Your DPS is slacking, incredibly. They either need more gear, or need to get schooled on the Mists changes to rotations/priorities.
One thing I must flag up is that it's worth finding out how he got his numbers - do bear in mind that the Gara'jal fight means that for periods of time you won't be getting any damage data from certain people.
I think our DPS are in similar boats. We really ought to be in the 60k ballpark, I think.
Cool.The Valor Point rewards from random Dungeons, Challenge Mode Dungeons and Scenarios have increased.
About time.Players can now properly complete "Old Man Thistle's Treasure"
I'm mostly basing it on our performance from Feng. I know the numbers don't add up with the different phases involved.
But yeah, we've got one excellent DPS consistently breaking 60k, and when I DPS, I'm pulling a solid performance around 56-58k. After that, it drops into a range of high 40 to mid 30.
I'm mostly basing it on our performance from Feng. I know the numbers don't add up with the different phases involved.
But yeah, we've got one excellent DPS consistently breaking 60k, and when I DPS, I'm pulling a solid performance around 56-58k. After that, it drops into a range of high 40 to mid 30.
We barely beat the enrage timer on the dogs, apparently.
Have cut gem prices crashed on everyone else's servers? I move a handful a day for 8g-40g each on Zul'jin. Even uncut rare gems don't sell for much.
At this point I may just stop trying to sell them until we're deeper into t14 and there are more sockets to fill. Still bringing in decent money on trillium bars and golden lotus.
I am seeing cooking may prices going up. Plenty of folks offering 200g-300g for materials purchased with ironpaw tokens. Guessing that once everyone got to exalted with Tillers that they turned their farms into songbell factories, limiting the other mats.
I had completely forgot about the black market, where is that exactly?
What's the enrage timer up to these days?We pretty much hit it dead-on in our first week kill (I was definitely undergeared then, can't really speak for others). Since then, though, it's been extended (DBM hadn't been updated to account for the extra few minutes last I heard), and we've been tending to do the dogs as a 25 thanks to our Wednesday attendance. Our 25 performance goes a little past what the enrage timer *was*.
I think I'm reaching 50k+. I don't have any addons yet though, but I'm like ilvl 470.
Is there any reference for how much you should be doing based on ilvl and class/spec? I'm feeling really damn low... maybe 25k average for 451 BM. I'm gonna go back thru and take a couple of Mr. Robot suggestions but I'd like to know if I'm... performing.
Mind you, I still have a few greens on me that I'm not gonna blow enchants on (or a belt buckle on a 429) but yeah.
Is there any reference for how much you should be doing based on ilvl and class/spec? I'm feeling really damn low... maybe 25k average for 451 BM. I'm gonna go back thru and take a couple of Mr. Robot suggestions but I'd like to know if I'm... performing.
Mind you, I still have a few greens on me that I'm not gonna blow enchants on (or a belt buckle on a 429) but yeah.
Is there any reference for how much you should be doing based on ilvl and class/spec? I'm feeling really damn low... maybe 25k average for 451 BM. I'm gonna go back thru and take a couple of Mr. Robot suggestions but I'd like to know if I'm... performing.
Mind you, I still have a few greens on me that I'm not gonna blow enchants on (or a belt buckle on a 429) but yeah.
Sra'vess Island is now a more pleasant questing destination. The roads are less crowded, and all players battling elite Mantid will now be awarded credit for the kill.
On that note, anyone have useful tips re: Boomkin, Shadow Priest, Retribution and Enhance?
25k? That seems awfully low for BM even with that gear.
In my current gear, I seem to be doing in the neighborhood of around ~43k. My initial burst is pretty damn high, but it drops from there. Granted, that number's come from the Headless Horseman fights.
I can't say anything for hunters specifically, but askmrrobot's default values for a bunch of specs are... off. The optimizer still works well if you use stat weights you get from running a sim with your current gear, and make sure to get a second opinion as well, from something like wowreforge (again with your own stat weights).
About time.
And yet every single person on GAF told me that VP gains were totally fine and not at all slow
And yet every single person on GAF told me that VP gains were totally fine and not at all slow
The gains was mostly fine, it's the cap![]()
Not that particularly, but I do experience some brief slowdowns when executing and terminating WoW.exe. I suggest you do the following to find out more info.I clicked Exit Game and everything just froze. I tabbed out and tried to End Task on WoW but there was a ~60 second stall. Finally it terminates but everything is super slow. Can't open task manager, can't click anything (infinite hourglass). Finally several task managers opened. Still cant reboot so I force shutdown. I had to go back to work from my lunch break at home so I haven't tried booting it again but I'm afraid something is majorly wrong.
Anybody have this happen to them?
Rösti;43638436 said:Not that particularly, but I do experience some brief slowdowns when executing and terminating WoW.exe. I suggest you do the following to find out more info.
1. Check BIOS so that everything there is fine (processor mode etc.)
2. If everything is fine, reboot in Safe Mode or Last Known Good Configuration. I usually choose Safe Mode as it gives a bit more overview of the system.
3. Go to Event Viewer in Control Panel and see if anything strange is in the logs
4. If you don't find anything strange there, run WoW.exe and taskmgr.exe simultaneously and see if any extraordinary processes pop up during session and at time and after execution.
The gains was mostly fine, it's the cap![]()
I still don't understand why the rep gear wasn't gold purchased like always with a separate valor vendor. Seems like a totally unnecessary change IMO. Double gating gear is... odd.
If they didn't have a valor cap, wouldn't all the gear be a lower iLevel? Granted, I wouldn't mind, but does that mean all the stuff would be like iL476?
Blue Post said:To help raiders prepare their schedules for next week, we wanted to give everyone a brief heads-up that the Normal mode Heart of Fear will be debuting alone on Tuesday, and the Normal mode Terrace of Endless Spring will now open two weeks following the release of Normal Heart of Fear.
To help players focus on tackling these new encounters without feeling overwhelmed, we’ve decided to stagger the release of the two remaining raid zones. Heart of Fear should prove to be a challenging zone that will take the typical group some time to master, and players must defeat the Grand Empress Shek’zeer at the end of Heart of Fear before they may move on to Terrace of Endless Spring once that zone unlocks.
The unlock schedule for Looking For Raid modes for Heart of Fear and Terrace of Endless Spring is unaffected by this change. Heroic Heart of Fear will still be accessible to players who have cleared the zone on Normal difficulty.
We'll be posting an updated schedule when Heart of Fear goes live next week like we did for Mogu'shan Vaults. It should be two weeks between Heart of Fear and Normal Terrace opening.
What's the enrage timer up to these days?
That's the whole point. It's there to fill in the gaps not gear you up.You can only hold 3k at a time anyways. So you could buy an expensive piece that is almost 3k and have to go farm more valor to get anything else.
As it stands you can only get 1k per week to a max of 3k total. So basically it'll take 3 weeks for one piece of gear. On top of having to get revered or higher on a faction.
So I am installing the Pandaria trial (already had cata) and I am looking at the skill trees in Pandaria and they are pretty much non-existent! I mean before we got a point every level to spend, then it was changed to get a point every 2 or 3 levels to spend. Now you choose a specialization at 10 and that is pretty much it... I am not sure why Blizzard keeps doing this (with Diablo 3 aswell)
Anyways I just wanted to rant about that, I will probably still get hooked and pay againI love blizzard, wow, diablo ect, I just wish they would stop simplifying everything.
The new system is actually really good. I was skeptical at first too, but I think it works a lot better than D3's talent system.
it really isn't simplifyingAnyways I just wanted to rant about that, I will probably still get hooked and pay againI love blizzard, wow, diablo ect, I just wish they would stop simplifying everything.
I really don't get blizz. China and Korea get 2 lockouts meanwhile we're gonna delay releasing raid content since it'll be too hard for you guys to do everything.... OK.
I really don't get blizz. China and Korea get 2 lockouts meanwhile we're gonna delay releasing raid content since it'll be too hard for you guys to do everything.... OK.
Raiding with Leashes now rewards Mr. Bigglesworth.
Master Angler of Azeroth now is awarded to anyone who wins first, second, or third place.
Death Strike now only heals based on the damage you have sustained from non-player sources.
Mass Dispel now dispels one effect, rather than all of them.
-Blind now has a 1.5 min cooldown, up from 1.
-Sprint now has a 60 sec cooldown, up from 45.
Potion of Luck now requires 1 Golden Lotus, down from 3. Now lasts 20 minutes, down from 60.
Ella's Critter Snack Offer a delicious snack to a pest, hopefully making it go away. Can only be used in Sunsong Ranch.