Mr. Luchador
They would do this after I stop playing it. Taken them far too long to let this new feature out.
Alex said:Death Knights who didn't keep their Archerus set are now crying.
About 7 years too long. Resubbed for 4.3, gotta have my paladin in T2.Chriswok said:They would do this after I stop playing it. Taken them far too long to let this new feature out.
Kaper said:About 7 years too long. Resubbed for 4.3, gotta have my paladin in T2.
Chriswok said:Is 4.3 out? Might have to resub >.< The one thing that really annoyed me in WoW was the lack of personalty. Now this... ergh.
dave is ok said:I have full T1 - T12 practically in my bank. Don't have any T3, or full T6 I think.
New Raid
Deathwing raid will be the final raid of the expansion.
You will even get to ride on Deathwing's back during the fight, apparently to take him down over multiple phases.
The project for an Abyssal Maw is gone for the moment, the storyline wasn't convincing enough/fitting.
5-Man Instances
3 new 5-man instances will be added in this patch.
One of the instance will be in the Caverns of Time, for the War of the Ancients
Transmogrifier (Preview below)
The Transmogrifier NPC, which will let you change the appearance of any armor piece on you, while retaining the stats of your current gear. (= T12 stats, but with the Tier 2 look!)
Players won't be able to change the appearance of their armor into another armor type or class armor set, and you might have to own the armor before you can use it to swap the appearance of your existing armor.
Void Storage
The Void Storage is a new type of bank where players will be able to store their old armors in order to free up space in their regular bank.
It will hold 100-150 items. Anything stored there will lose all gems and enchantments.
Raid Finder
The Raid Finder will be introduced in Patch 4.3, it will work like the Dungeon Finder.
Darkmoon Faire
There will be a new Darkmoon Faire island with a bunch of new activities such as "Whack-a-Gnome"
HarryDemeanor said:Deathwing already? Isn't it a little early to bring out the star of the show? Then again I'm going to guess they'll have another raid instance before the new expansion with an old god set up as the one behind it all.
Yeah a summer release would make the most sense if they're trying to get expansions out faster as they said they would.Alex said:They said Deathwing is the end of it. They'll probably focus some on non-raid content and systems that can be used going into the future is my guess. Like I kept saying, I really think they realized they fucked up with Cata's launch and focuses and things were getting way too narrow for anyone but the most hardcore of raiders/arena nuts.
I'm calling June for the next expansion, myself. I expect to be horribly wrong.
I'm paying about as much attention to you at this point as everyone else is, that is to say, not much. You can't read, and your arguments make no sense at all. There's no point trying to reason with an unreasonable person.TheYanger said:I question your ability to read and comprehend. That's not at all what he said, that's what YOU said. "SIMZ LOL" is about as hard to interpret as a reasoned argument as anything could be, so I don't know how you're doing so. A sim explanation for why something is bad is actually pretty good, you need to know NOTHING about the game to understand that the sim/spreadsheet/whatever your class uses, is giving you a lower number with one item than another, and higher numbers are better. That's absolutely all that you NEED to know, aslong as you trust your source. In addition, I JUST POSTED exactly why it was bad. Scroll back up. That's more than you've done to add to the discussion. I have no concern whether I'm good or someone else is bad, I don't even care who does or doesn't use sims, but to dismiss them as a viewpoint is ignorant and absurd.
Original point was that: Sim shows dps is lower with slow offhand. (Useful information)
response: LOL SIMZ (not useful)
response: You didn't tell him why it's bad! (This was yours, also not useful info)
My response: You're wrong that sims are bad, original response, and if you want to understand why it's a bad choice, here is the reason. (Useful information)
response again: WHY YOU FIGHTIN BRO!?
Get real, I was trying to end an argument, now you're trying to bring it right back. I'm done, the rest of the people reading this thread don't want to see a dick measuring contest, and if they did then at this point I think I've said what I needed to regardless.
Tier 7 is just Tier 3 recolored.Strafer said:T3 you can't get since it dropped from old naxx.
Shame really, miss Plagueheart.![]()
I'm gonna gun so hard to grab those Warglaives for my DKAlex said:Wonder if the raid finder will let you do old raids too. That'd be fun for getting transmog items.
The overall design is obviously to put out less content less often in order to force you to buy expansions more often.HarryDemeanor said:Yeah a summer release would make the most sense if they're trying to get expansions out faster as they said they would.
Also I'm disappointed to see Void Storage is not the system to transfer account bound items cross-realm. I was really looking forward to seeing if they would do that in 4.3.
Angry Grimace said:I'm gonna gun so hard to grab those Warglaives for my DK
We disagree sometimes but THANK YOU.TheYanger said:Then how about we sum it up: Nobody is trying to make anyone feel bad for spending money on something, but people should realize so they don't make mistakes in the future: Slow offhands are EXTREMELY bad for rogues, to the point that vastly weaker faster weapons are superior in most situations. This is because of poison stacking/application rate, and combat potency. Poison is less important for combat spec, but potency is one of your main sources of energy regen as combat (mutilate wouldn't evenw ork with it so I'd assume most assassination rogues would figure it out). It's effectively turning offhand white damage (autoattacks) into mainhand yellow damage (Sinister strikes/eviscerates/whatever you need).
To call simming wrong is simply BAD. Sorry, but you're not remotely near the top of your game if you can't understand the value of sims, spreadsheets, and theorycraft. Not everyone has to be, but most people who aren't have the sense to accept that fact and not stick their nose in it. Sims can be WRONG, but the act of simming things is never BAD. or the wrong thing to do. Rogue weapon speed isn't some grand mystery which is hard to model in a simulation, so why try to question the data.
sn1pes said:As a noob, what's the deal with 'tiers' for gear? What do the numbers mean?
Angry Grimace said:I'm gonna gun so hard to grab those Warglaives for my DK
Mairu said:I don't really see them letting you transmogrify anything into a legendary model but we'll have to wait and see
Even though every paladin in the game is going to be using Judgement, it's too awesome looking to pass up. I'll probably change my tanking sword to either Quel'Serrar or Talon of Azshara. Shield will probably look like Bulwark of Azzinoth.CarbonatedFalcon said:Even if not, I still have some pretty neat things sitting around. Hell, even Shadow's Edge is pretty nice if I couldn't get a Shadowmourne model. Definitely know there are some sweet-looking weapons from BC though that I'd want.
cubicle47b said:If you can transmogrify into legendaries I'm still not sure I'll use my val'anyr.
Raid Finder
The Raid Finder will be introduced in Patch 4.3, it will work like the Dungeon Finder.
idlewild_ said:they already said that you cannot remodel to legendaries
i can't see this ending well
They pretty much just wasted Deathwing, so I doubt it's going really persuade anyone that was going to jump ship.Subliminal said:Tiers are sets of armor that when worn together will give you a set bonus, they usually have strong visual themes and can only be worn by one class at once.
The numbers (I.e 6, 7, 8, 9) describe the order in which the tiers ramp up. (or are introduced to the game.
For example, Right now we have Tier 11, Which was introduced at the beginning of Cataclysm and comes from the slightly easier raids and Tier 12 which was introduced in 4.2 and comes from the harder, Firelands raid. Tier 12 is ~20 item levels better than Tier 11 and is therefore superior in every way.
And 4.3 will almost definitely coincide with SWTOR, Blizzard needs to give people as many reasons as possible to not jump on SWTOR at launch.
Subliminal said:Tiers are sets of armor that when worn together will give you a set bonus, they usually have strong visual themes and can only be worn by one class at once.
The numbers (I.e 6, 7, 8, 9) describe the order in which the tiers ramp up. (or are introduced to the game.
For example, Right now we have Tier 11, Which was introduced at the beginning of Cataclysm and comes from the slightly easier raids and Tier 12 which was introduced in 4.2 and comes from the harder, Firelands raid. Tier 12 is ~20 item levels better than Tier 11 and is therefore superior in every way.
And 4.3 will almost definitely coincide with SWTOR, Blizzard needs to give people as many reasons as possible to not jump on SWTOR at launch.
Angry Grimace said:I'm gonna gun so hard to grab those Warglaives for my DK
sn1pes said:Thanks for the answer.
What do you mean by the bolded part?
idlewild_ said:they already said that you cannot remodel to legendaries
i can't see this ending well
I don't know why people are all upset that they don't have that set any more since the generic Naxxramas gear is the same set as the DK blue starter set.witness said:Oh i can't wait to rock the DK blue starter set again and I'll be specc'd as Unholy more often now to so I can use the OG rune blade.
Angry Grimace said:I don't know why people are all upset that they don't have that set any more since the generic Naxxramas gear is the same set as the DK blue starter set.
Whatever you personally like man. said:So what's the best looking mage tier to transmogrify to? I didn't even play this class til Wrath.
Strafer said:Anyone got ?
I must have done Kara 100+ times and it never drops. Unlucky bastard.
Well, gotta keep trying.![]()
3 new 5-man instances - Including one in the Caverns of Time. (War of the Ancients was mentioned as a cataclysm instance a few years ago, but a lot of things have changed since then, who knows!)
That Deathwing fight will be the most epic boss encounter to date, including a battle phase that takes place on the massive dragon's back as he flies through the sky.
This will be the last patch that includes new raid content for the Cataclysm expansionn, Chilton said. But there will be another expansion, he added. He's just not ready to talk about it yet.