cdyhybrid said:C'Thun remains my favorite fight to this day.
I've still yet to finish AQ40. I really want to do it before Cataclysm.
cdyhybrid said:C'Thun remains my favorite fight to this day.
Alex said:C'thun is the shining beacon in the darkness that was vanilla raiding. I mean Naxx 60 was good (WAY better than Naxx 80) but C'thun was a total game changer.
I think Firefighter Mimiron is my favorite though, but then again I missed out on Sunwell and ToC/ICC, so I've hardly got full experience.
cdyhybrid said:Ugh. Resubbed. God help me.
funkmastergeneral said:Twin Emps was a pretty stellar fight too, man. Killed my first vanilla guild back in the day.
C'thun trash was the most god awful thing in the game though.
Angry Grimace said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4rpMEfvqw
Arthas being in Guitar Hero is probably the stupidest thing ever. I laughed anyways.
Holy crap that first shot with all 4 of them singing! :lol :lol :lolAngry Grimace said:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hu4rpMEfvqw
Arthas being in Guitar Hero is probably the stupidest thing ever. I laughed anyways.
Dr. Pangloss said:I don't know about BWL. It had annoying trash as well as being a LOS fest. Only good fights are Broodlord, Vael, and Nef. Everything else was hide behind this wall and don't let him look at you.
funkmastergeneral said:Twin Emps was a pretty stellar fight too, man. Killed my first vanilla guild back in the day.
C'thun trash was the most god awful thing in the game though.
bakeray said:Illidan and Kael'thas were always my favorite. Kiting that damn thing pre-nerf was insane. Also loved Illhoof on my lock when you could use nether protection and Seeds like crazy haha
TomServo said:Three drake OS25 was my favorite boss fight in Wrath. I'm surprised more people don't mention it.
Maybe it was because I was ranged, but Yogg always bored me. Siffed or Firefighter were my favorite moments in Ulduar.
I agree with this. Firefighter, for example gave my prior guild a lot of problems, but it's so fun because it keeps you on your toes the entire time.J-Rzez said:If you did 3D around Naxx and Uld, then yes, it was fun. But with the current gear zergs, people just scoff it off now, and it dilutes people's perception of said fight. Only fights that still give some geared people trouble seems to be Ulduar hardmodes, and Algalon.
Yeah, we did it in T7.5 gear, and it was probably the most challenging thing we faced up to Heroic Anub'arak 25.J-Rzez said:If you did 3D around Naxx and Uld, then yes, it was fun. But with the current gear zergs, people just scoff it off now, and it dilutes people's perception of said fight. Only fights that still give some geared people trouble seems to be Ulduar hardmodes, and Algalon.
yacobod said:i dont know heroic lich king is probably the most difficult and best encounter in the game. i only have a heroic 10m kill, never did kill the 25m version
other awesome boss encounters throughout WoW
Rag - first time seeing him was awesome, Razorscale - this was originally awesome and very chaotic, Vael, Nef, Twin Emps, C'Thun, i never killed the hard bosses in Naxx60, but i hear original 4 horseman was awesome, lady vash, kael, illidan, 3d OS before 3.1 was awesome in 10 and 25m, firefighter, 3 tree freya, 1 light yogg, hardmode anub is a bitch as well
Johnlenham said:Oh bollocks turns out Eurogamer was giving out Beta keys and I missed outah well.
ezekial45 said:Nefarian is still my favorite fight. Being the first few people grabbing aggro after he lands and shadow flames was one of the coolest parts for me. Twin emps and C'thun were great fights, I also enjoyed Patchwerk. The first few attempts at that boss were hilarious.
ezekial45 said:I am big on voice acting and music in video games, my favorite player kill quotes are from vanilla and one in WoTLK
Nef: "Worthless wretch, your friends shall join you soon enough."
Twin Emps: "Your fate is sealed."
LK: "Hope.....wanes.."
It's all about the little things.
Ccrook said:"We haven't much time....friends!"
DeathNote said:man this patch is taking forever to install, not that it matters
ezekial45 said:Nefarian is still my favorite fight. Being the first few people grabbing aggro after he lands and shadow flames was one of the coolest parts for me.
Johnlenham said:Oh bollocks turns out Eurogamer was giving out Beta keys and I missed outah well.
notworksafe said:The fucking infernals were, and they could ruin you. Even thinking about it now gets me heated. :lol
http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=27189088752We are in the final stages of completing the maintenance process and will begin bringing realms online shortly. We currently anticipate all realms will be online by 5:00PM PDT and appreciate your continued patience.
Flib said:Abom Tank on PP is the only really enjoyable tanking encounter in ICC.
And I loved Thorim as well. Not particularly difficult, but the gauntlet was fun as hell and the arena was chaotic goodness.
Rather than a 18-20 hour one? Yeah that's a good call. Though I suppose people would be happy to have less time.speedpop said:They should've just done a 24hr close down in all honestly.