modifier tree like Blizzard originally planned with Path of the Titans would have been great, and have helped justify archeology a lot more if they tied it into that.cuevas said:4th talent tree? 30 ways to play the game isn't enough?
I was thinking about race changing my Death Knight. Don't like how my female Blood Elf looks like without gear on anymore. And with gear on the shoulder models are real small. But, when I started fighting, I like the swing animations on her out of them all.Nolimit_SS said:And it fits me well
Now it's time to pick a race, probably will go goblin but all horde races are awesome, oh how I missed them![]()
Dance In My Blood said:Evidently a fourth talent tree is too hard, or Blizzard would have finished Path of the Titans and not rushed Cata out.
Alex said:What's there with the content is better, but the overall of it isn't as inspired as BC or LK, they need some new concepts for content and style, this is the first time we really didn't get much in the way of game changers, while it's better in many areas this is pretty much the exact same flow as WOTLK.
I want to see smaller patches too, the hotfixes are nice (though they seem to have stopped on updating the journal for them...) but I tire of these two month process gigapatches.
I also want to see developer communication return and I want to see previews of upcoming stuff. We were hearing about all kinds of new shit in WOTLK quite often at this point.
At this point, more than anything I want to see a fourth talent tree; for PvP *only*. It'd give them 10 specs to work around instead of 30, and it'd seperate the two venues without having to literally go in and separate the systems for them.
I am just so sick and tired of PvE and PvP clashing. it gets so old seeing things held back in either area because of the other.
Good current examples; Resto Shaman is ungodly good In PvP, but sucks complete ass in PvE, thus they can't get anything they need for PvE because it'd just skew it that much more. They don't see to know what to do with Hunters in PvP because their PvE DPS is through the roof, Marksman will be better single target than Survival was before even, and it's hard to give a guy more control and defense when he can do that much damage instantly from range without fear of resource loss.
But yeah, a fourth tree would solve all of that. Put a couple of talents you absolutely *have* to have to PvP at the top and you'd never see any issues. It'd also be fun to see, say, the 31 point talent simply be -30% damage taken, then turn resil into a stat that reduces crowd control and roots/snares by a giant rate, or some such.
I see 4 calling with 7 souls.. Looks like you can pick 1-3 souls? Are you stuck with them?J-Rzez said:I tried out the Rift beta today, you should see how that's set up. It was seriously impressive. If you were a fan of "hybrid builds" in WoW before they destroyed that element, then you'll be in heaven with Rift, it's insanity, in a good way.
Yes, the poor presentation of cut-scenes (both the insulting visuals and at times the insulting writing) once again adds to the argument that Blizzard is putting far less effort and money into WoW, and probably dumping nearly all available resources (money and talent) into Titan. WoW will drudge along as a cash cow to fund their projects. You won't see blizzard put forth an effort until other MMOs whittle away at WoW's playerbase. With Rift, Star Wars, and Guild Wars 2, this will be the first real test of WoW's dominance if it can stave off all three.
I agree with the lore, even from my raiding experience barely if at all carries any weight to the "lore" of this expansion. I mean, I guess Deathwing isn't up to anything besides griefing low level toons in various zone, that's all I got from it all so far beside the little bits about pillars.
Alex said:But yeah, a fourth tree would solve all of that. Put a couple of talents you absolutely *have* to have to PvP at the top and you'd never see any issues. It'd also be fun to see, say, the 31 point talent simply be -30% damage taken, then turn resil into a stat that reduces crowd control and roots/snares by a giant rate, or some such.
Twig said:To be fair, the Titans stuff was supposed to be IN ADDITION to your regular talents, was it not?