Holy shit, that's nice! :lol Priest PvP is as boring as ever. More than made up for by the Tier 11, which looks fantastic on a Dwarf.Dance In My Blood said:Dear lord. The Death Knight PvP set makes me want to level up a DK.
Holy shit, that's nice! :lol Priest PvP is as boring as ever. More than made up for by the Tier 11, which looks fantastic on a Dwarf.Dance In My Blood said:Dear lord. The Death Knight PvP set makes me want to level up a DK.
this might have too many and i don't know how good it is http://wow.joystiq.com/2009/08/19/razr-announces-the-naga-mmo-mouse/Dunlop said:I am fucking loving the changes to the Holy priest. Especially after forming a 10 man guild. The versatility is awesome, I will however need a mouse with many more buttons...
I only played with disc for a few minutes, power word barrier is cool but it reminded me of my Defender in CoHThere wasn't a whole lot of posting about disc specs so I will give it more of a whirl next week.
Confused101 said:I must be doing something wrong. Well, besides the stuff that's out of my hands like losing about 300 to 400 spellpower. My demo lock just felt so weak in instances last night. I used to top meters with ease, especially on bosses.
In my first group, the paladin and I were talking about our decline in performance where the mage was like, "My DPS has doubled!". My shadowbolts used to crit for 10k and my soul fires for 14k! Now they crit for 7.5k and 10.5k respectively. I feel particularly weak but I may be doing something wrong. I'm going to have to figure out the sweet spot again. Or go affliction and see how that goes.
I do feel like my felguard hits WAY harder though. Too bad he stinks as a tank now. But I guess when you kill stuff that fast, you don't need a taunt. His name changed too. I petitioned to get it back. Yes, I'm serious.
All in all, I'm a little disappointed. Maybe I'll have more fun affliction. It's kind sad though, considering I've been demo for so long. I loved that spec to death. Maybe it'll come around at 85 though.
Oh, and another disappointment... Ret Paladins are boring now? Of course they are, because I was going to level one through the new 1-60 content. Dammit. Well, considering I have approximately 10 minutes invested into my new Pally, at least it won't feel like a huge change for me. Maybe I'll still like it just because I have no idea what it was like before.
Oh well. Looks like I need to go look up some tips on being a demo lock. There has to be something I'm missing.
Confused101 said:I must be doing something wrong. Well, besides the stuff that's out of my hands like losing about 300 to 400 spellpower. My demo lock just felt so weak in instances last night. I used to top meters with ease, especially on bosses.
In my first group, the paladin and I were talking about our decline in performance where the mage was like, "My DPS has doubled!". My shadowbolts used to crit for 10k and my soul fires for 14k! Now they crit for 7.5k and 10.5k respectively. I feel particularly weak but I may be doing something wrong. I'm going to have to figure out the sweet spot again. Or go affliction and see how that goes.
I do feel like my felguard hits WAY harder though. Too bad he stinks as a tank now. But I guess when you kill stuff that fast, you don't need a taunt. His name changed too. I petitioned to get it back. Yes, I'm serious.
All in all, I'm a little disappointed. Maybe I'll have more fun affliction. It's kind sad though, considering I've been demo for so long. I loved that spec to death. Maybe it'll come around at 85 though.
Oh, and another disappointment... Ret Paladins are boring now? Of course they are, because I was going to level one through the new 1-60 content. Dammit. Well, considering I have approximately 10 minutes invested into my new Pally, at least it won't feel like a huge change for me. Maybe I'll still like it just because I have no idea what it was like before.
Oh well. Looks like I need to go look up some tips on being a demo lock. There has to be something I'm missing.
We're fine.Acidote said:Thanks ezekial, but any impressions on lvl 80 enh shamans? =)
Evlar said:How great is it that we don't need reagents for raidwide buffs anymore? Soo great.
Hell, priests don't even need separate spells anymore.
VaLiancY said:http://cata.wowhead.com/blog=170693#.
:lol My favorite has to be the Priest T11 with the holy water shoulders.
Sciz said:We're fine.
-Indoor ghost wolf
-Infinite mana
-Better self healing
-Indoor ghost wolf
-Lightning shield gets refreshed every ten minutes
-Better itemization
-Indoor ghost wolf
-Much less chaotic "rotation"
-Fully stacked lava lash crits for about 20k
-Seriously, indoor ghost wolf
Flib said:or just grab vuhdo (because it's awesome).
Sciz said:We're fine.
-Indoor ghost wolf
-Infinite mana
-Better self healing
-Indoor ghost wolf
-Lightning shield gets refreshed every ten minutes
-Better itemization
-Indoor ghost wolf
-Much less chaotic "rotation"
-Fully stacked lava lash crits for about 20k
-Seriously, indoor ghost wolf
Outdoor Miner said:The T11 sets are laughably bad. Less is more, Bliz.
davepoobond said:im very disappointed in what they did to hunters. it frustrates me.
I was hitting significantly less hard with the new demo spec. My best example would be the shadowbolt. It used to hit regularly for 5k non-crit. Now it hits for 3.5k. This has to be due to losing our SP bonus from Fel Armor and losing some SP boosting buffs that I would get from just having a demon out.SquirrelNuckle said:Did you try using some of the new spells we got? I noticed I was hitting just slightly less harder than I normally was. I'm a little upset that we lose our SP from Spirit buff from Fel Armor.
Glyph of lightning shield keeps its charges from dropping below 3. Since it only stacks to 3 for us now anyway, it's a godsend. There's enough dead space in the rotation now that you could probably skip it for bosses, but not having to think about it at all is too good to pass up.funkmastergeneral said:The infinite mana has been quite a blessing. But what's this 10 minute lightning shield you mention? I kept having to refresh it last night like normal. Also, what is a "fully stacked" Lava Lash?
Sciz said:Glyph of lightning shield keeps its charges from dropping below 3. Since it only stacks to 3 for us now anyway, it's a godsend. There's enough dead space in the rotation now that you could probably skip it for bosses, but not having to think about it at all is too good to pass up.
By fully stacked, I mean the full five stacks of searing flames from searing totem (which is actually pretty awesome in its own right now). The extra 100% damage is a big jump to begin with, and on a crit it's by far and away our strongest hit now. Saw 22k in Halls of Lightning just a bit ago.
No. It'll run on DX9 or 10. In fact, support for DirectX 11 was just patched in with 4.0.1 and still requires fiddling with client settings to get it to run. It's "experimental".McNei1y said:Is Directx 11 needed?
Fuck missed out again :/Flib said:I got my key from them too! no more stealing my roommate's account!
Johnlenham said:Fuck missed out again :/
Better by quite a bit, even without the talents to buff it and lava lash. You also can't use fire nova with searing totem now, so magma totem is the definitive aoe dps totem.funkmastergeneral said:Oh, I was not aware of the searing totem change, I haven't really been keeping up with the news the last few months. So searing totem is better single target dps than magma totem now?
HarryDemeanor said:Damn, beta character copy isn't working and it looks like battle.net just went down with it.
Flib said:They're back up, but when I try to log into character copy it just says "Too Many Attempts"
Dunlop said:this, I tried grid + clique at one point but I have become so accustom to using my mousewheel to cast that it is not an option anymore.
So happy that Vuhdo already had an update by the time the game was online
Sciz said:Better by quite a bit, even without the talents to buff it and lava lash. You also can't use fire nova with searing totem now, so magma totem is the definitive aoe dps totem.
It's incredibly finicky about attacking target dummies for some reason. It does pretty well about picking targets in live combat though, so I've taken to beating up Icecrown elites and Fel Reavers.funkmastergeneral said:Have you had any issues with your searing totem not attacking enemies? Just jumped online to try out the new rotation and I'm getting 0 damage from my searing totem.
Flib said:Still have two more chances! just log in around 11:30 est over the next few days (they went up around 11:40 today) and refresh the page until it says they're up...then there will be a button which won't work. Just keep pushing it and you'll get a key eventually.