It doesn't matter what's in between the quotes. The question/point is still the same.Tacitus_ said:That's not a rotation, that's a priority system in order of importance.
Actually... here's something Ghostcrawler said...DeathNote said:Theorycrafting is weird to me.
Cat DPS DK guide is on elitist jerks right now. The start priority is "Hit to cap > Strength > Haste > Crit > Mastery > Expertise to cap > Agility"
With this new Mastery system, did they really design it for Haste and Crit to be better?
Also, do the people working on the class at blizzard come up with a rotation like
"Diseases > Dark Transformation > SS if both Unholy runes are up > FeS if both pairs of Blood and Frost runes are up > DC if SD, 100 RP, will overcap RP with anything else or if RC isnt up > SS > FeS > DC > HoW."
How would someone that doesn't read theory crafting websites even begin to come up with this rotation?
speedpop said:Nothing more awesome than jumping on a healing alt and doing a random dungeon, finding out that everyone in there has wiped previously and they don't really know what to do, and consequently helping them go through it. Such innocence!
A shame that the majority of WoW players are too full of themselves to remember that they were once beginners to the game once before.
Whatever EJ thinks, Blizzard is going to win because if Blizzard doesn't like the way EJ thinks you should play, they change the class to play the way Blizzard wants it to play.DeathNote said:Actually... here's something Ghostcrawler said...
"DKs being GCD locked -- The equivalent would be a level 85 DK who decides to eschew all mastery on gear and stack haste to a ridiculous degree. Sure it might GCD lock you, but it's such a dps loss, why would you ever do that?"
"Now, if youre one of those players who just hates gaps, then go ahead and stack a bunch of haste. Youll have to go out of your way to do that though, and sacrifice some other stats to get there. For the DK that balances gear out, you shouldnt be GCD locked for long periods of time."
The elitstjerks post is promoting being GCD locked.
It's like on one hand wow relies on theorycrafting, and on the other they are disagreeing on what they are coming up with.
krypt0nian said:Totally agree. I was running regular difficulty dungeons a few weeks back and it seems they are populated with players that don't know the content yet. It was fun to guide them through some tough situations.
YesYoshichan said:So with the flexible system, I can do Marrow to Dreamwalker in one raid... leave, then join LK in a completely new raid? ?Alex said:There's a really neat tanking post with about a zillion GC replies today. I really don't envy GC, I mean reading all these Paladin posts... these are the laziest, stupidest fucking people, the official boards are really bad. Throwing hissy fits, making him respond over and over again over the silliest things that he's already stated nine times.
I like how they don't shut up about how hard it apparently is to pull back like Warriors now instead of AOE dumping right off the bat. Good lord.
And what is with this constant tank and healing bickering over "WELL WHAT IF I GROUP WITH BADS? THEY'LL ACCUSE ME AND MESS EVERYTHING UP!" in Cataclysm?
It's simple; fuck you and stop pugging with the scum of the Earth. Seriously what a bullshit argument.
DeathNote said:where's the thread? don't see it on mmo-champion
looks like i need to add to my daily visit list. i thought it was updated right when the blog was.Alex said:
Angry Grimace said:Part of the problem here is that essentially everyone I know is bailing on tanking or the idea of even trying to tank in Cataclysm because they're worried it's going to be hard. I don't think tanking conceptually should be inherently harder than DPS or healing because you flat out kill the entire raid if you fuck up for 10 seconds.
Having to think a bit and pay attention to pull composition and mechanics is preferable to BURN 'EM ALL, yes.Angry Grimace said:Does anyone really think CC and focus firing marked targets was ever fun at all?
Exactly. TBC had the best dungeons because they were a challenge.Sciz said:Having to think a bit and pay attention to pull composition and mechanics is preferable to BURN 'EM ALL, yes.
Was in Mara with a group the other day of people that mostly knew what they were doing. We had a Hunter in there that was clearly new to the game (Note: Not doing anything wrong, just asking questions) and the fuckers kicked her from the group. Seriously, what was the point of that? We were face-rolling the instance anyway, and she's never going to learn if people don't give her the chance. :/speedpop said:A shame that the majority of WoW players are too full of themselves to remember that they were once beginners to the game once before.
No45 said:Was in Mara with a group the other day of people that mostly knew what they were doing. We had a Hunter in there that was clearly new to the game (Note: Not doing anything wrong, just asking questions) and the fuckers kicked her from the group. Seriously, what was the point of that? We were face-rolling the instance anyway, and she's never going to learn if people don't give her the chance. :/
Acidote said:I've been insulted by a lock when I told him to reset his talents after the instance and search a proper build so he could make better numbers. That won't happen again.
markot said:SW is really nice now, lighting is great too. Just wish IF and such were getting even 10% of the attention >.<
Sax Russel said:Until recently you could fly inside IF on the beta... can't anymore, guess Blizz really doesn't want people there =P
I resubbed over the weekend to casually farm emblems for the justice points conversion for Cata. If 4.0.1 goes live tomorrow, am I screwed or does the conversion not actually take place until the release of Cata? I'm at work so I can't check but I thought I read 4.0.1 was suppose to bring the conversion?Tamanon said:Big scheduled maintenance for all realms on the 5th. I think it's 4.0.1 time.
ToddG15 said:I resubbed over the weekend to casually farm emblems for the justice points conversion for Cata. If 4.0.1 goes live tomorrow, am I screwed or does the conversion not actually take place until the release of Cata? I'm at work so I can't check but I thought I read 4.0.1 was suppose to bring the conversion?
ToddG15 said:I resubbed over the weekend to casually farm emblems for the justice points conversion for Cata. If 4.0.1 goes live tomorrow, am I screwed or does the conversion not actually take place until the release of Cata? I'm at work so I can't check but I thought I read 4.0.1 was suppose to bring the conversion?
Bisnic said:There is little chance the patch is going to be tomorrow according to mmochampion. Most likely next week.
Interfectum said:His logic is due to the small patch released recently but that patch barely did anything. There's still a good chance it'll be tomorrow... im going 50/50.
HildyB said:Do the emblem/currency changes happen with the patch or expansion? I'm wondering because I just hit 80 last week and have been collecting my dungeon emblems for some vendor gear. Should I just wait?
yeah.Nirolak said:It seems that Cataclysm is officially coming out on December 7th:
Got my Ram on my first run last year, back when they were harder to get. Still no Kodo, though.CAW said:Did the Coren Direbrew fight for the first time last night and got this:
A special Collector's Edition packed with bonus items will be available exclusively in retail stores for a suggested retail price of $79.99..