Deputy Moonman said:I have spent the last few days looking for Mysterious Camel Figurines in Uldum with no luck. Then yesterday I found one after doing a single lap around the map. Even better was that it took me to Dormus the Camel-Hoarder. I was so excited. Before I stopped playing wow back in February or March, I had spent about a month looking for the figurines, only ever finding just one; and that was due to a bit of luck from logging back into wow after doing some fishing near the Ruins of Ammon. Though at that time, the figurine turned to dust/vendor trash. So roughly 6 months later, I finally get my grey camel mount with just my 2nd figurine, ever. I also finally hit exalted with my guild and bought up the two mounts and dark phoenix hatchling. And, I ran Magister's Terrace on normal just for kicks and the other phoenix hatchling dropped. It was like my birthday. Wondering if my luck would continue, I ran Sethekk Halls and Magister's Terrace on heroic. Neither mount dropped, lol. It was worth a shot.[IMG][/QUOTE]
I think I'm done raiding, but I still like collecting stuff like this.
I'm currently doing some rare mob hunting in Outland/Northrend
Start with baleroc next week. problem solved!wonderdung said:I was at 21/25 legendary embers with 4 bosses to kill tonight... and Alysrazor decided not to drop one. Now I'm set back 2 weeks.![]()
I was just about ready to bring this idea up with my raid when Rag decided not to drop one either.TheYanger said:Start with baleroc next week. problem solved!
The alt raid getting up to Rag is pretty good.Negator said:I got back into wow recently. Trying to gear up with the 10 man alt raid that runs when our main raid isn't running. It's rough playing catch-up to people with Firelands gear, but I'm slowly getting geared up because I'm the only rogue in the 10 man, with no feral druids.
Both weeks I ran the alt run, we cleared up to Ragnaros but we had issues with people having to go. I really wish I could raid with the main raid again, but with my current work schedule it is impossible.
For real, you say it like it's no big deal. I'd fucking kill for a guild group that skilled and geared.DeathNote said:The alt raid getting up to Rag is pretty good.
Yeah, I don't have time to commit to 3-4 nights of raiding, but I still enjoy just doing random stuff. Lately I've been killing foxes in TB. Perhaps, someday, the pet will drop. I'd like to get up to 125 companions. Then I'll figure something else to do. Last week I killed Jadefang for the tiny shale spider companion, which by itself isn't really that cool, but I didn't have the quest to blow myself up to the ledge when npc_scan went off. So I used the pulled ethernet cable trick where you fly into the tunnel and pull the cable out for 5 second intervals to get to the ledge without being dismounted. It took a couple of tries, but I finally got it.ciaossu said:I think I'm done raiding, but I still like collecting stuff like this.
I'm currently doing some rare mob hunting in Outland/Northrend
24FrameDaVinci said:For real, you say it like it's no big deal. I'd fucking kill for a guild group that skilled and geared.
RPGCrazied said:I have 127 marks of the world tree! Damn, once I get 150, I have to get 150 all over again? Please tell me you get more marks a day or something.
Alucrid said:New dailies open up, but the jump isn't huge. You have to get 300, then 375. Good luck.![]()
RPGCrazied said:In total? Like with the 150 I'm gonna get soon, and the other 150 is 300? Or do you mean 300 after the 150 turn in?
Alucrid said:Two 150 turn ins, one of which you're almost done with (talon/warden), then three 125 turn ins for the vendors. You get new dailies and one or two non-repeatable quests that reward marks on the way though.
10 - regular: ilevel 378 gear, 2 pieces per boss and 120 valor pointsAlucrid said:So what's the difference between 10 man, 10 man heroic, 25 man, 25 man heroic? Do the 25 mans drop better loot than the 10?
ciaossu said:10 - regular: ilevel 378 gear, 2 pieces per boss and 120 valor points
25 - regular: ilevel 378 gear, 6 pieces per boss and 140 valor points
heroics: same thing, but ilevel 391 gear
25s drop more loot, but from the same loot pool.
The lockout is shared, so you can only kill a boss once a week per character.
vilmer_ said:I've been doing a fair bit of dueling the past little bit as a frost mage and I am getting my ass kicked by rogues lately. Usually I do pretty well against people, and other rogues for the most part but I've run into a couple that just totally destroy me... It seems they have endless trinkets! I think it would help if I actually knew what spells/abilities rogues have as I've never even tried one :/
sn1pes said:A few questions from a newer player:
* Should I be worried about how I progress through the story/stories? As of now when I quest I just go to where the war boards send me.
* I assume I shouldn't worry much about gear until I hit 85? Just keep grabbing stuff from quests/dungeons?
* I'm finding it hard to keep my blacksmithing up as high as my mining. I never find myself with the right materials to keep it up. Any tips?
* At what point do I switch away from questing/dungeons and move to raiding? How's all that work?
devildog820 said:So what's the story on Firelands BoE drops now? I understand it was nerfed pretty hard to prevent people soloing trash, but there is a lot of argument over how much. My guild has several raid groups and I'm on the one playing T11 content. I've done exactly one trash run in the Firelands and nothing dropped, but I'm not encouraged for the future. Our progression raid group gets epics after beating a boss or two but even that's not standard.
I need that damned Ranseur of Hatred.![]()
PatzCU said:Rogues are basically THE dueling class so I wouldn't feel bad about it. I'm pretty sure they can win 1v1 against any class if they are skilled enough. They have shitloads of cooldowns, but it takes a smart rogue to use them properly.
sn1pes said:A few questions from a newer player:
sn1pes said:A few questions from a newer player:
* Should I be worried about how I progress through the story/stories? As of now when I quest I just go to where the war boards send me.
* I assume I shouldn't worry much about gear until I hit 85? Just keep grabbing stuff from quests/dungeons?
* I'm finding it hard to keep my blacksmithing up as high as my mining. I never find myself with the right materials to keep it up. Any tips?
* At what point do I switch away from questing/dungeons and move to raiding? How's all that work?
Alucrid said:A good (sub?) rogue can keep you locked down. No shame in that.
sn1pes said:Wow, thanks so much for the great responses, especially devildog.
I think I have a much better understanding for what I should do now. It seems like its more 'get to 85 then go back and do whatever you want' rather then 'you better do x now or you'll miss your chance'.
I'll probably start running more dungeons rather than questing, both for the XP and gear. Also dungeons seem to be nice for Rep.
Thanks again, everyone.
Alucrid said:So what's the difference between 10 man, 10 man heroic, 25 man, 25 man heroic? Do the 25 mans drop better loot than the 10?
YESSS. An obsidium cleaver I got last night sold for 50k. I'M RIIIICH.
CarbonatedFalcon said:Who the hell is buying that stuff for 50k? The most I've ever seen a BoE weapon/armor that sold go for is around 30k. Are you on a really old, rich server or something?
I suppose part of it is due to inflation as well.
devildog820 said:Not at all. My damage output (DPS) was 4,000 two months ago when I was running heroics. Super low. A couple of Gaffers and later some of my guild-mates jumped that to 13,000 in less than a week. So we can help.
You also can pretty much go back and do anything that you missed along the way. I went and ran an old 40-man Raid all by myself, just to see it.
Alucrid said:Heroics are also bad judges of your dps, especially depending on your class. I can probably put out 20k in heroics and 23-25k in raids.
For the record, the international codes 009 and 041 only seems to appear on Blizzard's online games trademarks. This isn't a book or anything like that. It appears incredibly likely based on previous trademarks obtained by Blizzard that this is the next expansion.
Tamanon said:OK, Pandaren and......who would be the other race....Naga finally?
Could they get away with two expansions in a row without a new class....
Hmmmm, Blizzcon this year might be wacky, lol.
Weenerz said:
I made a thread about that possible expansion in the gaming thread if any of you care.
CarbonatedFalcon said:Saw that, usually I keep my discussion of WoW here barring a post or two in other topics that get made - too often those other threads slip into topics I'd rather not (and don't feel the need to) discuss and/or argue.