That already happened at the same time the portals were removed. Not sure how it's going to make mages more bank as there's even less purpose to going back the old world while in Outland/Northrend now that trainers are there.Darkmakaimura said:ZAM! says there's rumor that portals are going to be replaced my class trainers in Dalaran and Shattrath come Cataclysm. Mages will make bank now!
Darkmakaimura said:ZAM! says there's rumor that portals are going to be replaced my class trainers in Dalaran and Shattrath come Cataclysm. Mages will make bank now!
There's no functional difference at all between purples and blues. My wild guess is that Blizzard wants item quality to be more important than it has been since there was literally like 9 tiers of purple gear in Wrath, and you suck in the first of those and are god in the last. As long as those blues are better than your level 83 ones, it's the same concept as gear now.DeathNote said:I like the idea of raiding in blues for a while.
That doesn't change that I like raiding in blues .... it's neat to see a select few in full purples.Angry Grimace said:There's no functional difference at all between purples and blues. My wild guess is that Blizzard wants item quality to be more important than it has been since there was literally like 9 tiers of purple gear in Wrath, and you suck in the first of those and are god in the last. As long as those blues are better than your level 83 ones, it's the same concept as gear now.
SuperAndroid17 said:FML..
after 5 years of playing this game... I finally got my shit hacked. What the flying fuck? I haven't even played the game in almost 6 months. I checked my armory and that piece of shit thief sold all of my purples. I personally dont care... because I was busy playing starcraft II. I have no idea how I got hacked.. I don't even go on phising sites. GAF/Facebook/College website. That's all
So just call them tomorrow right? best thing to do?
SuperAndroid17 said:FML..
after 5 years of playing this game... I finally got my shit hacked. What the flying fuck? I haven't even played the game in almost 6 months. I checked my armory and that piece of shit thief sold all of my purples. I personally dont care... because I was busy playing starcraft II. I have no idea how I got hacked.. I don't even go on phising sites. GAF/Facebook/College website. That's all
So just call them tomorrow right? best thing to do?
Angry Grimace said:There's no functional difference at all between purples and blues. My wild guess is that Blizzard wants item quality to be more important than it has been since there was literally like 9 tiers of purple gear in Wrath, and you suck in the first of those and are god in the last. As long as those blues are better than your level 83 ones, it's the same concept as gear now.
Lolligag said:
Dr. Pangloss said:Same with me man. I don't know how it happen, but I found out by checking my account online while playing Starcraft II. They had activated the account at week before I found out and did not change the password or anything. So I logged on and changed everything and got an authenticator too. For the last 2 weeks I have been playing on their dime. You should just contact customer support. I sent an in game ticket in to handle my problem. Took them a day or two to answer it, but they fix everything. Even got my money back. This all happen at the beginning of this month.
Yep, call them tomorrow. Get an authenticator if you can. They are free for iDevice/Android and $1 for many other phones.SuperAndroid17 said:FML..
after 5 years of playing this game... I finally got my shit hacked. What the flying fuck? I haven't even played the game in almost 6 months. I checked my armory and that piece of shit thief sold all of my purples. I personally dont care... because I was busy playing starcraft II. I have no idea how I got hacked.. I don't even go on phising sites. GAF/Facebook/College website. That's all
So just call them tomorrow right? best thing to do?
armormclem said:Wouldn't you be a wee bit worried about having that stinger constantly pointed at the small of your back?
how do they get you?notworksafe said:Yep, call them tomorrow. Get an authenticator if you can. They are free for iDevice/Android and $1 for many other phones.
It could have a been a bad Flash ad that got you. There is some Flash exploit out there, I believe one for Acrobat as well. I'd try running a virus/spyware scan while WoW is open, don't have to be logged in.
With the Flash/Acrobat thing, there's a security hole in those programs (if not updated to the newest version) that allows opening a bad PDF or viewing a bad Flash object to put code on your machine. In the case of the WoW hackers, they put a keylogger on there.DeathNote said:how do they get you?
Flash vulnerability allowing unauthorized code to run, installing a key logger. That's what caused that big rash of compromised accounts earlier this year, at least.DeathNote said:how do they get you?
notworksafe said:Yep, call them tomorrow. Get an authenticator if you can. They are free for iDevice/Android and $1 for many other phones.
It could have a been a bad Flash ad that got you. There is some Flash exploit out there, I believe one for Acrobat as well. I'd try running a virus/spyware scan while WoW is open, don't have to be logged in.
SuperAndroid17 said:The email I tried logging in doesn't even work :lol , I tried to recover my password through my RL name and still no budge. How the fuck Did they get my shit?! Oh well ... sigh I dont want the hassle of faxing stuff UGHHHH.
Whatever.. hopefully I can prove everything through the phone tho.
DeathNote said:armor![]()
Hey, I've had times when I've burned Astral Recall, my hearthstone, and my Kirin Tor ring in succession before 7.5 minutes is up. :lolDr. Pangloss said:Why does an astral recall glyph shaman need a hearthstone? It's like they don't know how to play the game.
Aurarian said:Man, the more videos I see of the new heroics and such, the more it pisses me off that I'm not in the beta.
Loxley said:Yeah, anytime Blizzard has a beta for one of the expansions and I don't get an invite, I get a pissy, "I've been playing this game for five and a half years and have never gotten invited to a beta, I think I should be on the top of the list by now motherfuckers" attitude.
But really, after that eventually goes away, part of me is glad that I didn't get into the beta because everything in the expansion is new to me when it launches, and I'm not experiencing it or any of the new zones in an unfinished, buggy state (more or less). So, there are positives and negatives about not getting into the beta for me.
I expect that includes the honor from completing the four WG quests, which you'll only be able to acquire once a week. It's certainly worth the time.Rapstah said:Why haven't I been told of the Honor you get for healing a good WG defense?! I got like 23 000 for that last one. Okay, we won, which doesn't happen a lot, but that's like ten battlegrounds.
Yeah, two of them now that I think about it. 23 000 felt like a lot.Evlar said:I expect that includes the honor from completing the four WG quests, which you'll only be able to acquire once a week. It's certainly worth the time.
Yoshichan said:![]()
Confirmed. Every boss in heroics will give 75 JP when killed.
Based on this screenshot:
A chest (which will most likely be worth most JP out of all the items) will take approximately 29 boss kills which is around 7 heroic runs.
So basically, if you can buy around 7 pieces of gear, it will take you around 49 heroic runs. Not too bad if you ask me.
VAIL said:Is it sad I automatically hovered my mouse over those expecting the stats to come up?!!?
Yoshichan said:![]()
Confirmed. Every boss in heroics will give 75 JP when killed.
Based on this screenshot:
A chest (which will most likely be worth most JP out of all the items) will take approximately 29 boss kills which is around 7 heroic runs.
So basically, if you can buy around 7 pieces of gear, it will take you around 49 heroic runs. Not too bad if you ask me.
krypt0nian said:Cannot wait to learn the Heroics with everyone else. Coming back after a year, I feel so left behind as far as strats. Hell as a healer I'm usually running behind some hyper tank in a PUG trying to keep my HoTs up before he grabs a new group of mobs.
KernelPanic said:Can't wait for some challenging 5 mans again, even though they'll be nerfed in the 1st Cata patch once the whining starts on the forums.
No, I'm saying there IS a difference in the budgets, but the end result isn't different because there's probably the same number of tiers of gear as there was in Wrath. In the end, the gear from heroic dungeons/points is probably equally as good for you as gear from heroic dungeons/points in Wrath.mclem said:Actually, the stat budget calculation is different between blue and purple. An equivalent purple item of the same iLvl will have significantly more stats on it than a given blue.
Unless they've scrapped that.
Angry Grimace said:No, I'm saying there IS a difference in the budgets, but the end result isn't different because there's probably the same number of tiers of gear as there was in Wrath. In the end, the gear from heroic dungeons/points is probably equally as good for you as gear from heroic dungeons/points in Wrath.
5 mans have always been the best. I wish they would just stick with 5man, 10 is okay too. But the 20+ have always been shit.KernelPanic said:Can't wait for some challenging 5 mans again, even though they'll be nerfed in the 1st Cata patch once the whining starts on the forums.
With a good group, 25s are incredibly epic and the scale can be amazing.shintoki said:5 mans have always been the best. I wish they would just stick with 5man, 10 is okay too. But the 20+ have always been shit.
shintoki said:5 mans have always been the best. I wish they would just stick with 5man, 10 is okay too. But the 20+ have always been shit.
KernelPanic said:Can't wait for some challenging 5 mans again, even though they'll be nerfed in the 1st Cata patch once the whining starts on the forums.