They wouldn't have shown them off like that if they were placeholder.Bisnic said:I still can't see them, but 4.3 is still far away, might be a placeholder model right?
Pretty damn disappointing.
They wouldn't have shown them off like that if they were placeholder.Bisnic said:I still can't see them, but 4.3 is still far away, might be a placeholder model right?
Bisnic said:The exact same model as the human horses, but with a different color?
CarbonatedFalcon said:About the bear - the bronze drake may have required some skill early on, but certainly not for long with the abundance of epic weapons/armor available even in 3.0. It's the same effect of gear inflation/experience with the instance, just in a different context.
This is a totally amazing incoherent rantbigben85 said:Here's my experience after 2 weeks back
last night ICC 25 led by someone I know in game.
everyone rolled need on everything including tokens (that were not for their classes). Leader did say earlier to roll need on everything to make it easier (at the time it was a green drop). but still, i expected common courtesy on tokens and gear pieces (specially with 4.3 in mind).
Group failed at least 6 times on Sindy heroic. People didn't know how to do the ice block when they are targeted. didn't know to break out the ice blocked people. 24 85s failing on that...
The bear tank constantly throwing out, hey, this should be easy, because, you got 2 tanks, and you have me, the awesome tank, because, I am awesome!. Hey, look, *self buff*, I am over 350k HP! Uh, I am dead under her...I don't like this, mostly because I have killed her (Sindy) 30 times back in the days...
This same leader guy (ex guildie) has been making pug for tier 11 10 man raids (normal). Been inviting me to this new guild he's in...but if you are raiding T11 normal raids...and have to pug for more than half others in the group, why would I want to join? I have been also randomly guild invited at least 3 times a day on average (I look at that as being rude to do so).
my first week back, In this pug, I won a roll on a tanking piece, the other tank was like, hey, you have the rep piece (or boe 359), mine is blue, yours is best in slot...Immediately I just passed it to him...I didn't mind really but I was also thinking, hey, this is a pug...and this is only T11.
I just don't enjoy the game anymore. Mostly it is because the community doesn't feel the same. I feel like playing with a bunch of idiots. It feels like a lot of people left for similar reasons. That, and the long grind for the rep and world trees. So, I went ahead and cancelled my sub.
Seeing people ninja TBC raid drops also was depressing...it's like, wow community is really this sad
Oh and the dailies. They are horrible! While easy, there are not many of them so mostly you end up with the same quests everyday. Did I mention they are horrible? None of them is fun and you want me to repeat them how many more days, Blizzard? WHY?
Bisnic said:I'm pretty sure the bronze drake was very easy to obtain much earlier than the bear. Pug bear runs still fail nowadays, while im sure the bronze drake could be done by monkeys after a few months.
People die all the time to them.CarbonatedFalcon said:That's why I said it's the same effect in a different context. Same thing is happening, just the variables to make it happen occurred much quicker with the drake than with the bear. Though I haven't played since before 4.1 (or at least didn't queue up for any dungeons in the small overlap when I may have still been subscribed), so I'm not sure how much more objectively difficult the bosses in ZA now are.
Subliminal said:The bears aren't being given away, It still requires effort to meet the timers, ALOT easier than the drake, which I think I got on my First heroic culling run when I just hit 80!
I wish they would've kept the cool worgen-wolf mount that they had in the concept art for them. It's a lot better than another horse anyways.Bisnic said:I still can't see them, but 4.3 is still far away, might be a placeholder model right?
I agree. It's way better than the standard horses they're putting in 4.3.Thoraxes said:I wish they would've kept the cool worgen-wolf mount that they had in the concept art for them. It's a lot better than another horse anyways.
Rambaldi said:I would love to be able to get a "normal" horse as a Horde toon. I still want the Headless Horseman's mount just so I can have a horse at all (I don't count my Zhevra...) but I logged into my old human mage just to ride her horse with the purple eyes the other night. Loved that mount for some reason.
Bisnic said:You can get http://www.wowhead.com/item=47180, which is pretty much a paladin mount for horde and alliance, argent style.
Angry Grimace said:It's kind of funny to see someone actually wanting a horse. Like 50% of the alliance mounts are horses, or horses with wings. The only really cool one is the Headless Horseman's mount. That one is just badass. I've got it on one toon out of 10.
It's too large.Azwethinkweiz said:You don't like the mount Arthas drops?
why the hell did we not get this. blizzard get on it.HarryDemeanor said:I agree. It's way better than the standard horses they're putting in 4.3.
devildog820 said:So some WoW nerd has already come out with a web site where you can mix and match gear from all the tiers and see what it looks like, right? And tells you the drop location? Right?!
Angry Grimace said:So I got 150 marks for both Firelands factions, and the reward is...nothing?
FU Blizzard
(I knew it was coming, but it's still serious bullshit that you get a frontloaded reward with the first vendor, and then you get absolutely nothing for several weeks.)
Not a stretch at all. First off, you have to get the 150 without the benefit of the faction specific quests so you only get 14 marks a day for the first one. Then you have 25 a day to get the next 150, and then you need another 375 of them @ 25/day.Bisnic said:Wowhead has something like that yeah.
"Several weeks" is a bit much, you can get more marks everyday after a while, and you only need 125 to unlock a new vendor and there is 3 of them. And with around 25 marks a day, it takes 5 days to complete one 125 marks quest.
I'd say it takes 1 month to unlock everything from the first time you start these dailies until you reach the last vendor and the fire hippogryph.
Angry Grimace said:Not a stretch at all. First off, you have to get the 150 without the benefit of the faction specific quests so you only get 14 marks a day for the first one. Then you have 25 a day to get the next 150, and then you need another 375 of them @ 25/day.
It takes 5 days to get 125 marks, so with three more vendors, it takes like what, 3 weeks or so to get em all. I suppose you could do it in 2, but that would mean I happened to log on and do every daily every day, which is unlikely. And you're forgetting you get acess to the
That's only true if you forget the initial grind to even have the option to use the 125 marks on a vendor, and I added in that I rarely do all 15 quests EVERY day. More like I'll get it done 5 out of 7 days, or sometimes even 4.Bisnic said:15 days is more like 2 weeks than 3 weeks.
But yeah, the most painful part is the beginning since 14 marks a day when 150 is your goal feels like its taking forever. While 25 marks a day when 125 is your goal goes rather fast.
And what did i forget? :lol
Personally I kept myself interested by trying to do all of the achievements for the dailies. It was decent fun.bigben85 said:While all these dailies are easy and can be done within an hour or so. They are a bore. I am on my second 150 marks and I am already annoyed that I have to log on to do these shitty same quests everyday. Imagine doing these for over a month..sure I don't have to do them if I don't want to, but these are "contents", right. And I am curious about the rewards.
ciaossu said:The Molten Front dailies do get a bit old after a while, but they aren't nearly as tedious as the Argent Tournament dailies.
All I have left for Flamebreaker are the various named Elemental Elites and the "do a duel" part.ciaossu said:The Molten Front dailies do get a bit old after a while, but they aren't nearly as tedious as the Argent Tournament dailies.
The phasing is neat too.
Personally I kept myself interested by trying to do all of the achievements for the dailies. It was decent fun.
Angry Grimace said:All I have left for Flamebreaker are the various named Elemental Elites and the "do a duel" part.
I may never get it since my mage can't solo the elites at all and due to Kelbnar spawning in the path of where every single person does the daily meaning you can virtually never successfully tag him.
PhoenixDark said:The jousting was fun imo. Nice quick quests. I got my 125 marks for the molten front, then got...no reward. Just unlocked more quests. I stopped playing for a month after that shit.
TheYanger said:Any 125 mark unlock gets you rewards in the form of a vendor. All 3 of them, with seperate vendors. You did NOT just get 'more dailies'
PhoenixDark said:Where's the vendor?
If I specced Frost for it, I probably could do better, but I couldn't burn through Searris fast enough to get him down even with a tanking npc + Chromie giving me heroism every minute.TheYanger said:Go with your daily active so the druids will help, any class can solo the elites with them. Also, the way those mobs spawn makes it incredibly easy to camp (one after the other with a 2 hour respawn on the whole thing). Tagging the dog is easy, he's not really right in the middle there, and people that aren't ready for him and just tag willy nilly tend to die, he's the hardest one.
Angry Grimace said:If I specced Frost for it, I probably could do better, but I couldn't burn through Searris fast enough to get him down even with a tanking npc + Chromie giving me heroism every minute.
The problem with the dog is that people will tag him and then others will help them down him because they don't realize you only get credit if you tag.
It isn't even labeled as a group quest. There's no real reason why it shouldn't operate on the same tagging system as you know, every other quest in that area.Bisnic said:Yeah i wish Blizzard would change how those elites tagging works, its in pain in a game such as wow where everyone do quests alone. I had to get a small group of guildies to do it.
Because the problem on populated servers is that Sethria's Roost has 10+ players in it at any given time and pretty much all of them will immediately tag the elites when they pop.TheYanger said:Well I mean, it's an achievement, not a quest. It's entirely possible to solo (You can't tell me the tag is hard to get when you're CAMPING it, cause it's not), and if you can't solo it ti doesn't seem unreasonable to ask for a little help. There's no tangible reward for doing it, why should it be dirt easy?
Angry Grimace said:Because the problem on populated servers is that Sethria's Roost has 10+ players in it at any given time and pretty much all of them will immediately tag the elites when they pop.
Patch 4.3
If you add up all of the Deathwing encounter stages, it will be the longest fight in the game.
Each stage of the fight will take place in a different location and offer some loot.
The encounter starts at Wyrmrest Temple, progressing toward the players being on Deathwing's back while he is flying toward The Maelstrom.
The new five man encounters will build up to the Deathwing fight, similar to how the Icecrown five man instances built up to the Lich King.
To combat the complaints of armor always looking the same, there is a sub-lead who is in charge of guiding the art team to produce new styles not found in the game yet.
After Cataclysm
More armor customization could be coming in the future; Transmogrification was a solution that could be finished in time for Patch 4.3.
After Patch 4.3, and the world event, the team is going to focus on keeping players entertained and enjoying the game.
There are more people that played World of Warcraft, but no longer play World of Warcraft, than the number of people that currently play World of Warcraft. They want to lower the barrier to entry and find some way to bring back players that no longer play.
On Mists of Pandaria: "Most of the time when we do anything panda-related it's going to be a comic book or a figurine or something like that."
They realize some people quit because they made the content more accessible to everyone and it no longer felt elite.
Raids are significantly harder than they were in WotLK, but the rewards are not much better than heroic five man rewards. This causes a lack of motivation to raid.
They believe that each spec plays like a separate class, making the game feel as if there are 30 classes.
Player created content is still in the back of their minds because of how well it worked in Starcraft II. Developing tools for players would take a lot of work, but the reward would be great as well.
Angry Grimace said:It's kind of funny to see someone actually wanting a horse. Like 50% of the alliance mounts are horses, or horses with wings. The only really cool one is the Headless Horseman's mount. That one is just badass. I've got it on one toon out of 10.
If you add up all of the Deathwing encounter stages, it will be the longest fight in the game.
Each stage of the fight will take place in a different location and offer some loot.
Mairu said:They want to lower the barrier to entry and find some way to bring back players that no longer play.
followed by
They realize some people quit because they made the content more accessible to everyone and it no longer felt elite.
What???????? :|