Flib said:Also, play Horde![]()
The only Horde race I like is Tauren and I can't even play my class with a Tauren. :[
Flib said:Also, play Horde![]()
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:It could be that. It might also help to have some healing potions too in the first place. Guess it's buy potions and kill random low level stuff. The worst thing is for some of the fetch quests you have no clue if insta kill stuff is in the area.
How exactly are they planning on fixing this? I think it's my biggest impediment to getting more into the game. I mean I want to play, but I just can't sink in (or stand) killing some lower level stuff to grind for an hour or two just so I can do a question. I understand if it's hey you're level 2 you can't go and piledrive orcs in the air like you're Mike Haggar, but kill low level Kobolds, does work, but it's tedious and not that fun.
I keep feeling like their is a barrier that takes a crap load of time to break through, but when I do I'll enjoy the game.
Boof said:What do you guys think is the absolute "worst/cheapest" graphics card you could get and still play at Ultra settings?
Sebulon3k said:Are you tryin to play with Ultra Shadows?
That's the next patch.Flib said:What class are you playing as?
They've changed mob density, made all the quests in zones actually interesting storylines, and made it so you don't have to run back and forth across the zone or across the world. There is a flow to the leveling, so it takes you to different areas with minimal downtime...they even put you on vehicles to move you around the low level zones quickly.
Well they are redesigning the quests and the zones to be more in the style of the new expansion. Putting you in vehicles, changing up questing to keep things fresh. Quests that are tuned to be fun, and not require grinding. More story integration. XP amounts tuned so that you don't end up in a spot where you are now. Killing 5 mobs for a quest will actually give you the proper XP to continue with the next quest...not require you to grind to get to a proper level.Manos: The Hans of Fate said:How exactly are they planning on fixing this? I think it's my biggest impediment to getting more into the game. I mean I want to play, but I just can't sink in (or stand) killing some lower level stuff to grind for an hour or two just so I can do a question. I understand if it's hey you're level 2 you can't go and piledrive orcs in the air like you're Mike Haggar, but kill low level Kobolds, does work, but it's tedious and not that fun.
I keep feeling like their is a barrier that takes a crap load of time to break through, but when I do I'll enjoy the game.
Rapstah said:That's the next patch.
PhoenixDark said:On the threat side of things I did VoA10 today. On Toravon I opened with my Charge/Heroic Throw/Shield Block macro, did Shield Slam, and started Devastating as I pulled the boss to the back wall. Within seconds I saw my threat being overrun by a Fury warrior; quickly taunted. Then I noticed the mage (didn't check what spec) blasting up the threat meter as well. I didn't lose threat but it was definitely not fun seeing my threat lower than it was pre-patch. I only use Heroic Strike when I have a shit ton of threat.
MisterAnderson said:Are WoW achievements tied to your account or on a character by character basis?
Flib said:Character by character...though that may change eventually.
MisterAnderson said:Are WoW achievements tied to your account or on a character by character basis?
Flib said:Character by character...though that may change eventually.
Alex said:The new tips are cracking me up. "Don't stand in the fire" "Click on the Lightwell!". :lol
It's sad what lengths you have to go to get DPS to not do stupid shit some times. I've seen poor Holy Priests in the beta with a macro that tells people to click the Lightwell or die.
Art is very subjective. We're very used to the phenomenon of half of a class loving say their tier set art and the other half thinking they are the worst thing ever.
Messing with player models is always risky and we know the current Tree of Life model is one of those things that is either loved or hated. That is why, as promised, we are offering a minor glyph if you just prefer the older, treant-based, version of ToL.
Evlar said:I know this is very basic stuff, and I'm not trying to insult you. Just keep in mind that you need to avoid fighting too many creatures at once, and therefore must be mindful of how you approach. If you can't kill five or six at a time, take on one or two. If you have a caster attacking you and it's dangerous to run up to him, back up instead... he'll eventually follow you. And so forth.
Human Warrior.Flib said:What class are you playing as?
That's good to hear. Shame I'll have to have all the other expansions before I can buy Cata, unless I was wrong with something I read.notworksafe said:Well they are redesigning the quests and the zones to be more in the style of the new expansion. Putting you in vehicles, changing up questing to keep things fresh. Quests that are tuned to be fun, and not require grinding. More story integration. XP amounts tuned so that you don't end up in a spot where you are now. Killing 5 mobs for a quest will actually give you the proper XP to continue with the next quest...not require you to grind to get to a proper level.
I was being dumb. Trying to figure out the pros and cons while not testing. I also meant to say wow-pro guide over tourguide.notworksafe said:TourGuide is an old ass addon that hasn't worked for months. WoW-Pro is it's own addon now. Are they rivals? I suppose so. I just recommend waiting for them to be updated to the current patch.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:No, it's not insulting. Besides a little LOTRO and WoW, I've played very little MMO's.
Human Warrior.
That's good to hear. Shame I'll have to have all the other expansions before I can buy Cata, unless I was wrong with something I read.
Sounds about right to me.DeathNote said:I was being dumb. Trying to figure out the pros and cons while not testing. I also meant to say wow-pro guide over tourguide.
This is what I gather..
-Blizzard Ui: Pinpoints locations for quests on shrunken world map, shows arrow in mini-map for tracked quest, shows informaiton when you click a mob like letting you know if you need to kill X amount. Let's you decide where you want to go first.
-Wow-pro guide + tomtom: Uses Blizz's world map UI. Has a set route. If you wonder off the path and a different quest is right under you, it'll tell you to run back where it wants you to go first. Each step, you manually tell it to set a world map pinpoint marker. An arrow directs you to it saying the yards and time it'll take to get there based on movement speed. Has some description.
-Questhelper(dead and confrimed to not return): Did it's own world map modification without shrinking it. Arrow pointed you to the current closest objective.
My ideal setup would be... Blizz's version without shrinking the map and adding stuff around it. I can hover over the numbers and see the same info.
Sebulon3k said:Thanks for the impressions, will be staying far away from my Prot Warrior till Cata.
Would you say the threat problem is from a lack of tools or just not gaining enough threat from your rotation.
notworksafe said:For the new 1-60 content, you don't need anything but the base game. The expansions for are higher level stuff.
Alex said:The benefits the actual box for Cataclysm provides is Goblins, Worgens, Archeology, 81-85 zones and end game content.
You could just have vanilla WoW by itself and get the benefit of the new world and all it's redesigned fare for 1-60.
You need BC for Outlands and general 61-70 content and Wrath for Northrend at 71-80 content.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Ah, I see. So basically until I reach Level 60, I don't have to worry about any expansion packs right in terms of missing any content??
Azwethinkweiz said:It only matters if you want to be a worgen or goblin leveling to 60.
Differs by person. I take FOREVER to level because I focus a lot of crafting, chatting, exploring, and fooling around. My friend is super fast though. He got from 1-80 in like 2 weeks. It just depends on how you play, really.Manos: The Hans of Fate said:Ah, I see. So basically until I reach Level 60, I don't have to worry about any expansion packs right in terms of missing any content?
Really dumb question in terms of leveling how long does it take someone playing for around 2 hours a day to get to level 60 (not doing any powerleveling stuff)?
MisterAnderson said:I know you guys cleared up my question on outfit swapping, but is there a way to tie outfits/weapon slots with warrior stances? I used to use a 3rd party program to auto equip a a shield for my Warrior when in defensive stance; a 2 hander for Battle Stance, etc.
The built-in Equipment Manager won't do that. My Warrior is strictly sword-and-board so I don't know if there are still addons with that functionality.MisterAnderson said:I know you guys cleared up my question on outfit swapping, but is there a way to tie outfits/weapon slots with warrior stances? I used to use a 3rd party program to auto equip a a shield for my Warrior when in defensive stance; a 2 hander for Battle Stance, etc.
Flib said:What if you try to change mid-combat?
I use Bagnon. It's updated for 4.0.1 and uses very little memory. Also as a heads up, pressing shift+B opens all bags at once.Johnlenham said:Is there an addon been fixed/created that combines all the bags and bank into one big bag? I was using Baubags (sp) but it wont open the bank now and its pissing me off having to open 5 bags to find something :lol
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:No, it's not insulting. Besides a little LOTRO and WoW, I've played very little MMO's.
Human Warrior.
That's good to hear. Shame I'll have to have all the other expansions before I can buy Cata, unless I was wrong with something I read.
The official forums are the last place you want to view because everyone blows things into something bigger than it should be. Warriors are the most played class for a reason and I doubt Blizzard will let it slide for too long where they don't get fixes - or everyone just needs to sit down and wait for Cataclysm before weeping.Freakinchair said:So Warriors are really really bad in every aspect right now
Not even sure if I want to play anymore on my main.
Reading the Warrior forum is hella depressing.
notworksafe said:Your enchants will be safe. You'll just get an extra line at the top of your item that says "Reforged".
PhoenixDark said:Seems to be rotation related and due to the GCD changes. Pre-patch obviously you could spam HS while using your rotation at the same time. Taking HS spam completely out of the picture naturally is going to result in less threat. While Blizzard has said they want tanks to "work" for threat it feels like I'm pushing a lot of buttons and still seeing dps come quite close/above my threat output on single targets, which is ridiculous.
Prot warrior rotations are more based on priority. Shield Slam is your major option, then Revenge and Shockwave with Devastates in there too. HS is supposed to be a rage dump now, and I need to test it out more but right now it seems kinda weak.