Angry Grimace said:This is why I still rock the best mount, the Cenarion Hippogryph.
Damn straight.
Angry Grimace said:This is why I still rock the best mount, the Cenarion Hippogryph.
They count. I don't think they look as good, but different strokes.Bisnic said:Does one of the Argent Tournament hippogryphs counts?That's all i have, for now. Trying to get 100 mounts for the achievement and the Dragonhawk mount, so i'll have no choice to get the Cenarion one too. 79/100 so far.
Bisnic said:These new phoenix mounts looks awesome. I just hope the proto drake animations are a placeholder, because it looks kinda stupid, and the wings will clip a lot through the ground.
You mean 100%.J-Rzez said:Heh. I'd say odds are 70/30 that they'll end up like that do to blizzards reputation. Example: Raven Lord Mount = Raptors.
you can do chogall with any class that has an aoe snare (shaman, hunter, dk) ;otheinfinityissue said:couple days ago we finally downed Cho'gall (reg), a fight we had been cockblocked on for about 2 weeks. The key difference? Chillblains from a frost dk. Least geared guy in the guild, brand new, lowest dps, essential to the kill. I can totally understand that philosophy on Blizz's part.
Now that we're 11/12, all that's left is Nef, and after wiping on him for 3 like hours tonight I gotta say I had a blast the whole time. That is one hell of an interesting fight.
charlequin said:Damn straight.
That's because of the best part: nobody has it or if they do, uses it.Loxley said:That thing doesn't get nearly the amount of attention it should, I love it's look.
Mairu said:you can do chogall with any class that has an aoe snare (shaman, hunter, dk) ;o
ToyMachine228 said:Apparently something WoW related is being shown at GDC. Let's hope it's a Firelands/CoT reveal trailer or something!
FLEABttn said:You know, with the 7 person core of my guild having approximately 6 hours every other week where we can all get together and actually attempt to raid, I'm tired of the concept of 10/20 man endgame.
Fuck it, scale the raids down, scale the loot back. Put "raid" 5 mans on a week long lockout, I don't care.
Azwethinkweiz said:What do you think heroics are? Scaled back raids with scaled back loot. Just do those.
The Lamonster said:Guild rep is driving me crazy. I just want the new heirlooms but I have to be honored to buy them. AND IT'S TAKING FOREVER.
Also, my guild has been stuck at level 12 for a really long time and the final piece doesn't even unlock until level 20.
I know! I'm hoping for some changes because not having the full boa set for my alt(s) is driving me crazy. I know 4.1 has some new tabards but I think you have to be exalted to purchase themBisnic said:You think getting to honored takes forever? Try getting exalted. I'm still 3 bars away from exalted with my guild and i've been revered for over a month. I want my damn dark phoenix hatchling!!
And 3 more lvls until we reach lvl 20 for boa helms. These lvls also seems to take forever lol.
The Lamonster said:I know! I'm hoping for some changes because not having the full boa set for my alt(s) is driving me crazy. I know 4.1 has some new tabards but I think you have to be exalted to purchase them![]()
Alts in the same guild. I'm just hoping Blizzard will realize how tedious it is to get the 2 new boa's and reform the system or make regular guild tabards give a +x% gain to earning guild rep.Bisnic said:That doesn't make any sense, why would a tabard that give guild rep require exalted rep with your guild? What would be the point of that?
markot said:Im kinda sad that there are only teh few cata zones. Lvling wise, you only really have a choice for the first 2, then its teh same each time you lvl through it... In Wotlk you could mix and match and choose >.<
Angry Grimace said:That's because of the best part: nobody has it or if they do, uses it.
forgrim said:i feel discriminated against, what's wrong with holy paladins and priests??
FLEABttn said:You know, with the 7 person core of my guild having approximately 6 hours every other week where we can all get together and actually attempt to raid, I'm tired of the concept of 10/20 man endgame.
Fuck it, scale the raids down, scale the loot back.
The Lamonster said:Guild rep is driving me crazy. I just want the new heirlooms but I have to be honored to buy them. AND IT'S TAKING FOREVER.
Also, my guild has been stuck at level 12 for a really long time and the final piece doesn't even unlock until level 20.
Ten men is already pretty scaled back!
This is my problem.charlequin said:You can easily skip two of the five. I hit 85 doing quests only in Hyjal, Deepholm, and Twilight Highlands.
The real problem isn't that you can't skip the zones when leveling, it's that the reputations are absolutely vital for gearing when you hit 85 so you wind up going back and doing all the quests everywhere for rep anyway.
>.< anyone that wanted to customise wow could do so with so many mods though, and its all so easy.Entropia said:So it just dawned on me - WoW released the PTR because Rift launched. It poses a threat to its userbase.
Rift has a completely customizable UI out of the box. You want to move your minimap to the bottom? DONE. Want your action bars to be tiny? DONE. Want to move your party/target frames? DONE.
What's in the new PTR patch notes? Well, you can now unlock and move Unit and Target frames.
Entropia said:So it just dawned on me - WoW released the PTR because Rift launched. It poses a threat to its userbase.
Rift has a completely customizable UI out of the box. You want to move your minimap to the bottom? DONE. Want your action bars to be tiny? DONE. Want to move your party/target frames? DONE.
What's in the new PTR patch notes? Well, you can now unlock and move Unit and Target frames.
charlequin said:My wife does! And I will be too once I can do two more fucking runs of the stupid Slave Pens...
SatelliteOfLove said:They could drop it to 1 man and still someone would be locked out. A balanced number that isn't too small and isn't too large makes more sense in balancing realistic logistics and epicness and thematic "banding together to vanquish a powerful foe" that MMOs rest upon.
Mairu said:But I have to go back and complete nearly all the Deepholm quests in order to get Therazane rep so I can buy the shoulder enchants.
Bisnic said:Isn't Steamvaults better for Coilfang Armaments?
markot said:I got the stupid Argent Hypo thingy, but its lame on my gnome cause the seat is funky and it looks weird....
markot said:I got the stupid Argent Hypo thingy, but its lame on my gnome cause the seat is funky and it looks weird....
I also got that whatchama thingy eel squashed mount that came out near the end of TBC >.< and those things are just funky with the camera and dont really work well as mounts...
SatelliteOfLove said:Least this time there's few to no talk of "WoW killer".
They claimed Warlock soulstones would work like this, but they still don't. It's annoying to predict who will die with SS so it ends up being useless.Entropia said:I have to say, Rift is pretty enjoyable and I am having a blast playing it. I'm not saying it's going to be a WoW killer - the only thing that will kill WoW is... WoW.
Anyway - lol, DKs get a BRez now. I guess it's needed parity because it's entirely possible that a 10 man raid may not have a Lock and/or a Druid.
@Alex: It's just small things like that that help improve the experience. It's surprising that Blizzard never put this feature in ages ago.
It's weird all of a sudden since the focus bar is movable...Entropia said:ay not have a Lock and/or a Druid.
@Alex: It's just small things like that that help improve the experience. It's surprising that Blizzard never put this feature in ages ago.
Entropia said:So it just dawned on me - WoW released the PTR because Rift launched. It poses a threat to its userbase.
Rift has a completely customizable UI out of the box. You want to move your minimap to the bottom? DONE. Want your action bars to be tiny? DONE. Want to move your party/target frames? DONE.
What's in the new PTR patch notes? Well, you can now unlock and move Unit and Target frames.
shards are simply a broken mechanic that blizz didn't give enough thought and time to. it needs a total overhaul to make it relevant.Angry Grimace said:For example; there's still nothing to use shards on for Aff, (and demo for that matter.)
it'd be cool if an empowered drain life/soul refreshed all your active dots or added additional time to them the longer you channel the spell.Angry Grimace said:Being able to empower Haunt, or UA somehow might be nice since shards aren't even a relevant part of the Aff rotation.