You can still get JP? What can you buy with it?
lvl 450 items from certain factions
You can still get JP? What can you buy with it?
lvl 450 items from certain factions
Oh where can I buy this i458 armor?
Townlong Steppes, Niazou temple, Lo-ping/High Ping (I think their name is).Oh where can I buy this i458 armor?
Yoshichan! YOu weren't on this morning ;;
Looks like I will be getting exalted with the Tillers tomorrow! I had one of those "Vote" mini questlines come up. It kinda sucks that you have to put away 3-4 slots on your farm to be able to do the plant/harvest part of it though.
It was soooooo late ,_, I thought I would be able to handle it, but I didn'tYoshichan! YOu weren't on this morning ;;
Good job!!Man talk about willpower. I quit playing last night because I had to get up for work with 8% to go until 90.
Decided to do some of today's Cloud Serpent quests this morning before work, and lo and behold the 1 egg I would need to guarantee exalted today happened to spawn as I flew by.
One daily hub done, about 6 more to go.
I haven't touched those dailies yet. Thankfully, I don't really consider them "necessary", nor do I have as much fun as I do with the Tillers. Sadly though, I think I will need them for when I want to use any Glory mount that I may get lol
Yeah I have pushed all "cosmetic" reputations on the back burner until I get the gear related ones done. Cloud Serpent, Anglers, and anything beyond Revered can wait for now.
Yeah I have pushed all "cosmetic" reputations on the back burner until I get the gear related ones done. Cloud Serpent, Anglers, and anything beyond Revered can wait for now.
Also, SYMBIOSIS 2 SECOND CAST! Thank God! So ridiculous that it's a 6 sec cast time right now!
I seem to only do Golden Lotus and Tillers dailies daily. I do the August Celestial ones now too that they've opened up, I haven't done the Shado Pan ones in the two days I've had them open.
Anglers I do like every other day. I despise the Klaxxi ones![]()
Use: Make a loud, annoying sound, startling everyone within 30 yards. (30 min cooldown)
Imagine if the noise is the NPCscan horn.
Yeah, lately I've just been doing Cloud Serpent and Tillers...need to hop on those others, but I don't really feel like it. Almost done with Cloud Serpents, just need another day or two and I'm finished. (Getting ~1650 rep a day now.)
I'll probably start on Klaxxi and Golden Lotus again once I get my mount. That or level my Mage and Druid.
Also...I guess they hotfixed Wild Pets on the Veiled Stair. Used to be an awesome place to go and get some Lv24 Pets easily with a weak team since you could 3v1 them, but now every battle has a group of 3. :(
Same here... Thanks PokéGAF for telling meFuuuuuuuuuuuck, I wish I knew about that.
God. As somebody who (sucessfully) farmed Time-Lost Proto Drake, Aeonaxx, and Poseidus for months, that sound gives me nightmares and nearly induces a heart attack every time I hear it.
God. As somebody who (sucessfully) farmed Time-Lost Proto Drake, Aeonaxx, and Poseidus for months, that sound gives me nightmares and nearly induces a heart attack every time I hear it.
Same here. It makes me jump when I hear it. I farmed TLPD for a month. Aeonaxx for two days. Now I want to go after Alani.
Well, the nice part about alani is that he's not really a rare spawn you have to camp. It's more like a really long quest, once you farm the 10 shards you are pretty much guaranteed the reward.
yeah, it's just the shards are super super rare.
When Should I start farming though? I hit 88 a few days ago. And where do they drop at again?
yeah, it's just the shards are super super rare.
When Should I start farming though? I hit 88 a few days ago. And where do they drop at again?
GratsTwo JP purchases and I can already do heroics lol!
So in my guild there is a raiding group going, I wanted to start raiding again and talked to a few members who also wanted so I decided to form a new raid group, and now that I almost have a full group (missing 1 dps) I've been asked by the main raid group if I wanted to join them because one of their members is not performing well. I don't know what to do.
Oh well just wanted to vent a little.
I am not sure about everyone's experience, but man I am getting tired of BGs as Horde. I have been trying to do a few BGs every night to scrape together some Conquest Points and I swear I have to play for a few hours to see even one win. Horde just consistently gets steamrolled and when we finally do win a match it is always by just a hair in a long drawn out match.
I wish some of my PvP friends would come back so I could just do Arena/Rated BGs.
I am not sure about everyone's experience, but man I am getting tired of BGs as Horde. I have been trying to do a few BGs every night to scrape together some Conquest Points and I swear I have to play for a few hours to see even one win. Horde just consistently gets steamrolled and when we finally do win a match it is always by just a hair in a long drawn out match.
I wish some of my PvP friends would come back so I could just do Arena/Rated BGs.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuck, I wish I knew about that.
Switch to Frost man, that shit is fun as fuck. Frost Orb and Frost Bomb <3
For a bear tank, whats good stats going into heroics?
First pass:
Putting together complete guides to all of the zones. Would love some feedback.
Oi, having 2 10 man groups in a guild can be... troublesome. My guild is doing something like that as well. I always worry about things like that ;\
Seriously, hated my fire mage after the talent swap but frost is a bunch of fun.
Seriously, hated my fire mage after the talent swap but frost is a bunch of fun.
So there's been datamined voices for 5.1 (mmo-champ forums), looks like they're progressing the story a decent amount.