Just go resto, they're fucking gods.Dresden said:Shaman will get their time in the sunin the next expansion.
Just go resto, they're fucking gods.Dresden said:Shaman will get their time in the sunin the next expansion.
yes. and then a while after that he wanted to sell his account with multiple 85's and 80's. he's got a problem.Alex said:Hey, aren't you that creepy guy who supposedly played so much he ruined his life and was trying to get everyone else to "detox"? :lol
I think the xbox hueg hitpool was supposed to make pvp less bursty.Alucrid said:LOL. I like how with Cata gear you have the same amount of HP as half a Molten Core group.
Alucrid said:LOL. I like how with Cata gear you have the same amount of HP as half a Molten Core group.
Alucrid said:LOL. I like how with Cata gear you have the same amount of HP as half a Molten Core group.
Bisnic said:I hope the rumors of June 21st for 4.2 are real. It's about time we get something really new.
And i also hope this 6-7 months wait we had for 4.2 doesn't mean that 4.3 will release in december/january.
PatzCU said:Because of the long wait, my guild leader announced last night that we'll be a 10man guild going forward so a ton of us got screwed out of raid spots for 4.2. Anyone need a Holy Paladin on Illidan Horde for their raid team?
Don't worry. soon enough you'll be spending your Friday nights in wow raids fighting for new purples.TheYanger said:A week before a new tier, really? What a massive cockwad. That sucks, hope you find somethin![]()
TheYanger said:A week before a new tier, really? What a massive cockwad. That sucks, hope you find somethin![]()
zugzug said:You know after doing 10 mans for half of this cycle of cata. I am sick of 10mans I wanted to do 25mans for firelands but no luck getting people off their 10man ass. God I hate Coilfang Alliance.
CarbonatedFalcon said:Same loot in both tiers means there is less motivation to have people organize a 25-man guild. Blizzard's decision there didn't kill off 25-man guilds completely, but it did certainly reduce their numbers from Wrath and before. Without there being a definitive "hardest/most advanced" format, there just isn't the motivation for many people to go the extra mile.
I prefer 25-mans anyway just for being more epic, and having more people to work with is more fun to me, even if it ends up being 15 people carrying 10 a bit.
Hell, a lot of advantages are to be had in the actual encounters when you have a larger raid group (1,2, or 3 tanks for fights, all buffs will be covered, etc.) But building a critical mass of good raiders is hard - a 25 man team needs at least 30 people to be safe and not have to pick up people most of the time.
I've got the time, but I've been avoiding renewing my subscription because I'm irresponsible when playing wow and don't manage my time well. However, I'm wanting to build myself a desktop computer. Once it's done I'll probably resubscribe just to experience wow on something other than a 6 year old laptop.DeathNote said:Whelp, I let my sub run out. Don't have enough time. I'll prob come back right before 4.3 to gear up, kill all the bosses, and leave again.
markot said:1. Play the race/class combo that is most appealing to you. No such thing as a bad choice if you like it.
cuevas said:Except anything Alliance.
cuevas said:Except anything blood elf.
Bisnic said:Nah, he should make a blood elf paladin with white long hair named Sephlroth, only using two hand swords.
Also, must be playing in a PVP server for that little extra ganking fun.
Which guild on Illidan?PatzCU said:Yep, completely agree. Obviously there are going to be attendance issues toward the end of any raid tier. You have to be delusional to think that every member of your 25man core will show up to every raid for 7 months straight on the same content. It's going to be hilarious when the entire guild logs in on June 21st only to find out the guild is a 10m raid guild now.
I think I'll likely just find myself a new 10man core to raid with. I'm thinking with Firelands having only 7 bosses, it's going to be much easier for more casual guilds to tackle the content.
Too bad no one else was helpful >_<;sn1pes said:Thanks for the tips everyone.
ZDkai3345 said:I've been home sick so I spent pretty much all of yesterday doing baisically every single quest in Dragonblight. What an awesome zone. So much better than Borean Tundra.
I'm 74 right now with about a 1/4th full bar, which zone do you guys think I should do next? Zul'Drak or Grizzly Hills?
This is surprisingly true, I've seen so many of these its kinda scaryDresden said:It's all about Belf death knights with Japanese names.
kai3345 said:I've been home sick so I spent pretty much all of yesterday doing baisically every single quest in Dragonblight. What an awesome zone. So much better than Borean Tundra.
I'm 74 right now with about a 1/4th full bar, which zone do you guys think I should do next? Zul'Drak or Grizzly Hills?
I thought it was better, tbh. You tag along with these dwarf/belf bros, I thought it was fun.Trickster said:Just played through the western plaguelands zone on my alt, really enjoyed it. Is the Eastern plaguelands zones as good or close to?
Fularu said:Which guild on Illidan?
Trickster said:Just played through the western plaguelands zone on my alt, really enjoyed it. Is the Eastern plaguelands zones as good or close to?
markot said:And I see more Cow pallies than BE one these days...
Never heard of them, they're the ones going 10 man only? I used to be in RR, but I prety much stopped playing. Now most of my friends are either in Vigil or BLPatzCU said:License and Registration