Fugu said:How do you folks make it through the Northrend levels? This area is just so incredibly dull.
CarbonatedFalcon said:It's because you're dropping a commitment, you don't have to worry about peer pressure enforcing attendance anymore. Raiding on a schedule can be fun, but it definitely becomes stressful over time, even if you don't notice the stress building up. When you stop, there's this great release of pressure.
Fugu said:How do you folks make it through the Northrend levels? This area is just so incredibly dull.
Ditto. I never quested in Zuldrak and never will. This place looks so boring. Never quested in Howling Fjord sadly..but I'm levelling a Lv67 rogue atm.Mister Zimbu said:Easy, just skip the shitty boring areas like Borean Tundra, Zul'drak and Icecrown and do the awesome fun areas like Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills, Sholazar, and Stormpeaks. You're probably still stuck with Dragonblight though.
Then you get to the truly dull Cataclysm zones.
Fugu said:How do you folks make it through the Northrend levels? This area is just so incredibly dull.
The quests are worth a ridiculously small amount of experience so you have to do hundreds of them, and they are designed so that you are focused on small segments of the map for a long period of time. I think this is a terrible combination. I also happen to believe that all of the maps are ugly, especially considering many of them are thematically similar (it's winter). I have identical complaints with Vashj'ir.-bakalhau- said:How so? Howliing Fjord is an area like no other in the game, incredibly beautiful, and with the easier, faster quests for level 68 characters. It goes by fast. Once you're in 71 you have Dragonblight which has some of the best quest lines in the game. Doing the Wrathgate line is always great, and a lot of the quests are quick and give a lot of exp.
Once you hit 74 it gets a bit stale... Grizzly hills feels a bit slower but it's so different from the others in terms of quests. You can move to Zul'Drak if you want, but at 76 you open up the Basin, which is yet again a fantastic area. Again one that feels entirely different from all the others up to that point. The quests are varied and unique compared to other areas.
I don't need to talk about the last 2 areas but... Icecrown has great quests that stray far from the usual 'kill x', 'pick y'. There's the Tournament too, which once again provides gameplay that isn't present anywhere else in the continent. The Storm Peaks is a fan favorite too.
Min/Max or die.DeathNote said:I'm dumb. I bought dark moon cards individually for 7k. The deck and trinkets were selling for for 2-4k more. After doing simcraft, I realized it was a 15 DPS increase. Just sold it for 6k on the AH to someone trying to sell the deck for 8.5k. You can buy every single card card on the AH individually for a total of 5.5k. So, it'd be dumb to buy the complete deck and I didn't want to undercut fight with him. From what I can tell, they'll continue to drop in price. Oh well, eating 1k instead of 7k (using it) is good. Moral of the story, do research.
I've also noticed that you can usually get the best sales the later you put up you goods too.speedpop said:Yeah, if you're a frugal mofo, researching the AH prices will help. The universal theory is that Thursdays and Fridays are the most expensive (depending on timezone) and your Sundays and Mondays are the cheapest.
Every server my partner touched seemed to follow this unspoken method and she's an economic major, so go figure. I just knew to throw my shit up mid-week and buy on Mondays.
speedpop said:Yeah, if you're a frugal mofo, researching the AH prices will help. The universal theory is that Thursdays and Fridays are the most expensive (depending on timezone) and your Sundays and Mondays are the cheapest.
Every server my partner touched seemed to follow this unspoken method and she's an economic major, so go figure. I just knew to throw my shit up mid-week and buy on Mondays.
It was marked as an RC.DeathNote said:Boubouille said:
"Update - Build 13914 has been deployed on PTRs but doesn't bring any significant change to the game, looks like Blizzard is just wrapping up things for a live release."
I've seen him point out when a PTR patch is marked as release. 13914 is. Was the previous?
DeathNote said:Boubouille said:
"Update - Build 13914 has been deployed on PTRs but doesn't bring any significant change to the game, looks like Blizzard is just wrapping up things for a live release."
I've seen him point out when a PTR patch is marked as release. 13914 is. Was the previous?
man of science said:Can't login because it says my prepaid time has expired. I checked my account and my 1-month recurring payment for 4/18 is still pending. Call up support and a pre-recorded message says they're working on it.
Shitty day gets shittier.
Outland would bother me if it took more than four or five hours, but it honestly just flies by. Northrend feels like you're at an experience standstill.Nert said:Interesting to see the contrasting opinions on Outland vs. Northrend content. I find most of the Outland zones (outside of Nagrand and Netherstorm) to be sleep inducing, while I still really dig Northrend. Northrend's zones have wonderful music, the storylines in each zone seem more coherent and interesting, and the vehicle quests are a neat change of pace. The second my characters hit 68, I immediately delete everything in my quest log and dash over to Northrend.
kinoki said:I'm guessing I'll have to be 346 in a few slots in order not to get kicked/mocked when entering heroics but I'm guessing the current lack of tanks does me a few favours.
DeathNote said:Did they ever fix the TB bridge exploit? Haven't done TB in a few months.
charlequin said:Yeah. Ultimately running as the tank you're holding all the cards.
Anyway, getting some 346+s shouldn't be too tough. Grinding up the Cata reps will get you like 2-3 346s and 2 359s while every class has access to a couple crafted epics if you've got the gold lying around.
CarbonatedFalcon said:Yeah they fixed that awhile back. Sometime in January I believe.
I still got a full set of honor gear out of it before they did so though![]()
zmoney said:Would any of you be interested in creating a "GAF-Horde" on Area 52 (i suggest that server because it seems to have the most horde GAFers on it)? Let me know and I'll figure out the logistics and we can have a GAF-only guild which I think might be fun. We've already got on lined up for TOR but I think a WOW one could work.
So any takers?
Are you a veteran tank that doesn't plan on raiding and is playing casually?kinoki said:Ran two normals this morning and explored the various rep vendors and got my ilvl up to 329 so now I'm "ready" for heroics. Still have some greens that needs to be replaced. So prolly one normal followed by a heroic tomorrow. Still don't know the mobs too well to start making up and rushing in, but still.
The reps are moving along slowly but surely. They're all closing in on revered or are already on their way to exalted. So, in a little while they'll get there. Since my patience is limited to 2 instances per day at max it is what it is.
People talking about instant gratification and WoW really haven't played the game; I'll get gratification in a few months when my gear is up to my standard. (The standard I've set after 2 expansions worth of raiding as a prot warrior.
bunbun777 said:There's going to be new artifacts.....7 of them but even better is i will not have as many NE digsites and more Tol'vir... now that beetle mount doesn't seem so insane.
Why wouldn't it work? If you don't want to leave your current guild, create a new toon. Then we can quest and power lvl and get on with the raiding and what not.Morn said:This never works.
Fugu said:How do you folks make it through the Northrend levels? This area is just so incredibly dull.
Bisnic said:Did i miss something or is Blizz going to reduce the number of night elf digsites in Kalimdor?
Bisnic said:I completely ignored TB during that time where winning offense could give a ridiculous amount of honor... now i kinda regret it as im doing BGs & TBs to get a full blue PVP set and its slow grinding. How much did you get back then with a victory on offense?