cuevas. PhD.
Pally and warrior t6 were awesome. Warlock arena S2 pissed me off, looked so bad.
Angry Grimace said:TBC had far, far better set design than anything I saw in Wrath or vanilla, really.
Angry Grimace said:A few points:
Bane of Agony is worse than Bane of Doom, even for Affliction.
You should be using the Succubus as your demon, with Lash of Pain, Corruption and Haunt glyphed.
You should be using Demon Soul on cooldown. If the boss has less than 25% health, you should spend a Soul Shard on summoning the Felhunter to pop Demon Soul. (I never bother to do this)
Under 25% health, you just spam Drain Soul and Haunt and refresh Bane of Doom if you need to.
If you're standing close enough to the boss, you can cast Shadowflame. Don't run out of your way to do this.
Affliction just doesn't do as much DPS as Destruction. On bosses that are relatively static, i.e. first boss in Vortex Pinnacle, I can do well over 18000 DPS, and I've never taken my Warlock inside a raid zone. I'd have to check that out as Affliction, but I'm very certain it's less. Affliction is getting buffed in the next patch; 5% extra Shadow Damage and the Felhunter is getting buffed up presumably past where the Succubus is.
TheExodu5 said:You're going to be expected to be nearly full 346 (with maybe a piece of Valor as well) by the time you start raiding, unless you find a guild that's willing to carry you.
killthekampers said:What is your guys' take on firelands being moved back to 4.2?
Alex said:The main thing I miss from BC and LK is a whole continent. I know Cata is about fleshing out Azeroth and returning to it, and that is fine for a one-off but I def thing a the new landmass gig is the way to go and im glad theyre returning to that next time.
Also, if they wanted to flesh out Azeroth, all capitals should have a portal to the opposite continent, and not portals to everything introduced in Cata. It kinda defeats the purpose, IMO.
KernelPanic said:my resto shaman can crit heal for 65k+
forgrim said:What in the, is there something I don't know about resto shamans??
I can pop every CD possible and get nowhere near a crit heal for 65k+ (on my holy pally, using divine light)
DeathNote said:Speaking of gear, why is everything but the helm and shoulders flat and skin tight? More stuff needs to pop out.
KernelPanic said:I like healing but if it's going to be this frustration and stressful I may just suck it up and wait 40 mins in the queue as DPS.
J-Rzez said:I have to agree. Some things have just gotten too over the top. Sometimes the simpler things look better. Like that sword. Add 2 or 3 mouths on it and it'd be perfect then! Oh, and fire... add lots of fire effects. So much you can't see the model at all.
I think they should save all the "crazy" stuff for legendaries personally.
mclem said:Were you with a random group? Healing is a challenge now, but it's perfectly doable provided you're with a considerate group. However, if people don't control threat and stand in dumb places, you're going to have trouble; so much of survival now is about *avoiding* unnecessary damage, rather than relying on the healer to keep you up despite that.
I think you misinterpreted what my reply was saying. Gear matters to some degree, but you should be able to do 10000+ DPS on bosses in quest greens, and you're not ready for raiding until you have all PvE gear and can eclipse a minimum of 12000 DPS on bosses.Nobiru said:I use Succubus mostly, and have all those glyphed. The thing with BoD and BoA, is that while leveling as Demon I used BoD almost all the time, and loved it to bits, but now in PvP, I need the more consistant damage rather than the big crits, also I have to dot up a lot more guys in PvP, but its good to know that I should use it again in PvE, Its something I will just have to switch around depending on whats needed. Its good to know that its mostly just gear holding me back in PvE stuff though.
My ilevel is 354 right now, which I thought would be fine, but I guess the different stats on the PvE stuff makes a super huge difference.
I would really like to skip over the Heroic Dungeon stuff for the most part, since its just gear I would quickly replace with the normal raid gear, correct? Same reason I skipped over the crafted caster stuff and just went right into getting the Honour gear set in PvP. Well not completely skip the Heroic dungeon stuff, because I think it looks really cool, and would be a lot of fun, I just dont want to get a whole bunch of non-set piece gear that doesnt look cool
edit: also, s10 Warlock gear looks awesome, much better than this stuff I got now. I look like a Mage.
Nobiru said:My ilevel is 354 right now, which I thought would be fine, but I guess the different stats on the PvE stuff makes a super huge difference.
Alex said:The main thing I miss from BC and LK is a whole continent. I know Cata is about fleshing out Azeroth and returning to it, and that is fine for a one-off but I def thing a the new landmass gig is the way to go and im glad theyre returning to that next time.
Also, if they wanted to flesh out Azeroth, all capitals should have a portal to the opposite continent, and not portals to everything introduced in Cata. It kinda defeats the purpose, IMO.
Most of the gloves, even on the tier, are just re-skinned models it looks like tho. You got a bump on the elbow and a bump on the wrist.Bisnic said:Only the chest armor is ALWAYS skin tight. Sometimes you get these HUGE belt(like my current 359 cloth belt), big gloves and big boots, and sometimes you get some extra 3D stuff with the legs. But i've never seen anything on the chest.
charlequin said:The big problem here is that there's no way to travel to Vashj'ir or Deepholm except via portal. And at least Horde-side, the Twilight Highlands portal is a nice choice -- you do a quest to build it, it'd take literally like half an hour to get there from Orgrimmar otherwise, and it gives you what's essentially a portal to the middle of the other continent -- since the big problem with travel otherwise is you can only go to the very top or the very bottom of the Eastern Kingdoms.
(Portals to Hyjal and Uldum really are just kind of silly though. Make people take the windrider like the old days!)
...Is that real? Please humour me, I'm not sure whether or not to take this seriously.SiegfriedFM said:
Angry Grimace said:I think you misinterpreted what my reply was saying. Gear matters to some degree, but you should be able to do 10000+ DPS on bosses in quest greens, and you're not ready for raiding until you have all PvE gear and can eclipse a minimum of 12000 DPS on bosses.
I'm not going to sugar-coat it; the chances of you skipping over heroics when you're doing 8000 DPS on bosses in PvP gear is close to 0% unless you're the girlfriend of someone important in a guild that has all of the content on farm. Heroics are a vital part of progression in the game as it is today. You've got the wrong attitude going into this.
charlequin said:They actually nerfed the primary stats on all the PvP gear (by 1/2, IIRC) to create specifically this situation: Blizzard's goal is that while you can use a piece or maybe two of PvP gear to fill out your set (my wife was wearing PvP wrists for the longest time since good bracers are almost impossible to get in Cata) it should be impossible to do PvE content in full PvP gear.
I don't think "oh I'd just replace all that with raid gear" is at all the right way to think about heroic-tier gear. It's going to take weeks and weeks of raiding to replace all of it, and (much more importantly) you're going to need gear that good (~346) to raid effectively in the first place. The trick is you really don't have to rely on heroic drops for all that much of it:
- Pretty much everyone gets about 5 pieces of good 346 or 359 gear from reps. (I got a hat, cape, shoes, and two rings.) Between doing the regular zone quests, dailies, and tabarding in normal dungeons (if you don't have heroic-suitable gear yet) you can grind these all out in a week, easy.
- Tol Barad commendations will buy you a good 346 weapon -- I think their selection has at least decent choices for pretty much everyone.
- Everyone has two crafted 359 items. For me it's the chest and belt. I'm generally swimming in money from playing the AH so I just bought 'em, but you can get a deal pretty easily on these by farming/trading the mats and just buying the Chaos Orbs of some random crafter.
- Nowadays you get 200+ JP for your random normal dungeon, so five days of that will get you a JP piece.
Do all that and you'll have at least nine slots in 346s and 359s -- in many cases you won't have the pre-raid BiS and your secondary stats might be a bit wonky, but it'll put your overall performance in the right range. Once you do that, you'll be able to plow through the heroics without much trouble and you can just run one random a day for VPs and accept upgrades if they happen to drop.
That would kill zep/boat travel. Which would be lame.Alex said:Also, if they wanted to flesh out Azeroth, all capitals should have a portal to the opposite continent, and not portals to everything introduced in Cata. It kinda defeats the purpose, IMO.
KernelPanic said:I think it was a bad group, they were only a few pulls in when I joined and the first thing I heard was "you're the 3rd healer who's joined, please don't leave".
Nobiru said:This is all starting to sound like much more work than im willing to put in, heh. This is great info though, and a lot of help, so thank you. I will have to do some more dungeons and get a better feel for what my actual damage is, maybe this 8k I was seeing was because of something stupid. I will test it out a little more, and run a few more tests.
If you say I should be hitting 10k in quest greens, then I think something must have been wrong.
Nobiru said:This is all starting to sound like much more work than im willing to put in, heh.
If you say I should be hitting 10k in quest greens, then I think something must have been wrong.
Bisnic said:It's not that hard really to gear yourself through quests and dungeons. If you do all the quests while lvling for reputation and get all the 333 blues from Twilight Highlands quests, you already have half your slots with blues ready for heroics.
Every heroic is easy once you're in majority 346 stuff, really. The only thing that sucks are things that kill you in one hit if one person messes up.charlequin said:Oh yeah, definitely a bad group. In my experience, a group with (correctly itemized) around average ilevel 340 stuff should be able to easily finish any heroic with only moderate competence on each individual player's part. (Not saying they'll never wipe, just not wipe repeatedly on the same encounter or so badly that they disband.) The problem is that a single bad tank or healer, or two bad DPS, is basically enough to bring the average competence level below that threshold.
Healing is definitely harder in Cata than previous expansions, by pretty much universal agreement, but if you're having that much trouble I'd tend to look at the group first. Grand Vizier Ertan is a very straightforward fight movement-wise since you're mostly paying attention to a single, very visible element that repeats in a completely consistent pattern, so people really shouldn't be taking massive damage on that fight often at all.
charlequin said:Healing is definitely harder in Cata than previous expansions, by pretty much universal agreement, but if you're having that much trouble I'd tend to look at the group first. Grand Vizier Ertan is a very straightforward fight movement-wise since you're mostly paying attention to a single, very visible element that repeats in a completely consistent pattern, so people really shouldn't be taking massive damage on that fight often at all.
Angry Grimace said:Every heroic is easy once you're in majority 346 stuff, really. The only thing that sucks are things that kill you in one hit if one person messes up.
Thnikkaman said:...Is that real? Please humour me, I'm not sure whether or not to take this seriously.
Yeah, I REALLY miss having to do ball-busting shit like running the same dungeon ten billion times and bullshit attunements like the Onyxia chain.
Yeah, I REALLY miss having to do ball-busting shit like running the same dungeon ten billion times and bullshit attunements like the Onyxia chain.charlequin said:Well, I mean: this is by far the least work it's ever taken to get raid-ready geared, IMO. I hit 85 and was i340 like a week later. Beats the hell out of running Strat and Scholo every day for weeks waiting for your @%$* hat to drop.
Angry Grimace said:Yeah, I REALLY miss having to do ball-busting shit like running the same dungeon ten billion times and bullshit attunements like the Onyxia chain.
If you go back, I remember in the WoW1 thread there was some rogue that had Thunderfury and just everyone in the thread was shitting on him for having it over his guild's tank. I don't suppose that was you?Ferrio said:Never did get my dal rends swords. Got my thunderfury before I ever saw one drop.
Angry Grimace said:If you go back, I remember in the WoW1 thread there was some rogue that had Thunderfury and just everyone in the thread was shitting on him for having it over his guild's tank. I don't suppose that was you?
Angry Grimace said:Every heroic is easy once you're in majority 346 stuff, really.
Bisnic said:Gotta love those rocks during the last boss of heroic Stonecore that hits you for over 400k. Especially when it hits the healer or tank.
Loxley said:70 goddamn runs of UBRS to get my Lightforge Shoulders, and Drakkisath never dropped my Lightforge Breastplate....that asshat...
Angry Grimace said:Yeah, I REALLY miss having to do ball-busting shit like running the same dungeon ten billion times and bullshit attunements like the Onyxia chain.
Thnikkaman said:...Is that real? Please humour me, I'm not sure whether or not to take this seriously.
ch0mp said:Had my first ever raid last night. Got called in after some people left. Twilight ascendant council progression. I was hoping to start with something a bit easier, but it was fun and very intense. I was already pretty comfy with heroics but after this I will cruise through them.
Johnlenham said:Fuck you Erodax you piece of shit! all I want is a Heroic 2h but noo you wont give it up you fucking asshole.
I had to die 3 times because it was the first time this guy was tanking then take over and tank prety much the entire dungeon only for him to drop a bunch of shit.
No stupid ass guildy I wont waste 85 tol barads on that sword because thats a bloody long time and heroic weapons are "free".
Bastard drops!
Ferrio said:Ouch, what a horrible fight to get your feet wet in.
70 goddamn runs of UBRS to get my Lightforge Shoulders, and Drakkisath never dropped my Lightforge Breastplate....that asshat...
The Interactive Horde Onyxia Attunement is one of my favorite game videos ever. It's funny because it's true.![]()
charlequin said:The Interactive Horde Onyxia Attunement is one of my favorite game videos ever. It's funny because it's true.![]()
Angry Grimace said:If you go back, I remember in the WoW1 thread there was some rogue that had Thunderfury and just everyone in the thread was shitting on him for having it over his guild's tank. I don't suppose that was you?
charlequin said:The Interactive Horde Onyxia Attunement is one of my favorite game videos ever. It's funny because it's true.![]()
charlequin said:The Interactive Horde Onyxia Attunement is one of my favorite game videos ever. It's funny because it's true.![]()
I've gotten Heroic Thundercall several times. It's drop rate is no lower than anything else in his loot table AFAIK.DeathNote said:How much is Abatement Cannon worth? Normal and Heroic Thundercall seem to be low drop rates.
I wouldn't know, but wowhead says it's a 1.8% chance compared to everything else that's 18-20%. Grimace said:I've gotten Heroic Thundercall several times. It's drop rate is no lower than anything else in his loot table AFAIK.