Beta realms are coming down in 14 minutes. Patch is imminent. Looking forward to what changes there are this week.
Ive been using it for awhile as a hunter its bloody helpfull! Trying to keep track of serpent sting/black arrow being up as much as possible, keeping your priority shots in order and trying not to clip explosive shot when you get a lock and load proc is rather alot to deal with, bit of a pain to get setup though!notworksafe said:http://www.mmo-champion.com/content/1938-Power-Auras-Mages-TP-UI-Howling-Oak-Blue-Posts
I don't quite get the Power Auras thing. I never had a problem just looking at Combat Text but if other people like I guess it's cool.
* Fulmination (Tier 5) *New* - When you have more than 3 Lightning Shield charges active, your Earth Shock spell will consume any surplus charges, instantly dealing their total damage to the enemy target.
* Rolling Thunder (Tier 4) *New* - When you deal damage with Lightning Bolt or Chain Lightning while your Lightning Shield ability is active, you have a 30/60% chance to recover 1% of your mana and to generate an additional Lightning Shield charge, up to a maximum of 0/9 charges.
notworksafe said:I couldn't help myself. Apologies for the bad Photoshop work.
Holy shit! You're the questgiver?! :lol That last one is amazing!Maxrpg said:awesomeness
damnHarryDemeanor said:Sad news everyone. Theralion's voice went from this:
To this:
Xabora said:So I joined a new guild tonight: http://www.guildox.com/go/g.asp?n=YARG&r=Rexxar-US
Should be transferring over there sometime tomorrow. Wooooo!
Power Auras is a life saver for me. I use it primarily for my demo lock to keep track of Molten Core and decimation procs, and also so I know when the Metamorphosis ability and my lifetap buff are on cooldown. I use dotimer to keep track of other spells, but the sounds that you can use with power auras is what I really appreciate. I don't even have to be looking at anything to know when something is up. Now that I've used it, I don't think that I could go back to playing without it.Johnlenham said:Ive been using it for awhile as a hunter its bloody helpfull! Trying to keep track of serpent sting/black arrow being up as much as possible, keeping your priority shots in order and trying not to clip explosive shot when you get a lock and load proc is rather alot to deal with, bit of a pain to get setup though!
PST so the raiding time frame is the same for me.Entropia said:Oh hey, I was wondering where you've been! I haven't seen you on in the beta the past lil' while.
What time zone is Rexxar..?
nooooOO!HarryDemeanor said:Sad news everyone. Theralion's voice went from this:
To this:
Xabora said:PST so the raiding time frame is the same for me.
And as for the PTR. I was on it last night some.
CassSept said:Just when you thought that "The Day that Deathwing Came" was amazing... they put out a chain that's EVEN BETTER.
I knew I would level a new char once Cataclysm comes, but that basically settles it. They just keep on devliering![]()
Addon called DagAssist = Awesome.Bisnic said:Because i'm fucking lazy. I don't feel like pressing P and going over 7 pages of arcane spells just to find the Dalaran or IF Teleport. :lol If it wasn't for portals or teleports, those 14 slots would be empty or full of mounts/companions shortcuts.
HarryDemeanor said:Sad news everyone. Theralion's voice went from this:
To this:
Even though I think it's funny, It's really not that hard to reference pop culture when you think about it. :/Alex said::lol Some of the quest writing is just pure brilliance. Thanks for that collage.
DeathNote said:Even though I think it's funny, It's really not that hard to reference pop culture when you think about it. :/
PSTEntropia said:What time zone is PTR??lol
Maxrpg said:Tree of Life is optional - Moonkin is still not. Which angers a lot of Balance druids.
Tamanon said:What? Almost all balance druids I know just wish Moonkin did something better for them, everyone loves that form. The new moonkin is a great idea.
Was probably planning on selling the account with exactly one high-geared character on it.funkmastergeneral said:For some reason the guy from china who accessed my WoW account was running dungeons and collecting tanking gear on my paladin. Weird. He just stripped and sold everything in the bank on all my other 80's
HixxSAFC said:I hate Moonkin form. I hate Tree form. It's why my Druid is feral, infact the forms are the sole reason I am feral.
Sebulon3k said:The forms are the only reason that my I haven't been able to level a druid to 80. Collecting armor that I don't see is lame
I have a few left. PM me an email and I'll send one over.krypt0nian said:Anyone have a spare Scroll of Resurrection to cast on my account? I haven't played in like a year and would love to check things out for a bit before the new Expansion.
notworksafe said:I have a few left. PM me an email and I'll send one over.