Yuck!J-Rzez said:Me and my guildies were discussing who's going after what reputations we're not exalted with. I got picked to do "The Defilers", great... :lol
Yuck!J-Rzez said:Me and my guildies were discussing who's going after what reputations we're not exalted with. I got picked to do "The Defilers", great... :lol
True, but most of those people won't actually be on the ground.Vigilant Walrus said:Yeah I am all for the individualism, but when trade districts are just blocked my massive flying dragons you cant see anything. It doesn't feel like the cool over the top fantasy anymore. it's just polygons and particle effects smashed into each other.
J-Rzez said:Me and my guildies were discussing who's going after what reputations we're not exalted with. I got picked to do "The Defilers", great... :lol
speedpop said:Just let people fly in Ironforge and it will be fine. If they can allow people to fly around Undercity, then I see no reason why the Dwarven capital can't receive the flying mount treatment since they're essentially built in the same manner (circle).
I used to keep my bank alt at Ironforge simply because Stormwind was always the most crowded due to RP.
Darn has changed quite a bit and the Worgen have their own Tree there.notworksafe said:They are changing Darn to add Worgen stuff. Not sure if anything else is being added or changed.
The biggest problem with Darnassus is it's location. It's located in a place that's inconvenient to everything.Vigilant Walrus said:I would prefer they would actually do something to Darnassus and Exodar. Why not? There are no neutral hub cities. its back to the main city races. But Darnassus is horrible. Nobody wants to be there. its ugly, it has annyoing music, whats there to do? its useless. they should just have goblins nuke the entire place, and make a wasteland!
its too bad because the idea is cool, with massive trees, with people living in them. Like Ewoks from star wars.
J-Rzez said:Me and my guildies were discussing who's going after what reputations we're not exalted with. I got picked to do "The Defilers", great... :lol
evlcookie said:How does tanking look in cataclysm? It's the only style / class i haven't really played in the game and i thought about making a warrior come the expansion. I don't see myself as an MT for any 10/25 man guild at all really. I wouldn't mind logging on and just tanking a 5 man then going back to do other things.
Would a warrior be a decent choice or are there better class choices when it comes to tanking in cataclysm?
TheFallen said:So I've been considering playing again after 2 years. A co-worker of mine has gotten me interested once again. I stopped playing after clearing Mount Hyjal, several months before WotLK. I've got three 70s decked out (Prot Paladin, Dest Warlock, Feral Druid). Obviously it's been a long time so what they've got probably means nothing to you guys. :lol
Anyway... do you guys have any tips or suggestions for people just now getting back into the game after so long? I was pretty hardcore about playing back then, but this time around I can only afford to give a couple hours a few nights a week. What should I expect? Sounds like everything is so different.
Well, I wouldn't be making a serious push until Cataclysm. I'm planning on just leveling my 70s to 80. Run some instances and getting used to all the new changes. Maybe a little bit of the level 80 content before Cata. I'm used to the old hardcore playstyle, but don't intend on doing that again. Basically going for an experience similar to yours. I want to prepare myself for Cataclysm. I don't need Icecrown gear or whatever the best stuff is to do that.Alex said:Are you planning on coming back and trying to make a serious push to see things now, or are you just waiting for Cataclysm?
I just came back myself after about a year and some change lull, cleared Ulduar then stopped. Even in this short time some of the framework changes have taken me aback. I'm mostly just getting some heirlooms (bind on account items made for leveling alts, have +exp on them) and running some various old content for gold, currently so I can get a bit of a head up.
Leveling up anew will be a wacky experience for me in Cataclysm with the Dungeon Finder and EXP from Battlegrounds/gathering.
Alex said:Are you planning on coming back and trying to make a serious push to see things now, or are you just waiting for Cataclysm?
I just came back myself after about a year and some change lull, cleared Ulduar then stopped. Even in this short time some of the framework changes have taken me aback. I'm mostly just getting some heirlooms (bind on account items made for leveling alts, have +exp on them) and running some various old content for gold, currently so I can get a bit of a head up.
Leveling up anew will be a wacky experience for me in Cataclysm with the Dungeon Finder and EXP from Battlegrounds/gathering.
Alex said:Oh, I did Ulduar before I quit, sorry for not being clear. I only do guild stuff, I cannot stand pugging raids. =/
Vigilant Walrus said:this is not related to WoW, but Darkfall, but I simply had to post this... Bashur is one of the best video game commentary people on youtube, because he has such a strange voice(watch all his other videos where he narrates as he plays):
Arise, PC gaming! :lolTamanon said:Fucking camel mounts, that's a system seller right there.
FieryBalrog said:Just raided TOC 10 last night with a pug. First raid I've ever completed (had done some half clears of Karazahn back in the day).
Was pretty fun. I also just joined a 10 man ICC raiding guild so we'll see how that goes.
I gotta say, the obsession with gear score is pretty annoying in modern WoW (I just resubbed a month ago after 3 years of not playing).
I use WoW Heroes instead for checking people out.FieryBalrog said:I gotta say, the obsession with gear score is pretty annoying in modern WoW (I just resubbed a month ago after 3 years of not playing).
Good God:lolciaossu said:I use WoW Heroes instead for checking people out.
Average item level is only one factor, bad gemming, bad speccing, presence of pvp gear, those are the biggest offenders.
A hunter with expertise gear? :lol Trust me, I've seen them. I had a hunter quit a raid when I refused to give him the Rotface 25 expertise ring just because he won the roll :lol
Oh yeah mon/tue is sindy/lk but I have little faith we will actually get past sindy after last time :lolnotworksafe said:My guild is planning two raids next week. One to get everyone used to their new class stuff and one where we are saved on LK for the 4-5 people that still need the KS title. After that...I doubt there will be much more raiding.
Sebulon3k said:Gonna use one of my 10 day guest passes I got with SC2 LE to test out class changes so I don't waste money on the resub
I'm cheap
Milpool said:You can test right now on the PTR, account doesn't need to be active. Unless you mean you want to test it live/final.
I normally bash people saying gearscore is all that matters, only for them to say I have a low gearscore myself.Bisnic said:![]()
It sucks yeah, but there's nothing really we can do about this but laugh at people with a better Gearscore than yours, but still doing less DPS than you.
Gotta love those DPS with 5.5k Gearscore doing less DPS than my prot warrior.
TurtleSnatcher said:ok so I havent played WoW in forever
Is there a quickie writeup somewhere of what is being added this week? All my friends saying big cata changes are coming this week and I have no clue what they are talking about :lol