Meh, Blink 182 will close the con. Don't think I've even heard of their music before. Punk? Yeah, probably not for me.
Are you under 15 or something
Pop punk really. Not a fan personally, but they used to hugely popular.Meh, Blink 182 will close the con. Don't think I've even heard of their music before. Punk? Yeah, probably not for me.
No? I listen to techno/dance and video game music mostly. I don't even listen to the radio. Why not have deadmau5 or something?
If we aren't getting new races, a new class is almost assured. Those are the big selling points of a new expansion.
Ah, that's too bad about the dual wielding. Never liked how platewearers looked with two swords. and I always liked the aesthetic of the DKs with the big ass axes.
Blood DKs are practically faceroll characters until the very top end.
omg i love dead maw 5
Pop punk really. Not a fan personally, but they used to hugely popular.
The Dark Below is not even a thing lol.
What's this Grom business? The expansion is the Dark Below and will concern Azshara and the last of the old gods right? Taking the fight to the Burning Legion on Argus with the demon hunter class won't be for another expansion.
Not to mention Wrathion has been teasing us about the return of the Burning Legion during the whole expansion. If the next expansion isn't even about them, i don't know what was the point of all that.
This is pretty cool.
When you start the game it says Blizzard Classic Arcade, which makes me think the rest of their games will be making an appearance, can't wait for Lost Vikings. Someone should make a thread.
There's still plenty of "places" to explore, even before they dip into making new places in the Nether. South Seas and Emerald Dream for example.
I'd be happy if Orcs and Humans and Warcraft II became available again.
Hell, South Seas are home to the Tomb of Sargeras. Just saying.
Agreed. I'd spend a shitton for a GOG style treatment of all their older games. I want to play the original Diablo on my modern machine damn-it.
I would assume the South Seas and the Tomb would be involved in an Azshara related expansion given her relation to Sargeras.
Oh my god, the Pandaren starting area is so much better than every other starting area.
Oh my god, the Pandaren starting area is so much better than every other starting area.
too bad there are no mailboxes(I think)
Correct. Would really mess with things since it would mean the ability send stuff cross-faction.
Just means no heirlooms.
I might be trying wow again since my friends are getting back into it. I used to play vanilla WoW back in the day (made it to lvl 40 as a night elf Druid before I quit). I know a lot has changed. Which classes are considered the best nowadays? I'm somewhat feeling a tank like character.
I just want heirlooms, only reason I don't wanna level a panda again
Finally killed him!!!! Fuck yes.
Your posts honestly helped me out big time, since I finally realized phase one was my problem. I stopped trying to be cute with the angels, waiting for a perfect path to Ahoo'ru and whatnot. I just blew the Angels up ASAP as I spawned each one and got to phase 2 with about 68 seconds left. I had gotten hit by three of the floating orbs, but my pet tanks him in phase 2 so it wasn't that much of a problem. Beat the timer with like 10 seconds left.
I also got a bit lucky with procs. Two legendary cloak procs and my Haromm's Talisman all went off in the last 30 seconds so I was hitting him pretty hard.
Blizzard has been bleeding subs for awhile now. What's the one class from Warcraft 3 that will make people go nuts like DKs did in wrath? Demon Hunter. $$$$$$$$. One caster, one melee, one ranged spec, ez.
Not to mention Illidan confirmed to return in the future and people begging for this class since Vanilla. Lines up with the burning legion themed rumor as well.
I think Shadow Hunter's more likely than Demon Hunter, honestly
Ranged. Last two heros were melee
Vol'Jin is warchief and also a shadow hunter
Another class to roll on bows instead of yet ANOTHER sword using class
Because I want it.
I think Shadow Hunter's more likely than Demon Hunter, honestly
•Ranged. Last two heros were melee
•Vol'Jin is warchief and also a shadow hunter
•Another class to roll on bows instead of yet ANOTHER sword using class
•Because I want it.
And most importantly, it would give them an excuse to make hunters happy as well because they'd use this as a reason to finally let you equip bows on display instead of your never used melee weapon
I might be trying wow again since my friends are getting back into it. I used to play vanilla WoW back in the day (made it to lvl 40 as a night elf Druid before I quit). I know a lot has changed. Which classes are considered the best nowadays? I'm somewhat feeling a tank like character.
Haha yeah I remember that. Hitting 10 and learning tame beast was serious business. My hunters were always orc/troll so that meant immediately running west of razor hill to snag a raptor.