Alex said:It's just the hotfixed change that's already in (cost, that is)
ah, damnit
With our current raid setup me playing disc is more useful than holy...but I find the spec so damn boring
Alex said:It's just the hotfixed change that's already in (cost, that is)
cuevas said:They could make it so paladins actually use WoG in raids.
mclem said:Can't speak for retri, but if you're prot, you *do*.
cuevas said:Talking about holy, a healing spell that is pretty much useless.
Not when you have an aoe heal that is free and instant. Flash of light is also a shitty spell.mclem said:I don't heal, but *surely* a heal that is both *instant* and *free* has its uses?
mclem said:I don't heal, but *surely* a heal that is both *instant* and *free* has its uses?
HixxSAFC said:Only in really 'oh shit moments' and even then if it doesnt proc being 'free' you still kind of feel underwhelmed.
HixxSAFC said:I disagree.
charlequin said:So, some scattered thoughts on the English notes:
- Again, glad the LW agility mail will get its deserved sockets, but annoyed that they waited until now to add it when everything else got it in 4.0.6.
- Huge and much-needed changes to shaman AOE! The Earthquake change should be a significant improvement overall for Elemental in AOE situations, while the Fire Nova change ought to make it dramatically more useful with the shorter cast time and
- Interrupts will always hit. Curious if there's anyone who can afford to skip out on capping spell hit now.
- I remember a time in vanilla where those rogue stealth changes would have produced enough QQ to flood the earth.
charlequin said:So, some scattered thoughts on the English notes:
- Interrupts will always hit. Curious if there's anyone who can afford to skip out on capping spell hit now.
Blizzard has taken to doing progressive patch notes, so don't expect to see everything right away. The difference between what's on the patch notes now, and what will be on them in 2 months will be immensely different.Entropia said:Tanks, resto shaman, holy pally's that throw in the odd interrupt on a fight like Nef, Cho'gall, etc.
I'm a bit skeptical that there's no mention of Firelands on these patch notes. But I guess if they want to do the concurrent raid instances thing I guess Firelands and CoT at the same time is nice. I mean there's not a LOT of people who done with the current content anyway, so it'd be rather quick to put in a new raiding tier.
Given there's some coding for a CoT caster legendary, it would seem both are coming simultaneously.Tamanon said:Eh, I assume they're still rolling out the raids, considering there're i391 and i378 trinkets in the patch. At least one of them will happen, I'm thinking two, if only because the trinkets have multiple versions for strength dps/casters and tanks.
Angry Grimace said:Given there's some coding for a CoT caster legendary, it would seem both are coming simultaneously.
I wonder if those "Fire hawks" are new mounts, or just more recolored Ashes of Al'ar. If they are, they're probably fucking TCG mounts.![]()
Azwethinkweiz said:This is pretty huge for DK tanks as now we don't have to hit cap so that we can interrupt bosses we're tanking (oh hi, Aracanatron and Maloriak!)
Angry Grimace said:Interesting...sounds like Firelands and CoT at the same time. If they release raids in pairs like that, it would at least make sense for that timeline they put out of just 3 major content patches.
Entropia said:I'm a bit skeptical that there's no mention of Firelands on these patch notes.
Thoraxes said:Also, i'm pretty excited for the revamped heroics, and the fact that the first major content patch after the expansion will likely have THREE new heroics!
Angry Grimace said:I wonder if those "Fire hawks" are new mounts, or just more recolored Ashes of Al'ar. If they are, they're probably fucking TCG mounts.![]()
They have Pheonix icons and there's a dragonhawk in ZASai-kun said:Firehawk makes me think Dragonhawk.
Also this thread of Ragnaros 'shops is mildly funny!-fan-made
charlequin said:[*]Interrupts will always hit. Curious if there's anyone who can afford to skip out on capping spell hit now.
TheExodu5 said:My kick was dodged by Halfus on Tuesday. I had no idea interrupts were subject to expertise.
Is it no longer subject to expertise cap either?
cuevas said:What is your reasoning? If you are running primarily 5mans or in PvP I can see why you would want to take it but in raids it is definitely not worth it.
HixxSAFC said:I do all 3, so yes. And I like my Prot offspec so its a good talent imo.
Alex said:As many legitimate complaints as I have with some things, I feel sorry for Blizzard, most notably their CMs. Their community is a special kind of retarded. I just spent 10 minutes on the forum and counted five different classes adamant that Blizzard doesn't play them because of minor tweaks or them not getting a golden goose in the preview notes. :lol
That's about the time where they break out their proof of this, usually being a community manager who, several years ago, made a minor mistake about an ability in a game with hundreds of thousands of spell effects. Bravo.
Are any new raids coming with 4.1.0?
Will the first tier be put on Justice Points?Alex said:Tseric's mini-"breakdown" was great, watching him tell off people and still remain whole-fully eloquent. He was probably the best CM those boards will ever have.
I don't know though, until they separate PvE and PvP talent trees, things will never be perfect, but it is my opinion that this is, by far, the most balanced any MMO I've ever participated in has ever been, although it 's certainly had some bumps the past couple months it's better than going back to classic style and waiting for your class review!
The Hunters though, they drive a close friend of mine nuts. He played one during BC and as such is constantly in awe of their improvements, despite their PvP issues. It always makes for amusing random interjections. He'd probably take less offense if our Hunters weren't so fucking lazy though. I like that it leads to "grandpa" like stories though. IN MY DAY, FEIGN DEATH, DRINK, BUFF THE PET, BEFRIEND A HEALER TO HEAL THE PET, BLAH BLAH BLAH.
Firelands, at least (7+ bosses, openish raid zone in Hyjal), not sure if any extra. What we see so far is just the first bit of the patch.
Well what I'm getting at is there's a sweet spot where T11N can be Justice, T11H can still be useful for Firelands, and guilds have an easier time in T11H heroics including the boss you wanted to down.Alex said:Unsure, maybe. What I figure they'd do is put the current tier on justice and roll current valor points into justice points.
Also, why can't they just make legendaries omni-archetype at this point?
Just trying to see why a holy pally would use it in raidsHixxSAFC said:We can go round in circles all night![]()
SatelliteOfLove said:Decent patch notes, but of course, gotta dick over those priests and warm up some instance leftovers. Disco is Cata's Holy confirmed.
They better not have Jin'do, Jek'lik and company just reappear or nothing lazy like that. If it's all new bosses, that could work.
Never seen such a hotly anticipated nerfwonderdung said:Well I'm already excited about 4.1.
The Ignite change for fire mages is very awesome. New ilevel 391 trinkets are all really crazy. ZA and ZG coming back... I'm kind of indifferent, but I don't mind them bringing low quality epics back into 5 man content.
The guild reputation tabards are great, but that is something that should be in the game now. I'll probably be guild exalted by the time the patch hits.
Rokam said:You may want to do the Northern STV quests.
markot said:I was so sad when the raptor quest line stopped suddenly in stv >_< my poor lil raptor...
LoD is craptastic in 10man normal modes. Why the fuck do you think a holy paladin would use it? Barring specific phases of specific fights, people are too spread out to reliably hit six of them with it, and it's usually more costly to run around trying to line it up properly than just doing WoG triage.cuevas said:Just trying to see why a holy pally would use it in raids
Angry Grimace said:Never seen such a hotly anticipated nerf