Just got the kodo mount right now. Hopefully I'm able to get the ram before the event ends.
"Return to Graveyard" Button
Today, I want to talk about one of the most amazing feature of Cataclysm, really. If you've been playing WoW for a while, you probably got stuck in ghost form one day because you died in a strange location and spent countless hours looking FOR THAT DAMN GRAVEYARD TO SPIRIT REZ. Cataclysm will finally fix that and adds a huge "Return to Graveyard" button to the screen whenever you are dead.
Don't get confused, this is a "Return to Graveyard" button, not body but you will probably think it's awesome if it ever happened to you.
mclem said:Amazingly, I had the longest queue I've *ever* had - as a tank - the first time I did it this year. It took over an entire minute!
HixxSAFC said:Got a Ram on an alt. Doing Direbrew on my 4 80's is the only reason to log in atm. Might grind some emblems soonish though for the cash converter in 4.0.1.
mclem said:Amazingly, I had the longest queue I've *ever* had - as a tank - the first time I did it this year. It took over an entire minute!
Link pleaseAesthet1c said:Has it been confirmed at all if justice points will buy first tier lvl 85 epics?
Aesthet1c said:Yeah I'm doing the same. However I can't decide if I want to convert mine to gold or have it convert over to justice points. Has it been confirmed at all if justice points will buy first tier lvl 85 epics?
HixxSAFC said:There's NO WAY Justice points will be able to be used at 85. If they do Blizzard will have completely fucked up the gear 'progression' they wanted to bring back.
Bashiok said:At this time any bosses a player defeats that are level-appropriate to them (and previously awarded badges or emblems upon defeat) will award them with the new Justice Points. Similarly, any items that previously cost emblems or badges of any type will now cost Justice Points instead.
Shortly before Cataclysm is released, another patch will enforce the hard cap, marking the second stage of the currency conversion. Any Justice or Honor Points above the hard cap will be converted to gold, and just like in the first stage of the conversion, the player will receive an in-game letter explaining that some of their currencies were converted into gold as well as delivering the gold itself.
idlewild_ said:they said that you would gain justice points by beating level appropriate bosses, which means you can accrue them in outlands/lk/cata dungeons while leveling up to 85...
Bisnic said:As far as i know, you can only get justice points from triumphs & frosts. Lower badges from outlands & northrend only turns into money. So i dont think you can farm these points by doing regular outlands or northrend dungeons, not to mention you cant even get badges from the regular dungeons currently, except 2 triumphs a day while in northrend.
That would imply they were removing the ability to get "naturally" 310% speed mounts. I hadn't heard that.mclem said:My strong suspicion is that when they do the changeover, it'll occur like this:
First, everyone with a 310% mount gets the 'freebie' 310% skill.
Second, all 310% mounts are permanently changed to 280% mounts.
It makes the most sense, and fits with the comment I think someone said from PTR that they were only getting 280% speed out of their 310% mount (because the achievement the skill is based on isn't transferred over).
We're working based on that assumption in the guild and we're using roughly half a raid day each week doing Ulduar to try to get as many guildies a 310% mount as possible prior to this changeover deadline; it helps a bit that we're nicely at a stage where a complete clear of ICC with our farm heroics takes about two and a half raid days, meaning we have one and a half days left in our schedule for attempts on new heroic bosses, Ruby Sanctum, weekly raid quests and Ulduar. I just wish it was all a bit more concrete!
HixxSAFC said:There's NO WAY Justice points will be able to be used at 85. If they do Blizzard will have completely fucked up the gear 'progression' they wanted to bring back.
I don't think it's been stated; it's a bit of assuming on my side. Partially because I find it hard to believe that they'd charge 5000G for something which could be got reasonably easily for free at L85. Certainly not impossible, though.Angry Grimace said:That would imply they were removing the ability to get "naturally" 310% speed mounts. I hadn't heard that.
Scrow said:has anyone here got impressions on the new abilities and talents for feral druids and warlocks?
Aesthet1c said:I played just a little bit of my warlock, but I like the changes so far.
The warlocks now have a max of 3 soul shards, and you can only obtain more while out of combat. Anything that previously costed a shard is now free. Shards are now used by the soul burn ability, which modifies certain spells into different things. For instance, if you soul burn and then drain life, your drain life lasts for twice as long, or if you soul burn and cast healthstone you get 10% increased health. My favorite (which requires a talent in the affliction tree) is when you soul burn and cast seed of corruption, then when your seed explodes on the mob, it inflicts everyone around him with corruption.
They also gave us a new spell to accumulate soul shards. I forget the name of it, but its a channeled spell that can only be cast out of combat that gives us 1 soul shard like every 3 seconds, and regens our health a little bit.
Another awesome spell for affliction warlocks is soul swap. Basically you cast it on a mob that is nearly dead (ideally you kill him with this spell) and it will capture all the dots currently on the mob. Then you have like 30 seconds to release that soul onto a new mob, which will instantly place all the dots on him, with fresh durations. It's pretty awesome and if you can time it right while you are out questing, than you will rarely ever need to refresh your dots.
Anyways, I haven't played a ton of my warlock, but so far I'm really liking the changes.
Running over the food tubs removes your ram's exhaustion?!?!?!?!?!?!?Deputy Moonman said:Awesome, Cindres. Epic flying is totally worth it.
So I finally got a kodo on my alt warrior today. I've also gotten the shanker once, and the tankard o terror once, which is selling for a measly 100g on the AH :lol That's between my 3 80's over the 3 day period.
I also just realized that you can get extra brewfest tokens by running the ram for more kegs each day. I didn't know that running over the food tubs removes your ram's exhaustion, either.
Yeah, barrels of apples along the route.Cindres said:Loving epic flyingThough i only have that bronze drake from Heroic Strat, i want the swift purple gryphon, not a fan of big mounts. I'll get it tomorrow after my dailies, only 85g anyway.
And wait, food tubs? I was not aware there were food tubs? I just need to raise another 100 tokens to join the brew of the month club and get the achievement.
Unidentifiable Organ?! So jealous...Rapstah said:EDIT: And I finished the grind to get these two fuckers today, who can tell what they are from the icons?
Ouch, not quite. Shriveled Heart.notworksafe said:Unidentifiable Organ?! So jealous...
Rapstah said:Ouch, not quite. Shriveled Heart.
It shares an icon with Unidentifiable Organ, Unidentifiable Organ HC and Sludge-Covered Object though and two of those go in that slot.
Same on all counts.Azwethinkweiz said:I've never seen an unidentifiable organ drop, and I'm sitting on 500 frost badges and a full set of T10.
edit: I'm a tank![]()
Azwethinkweiz said:I've never seen an unidentifiable organ drop, and I'm sitting on 500 frost badges and a full set of T10.
edit: I'm a tank![]()
funkmastergeneral said:Man I am giddy with excitement for the first time since December when ICC was released. Cataclysm can't come out soon enough![]()
Entropia said:Taking 2 days off work to play Wrath and getting server first shaman/draenei 80 was some of my most favorite times in WoW.
Sebulon3k said:I know that this will be impossible on my server, there are probably people that've lined up their entire week around getting those feats of strength :lol
Sebulon3k said:I know that this will be impossible on my server, there are probably people that've lined up their entire week around getting those feats of strength :lol
Alex said:I'll never understand what people see in achievements.
I'll also never understand, for all the work they've done on this thing, and all the shit they've redesigned, why the old races still look like a big bag of ass. Also, no new Moonkin form. I mean how hard would that have been to done?
Blizzard has some really fucked priorities on things.
Never understand why people care about these. Who actually dances? Of course, I also never use the dumb vanity pets either.funkmastergeneral said:New dances were due in 2008 :lol
It's not even good, the stacks fall off frequently. Especially in a fight with magic damage where it won't stack at all.Azwethinkweiz said:I've never seen an unidentifiable organ drop, and I'm sitting on 500 frost badges and a full set of T10.
edit: I'm a tank![]()
>:Onotworksafe said:Never understand why people care about these. Who actually dances? Of course, I also never use the dumb vanity pets either.
I believe people are taking it from a few blue quotes around that imply that is what is going to happen. Something like this:Angry Grimace said:I'm not sure I understand why people think TBC style gear progression is coming back. I've never seen anyone at Blizz say it was.
http://forums.wow-europe.com/thread.html?topicId=13816832302&pageNo=1&sid=1#8Ancilorn said:Well, hopefully this comes as good news. We're actually working on restoring the epic feeling to epic items in Cataclysm. Epic loot should be epic, and something to be very proud of. Our plan is to try and get the Heroic -> Blue Gear and Raid -> Purple Gear balance back.
This is further proof that not everything Deathwing does is entirely a bad thing. =)
Hmm I use a Brewfest trinket (have both) and Skeleton Key. I guess I'll just stick with those.ciaossu said:It's not even good, the stacks fall off frequently. Especially in a fight with magic damage where it won't stack at all.
Get a brewfest 170 stam trinket. You should only use stam trinkets (sindy's fang, skeleton key, satrina's scarab, brewfest 170s, or black heart) as a tank. People with corpse tongue are funny :lol
Nope, none of them. I have a bunch of pets from doing random quests/instances/achievements/holiday things, but I never pull them out. I use the Argent Slave sometimes, but he gives an actual benefit.ciaossu said:>:O
Not even Dun Morogh Cub!? Monster.